Chapter 40 (1/2)
Emotions are a curious thing. They can fluctuate so wildly, so instantaneously, triggered by the simplest of acts. Joy can turn to sadness with a single phone call. Love can turn to hate through a single betrayal. And anger can turn to confusion by introducing a blonde viking named Gregoir.
This, for Dan, was much a case of the latter.
Gregoir stood like he'd just walked out of a comic book, arms fisted at his waist in a classic hero pose. His gaze lingered on Axe as the well-groomed student attempted to regain his feet before his classmates.
The crowd had, practically as one, leapt away at Gregoir's sudden appearance. Unfortunately, a group of two dozen tightly-packed students was not a recipe for coordination. They were scattered about the floor, looking far less elegant now that their finely tailored suits were rumpled and dirty. Grimaces adorned most of their faces, whether from being so disheveled or from the indignity of looking like idiots in front of an authority figure, Dan couldn't begin to guess. Either way, he was struggling not to laugh.
Axe staggered upright, smoothing out the wrinkles in his clothing before extending a hand towards his downed lady friend. The girl, Freya, if Dan remembered correctly, took it with a grateful smile and pulled herself to her feet. The couple turned towards Gregoir and leveled a pair of stares that could scorch steel.
”Good afternoon, officer,” Axe acknowledged with a stiff dip of his head. Axe spoke evenly, but there was a incredulous undercurrent carefully buried within his tone. It seemed that, despite the senior's pride in law enforcement, he couldn't quite overlook the absurdity that was Gregoir Pierre-Louis. For the first time, Dan felt like there might be something agreeable about the young man.
After a long moment of contemplation, Axe added, ”I didn't see you there.”
”Because you were hiding beneath the floor,” went unsaid by all present.
”That's because I was hiding beneath the floor!” All except Gregoir. His shameless exclamation elicited a violent twitch from the students listening to him.
Dan, being somewhat used to this by now, kept his composure. Rather than waste time feeling confused, he asked the important question: ”Why?”
”It's important for recruits to maintain discipline at all times. Even, or rather especially, when faced with those who might offend them.” Hearing a somewhat rational explanation coming from Gregoir's mouth knocked the whole room off-balance.
”Wait a second,” Dan interjected, mind whirling. ”Did you drag me here just to antagonize your trainees?” Because that would explain a lot.
Unfortunately, Gregoir looked almost offended at Dan's accusation.
”Of course not! I would never issue false praise! This was simply the best way to get you the tour that you requested. We usually have a trained officer waiting, in disguise, to harass prospective recruits, however, both Sergeant Ito and I were confident in your ability to play the part!” the bearded blonde proclaimed, beaming with pride.
He turned to Axe, his smile dimming slightly. ”Mr. Graham. Your uncle boasts about you often. I had hoped you would live up to his words.”
Something between pride and shame spasmed across the young man's face. He started to nod, but aborted the motion halfway to bow contritely. The girl at his side looked furious on his behalf, but mercifully remained silent.
”I have shamed myself,” Axe Graham acknowledged with begrudging sincerity.
Gregoir closed the distance in a single stride, placing his massive hand on the younger man's shoulder.
”Not quite so bad as that,” he rumbled as softly as he was capable of being. ”Your words were crass and unprovoked, but the passion behind them was true. We do not doubt your conviction.”
”His lack of respect greatly offends me,” Graham stated without remorse, giving Dan the evilest of eyes.
But moments later, the student looked away.
”Even so, I should not have let his presence affect my composure,” he admitted sourly.
Gregoir clapped him heartily on the shoulder, sending the boy to his knees with a pained grunt. The giant ignored this, in favor of enthusiastically preaching to the rest of the tour group.
”In the future, you will encounter many who will try to provoke you. There is no criminal alive who is a fan of law enforcement. They will disrespect you, spit upon you, hate you for what you represent. You must not give in.”
Gregoir began to pace in front of the crowd as Dan watched on in bemusement. His voice rang strong and passionate; the man was clearly in his element.
”In time you will all learn, you will grow as people and, should you continue on this path, as officers. Experience is the best teacher available to us. And so—!” Gregoir clapped his hands together. ”Experience is what you shall get!”
A door opened somewhere just beyond the entrance hall, and uniformed officers streamed into the room. The troop of students quickly scrambled into a loose formation, straightening ties and smoothing jackets. The two groups faced each other, with a single officer positioning himself in front of every pair of students. The placement was met with nervous smiles from the seniors.
Gregoir clapped once more, drawing attention to himself. He cleared his throat and announced, ”The final part of your tour is a ride along”—Dan groaned inaudibly—”with the officer you see in front of you. We will guide you through what you might expect on an average, if calm, day. You will face no danger for the moment, as your patrols will take you far from the most dangerous parts of our fine city, but you will interact more with the citizens and communities that you wish to protect.”
Smiles greeted this news, alongside a renewed wave of muttering. The mood was hopeful this time, proud and filled with anticipation. Even Graham seemed to perk up slightly, only for his shoulders to sag when he glanced towards his girlfriend.
Freya had been forcefully shuffled to the side, paired off with another face in the crowd. Graham stood alone, at the head of the group, right in front of Gregoir. A keen observer could mark the exact moment that these facts registered to the young man, as he instantly lost most of the color in his face.
And then Gregoir turned towards Dan.
”No,” Dan said instantly.
”This is a perfect opportunity to settle your differences! To become comrades!” Gregoir appealed, waving his massive hand between Daniel and Axe Graham.
”Not interested,” Dan repeated.