Book 2: Chapter 119 (1/2)

“Hey,” Grimmy said, nudging Leila’s neck with his paw. “Looks like your mother got corrupted. Do you think her personality will improve? I’m thinking we should keep her this way.”

Leila rolled her eyes while Leo and Luke nodded their heads in agreement. Lulu glanced at her brothers, causing them to stiffen. Leila sighed. “My mom’s a teensy bit overbearing, stubborn, rash, fanatical, and self-righteous, but that’s what makes her my mom.”

“So we can’t keep her like this?” Luke asked. “I bet she wouldn’t nag me about sneaking out of the roost in her current state.”

Kondra, who was possessed by Breeze, coughed. “My host would like to inform you that she can still hear everything you’re saying and that all of you are going to be grounded as soon as I’m expelled,” Breeze said in Kondra’s voice. “But you don’t have to worry about that happening because I don’t plan on giving up my newfound body. Any last words, host?”

Kondra nodded in reply to her own question. Her head swiveled and landed on Vur. “Having defeated her and being the main cause of her downfall, the dragon matriarch wishes for you to free her from this curse of corruption. Completion of the quest will result in an increase in reputation with the holy dragons and one favor from the matriarch herself. As this is the main storyline quest, it may not be rejected. Lulu, show this righteous, pure-hearted dragon the reward tablet for prizes related to reputation amongst the holy dragons.”

Kondra scratched her head. “Those were some of the weirdest last words I’ve ever heard, and I’ve heard a lot,” Kondra said. “Well, there you go. I apologize for interrupting whatever meeting you dragons were having. I’ll be off now if you don’t mind.”

“Vur,” Lulu said, sticking her head next to Vur’s side. “I don’t have the tablet, but I guarantee you’ll have enough reputation for my mom to offer me to you as a mate. That’s a really good prize, right?” She nudged his side with her cheek. “Go on, what are you waiting for? Shoot her with that purifying light you just learned.”

“Get away from my husband, you giant lizard!” Tafel shouted. She ran up to Vur and hugged him from behind. She glared at Lulu. “You said you gave up!”

Lulu shrugged. “I gave up fighting you,” she said. A grin appeared on her face. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t convince him to leave you. Who did Vur rely on during that last fight? Hmm? Hmmm? Oh, that’s right. It was me.”

Tafel ground her teeth together. “You, you…”

“Uh, guys,” Kondra said. “I’m really going to be leaving now. Is that okay?”

Leila placed her paw on Lulu’s head. “Did you fall for my nephew?”

“Your nephew!?” Lulu asked, sitting up straight. Her eyes widened at her sister. “That means he’s my nephew too! But we’re not related by blood, right? Right?”

“Well, no,” Leila said, “but—”

“Then that’s alright,” Lulu said and exhaled while patting her chest. “You scared me for a second.”

Leila raised one eyebrow and bit her lower lip. “You really fell for him?”

“What’s wrong with falling for me?” Vur asked, placing his hands on his hips. He snorted. “I’m handsome and cool. It’d be weirder if she didn’t.”

“Vur!” Tafel said, pinching his waist. Her face was bright red, and she was glaring at him like an angry lioness.