Book 2: Chapter 67 (1/2)
Lulu reached forward and poked Lindyss’ stomach, causing the cursed elf to fall over with Vur. “So? He was pretty big; how’d you not notice him?”
Lindyss sighed as she dropped Vur onto the ground and raised her head. “It was him, alright?” she asked while pointing at Vur. “He’s the handsome dragon you’re looking for.”
Lulu tilted her head to the side and blinked. She nudged Vur with her claw a few times, causing his body to rise and fall. Without a word, she straightened her head and turned her gaze onto Lindyss. Her reptilian eyes blinked. Silence filled the space between her and the cursed elf. Seconds passed. Lulu blinked again. She used her claw to nudge Vur like he was a dead fish while maintaining eye contact with Lindyss, but the elf kept her mouth shut.
E and Stella exchanged glances with each other. “Do you know who she is?” E asked Stella while gesturing towards Lindyss with his chin.
Stella’s face scrunched up until her eyes were crossed. She ground her teeth together before shaking her head, causing her hair to whip E’s face. “I don’t! I know her, but I don’t!” Stella said as she squatted on E’s shoulder and clutched her head, tugging on her hair. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she looked at E with wet eyes. “Why can’t I remember?” She bit her lower lip and hung her head. “My chest, it hurts….”
Before E could respond, the fairy sobbed and disintegrated headfirst like a pile of sand blown away by the wind. Her body turned into motes of purple light, which flowed into Vur, causing the tattoo on his chest to flash. Lulu flinched at the sudden disturbance and lowered her head, bringing her snout closer to Vur. She sniffed him twice before furrowing her brow. Her head tilted to the right and then to the left before she sniffed him again. This time, her eyes widened as she reared her head back and said, “He smells like a dragon!”
Lindyss nodded.
“Was it really him?” Lulu asked. “Really? Really?” She whipped her head towards E. “You saw the dragon, right? Was it him?”
“Yeah,” E said and scratched his head. He pointed at Erin. “She polymorphed him, and then he polymorphed himself…?”
“Huh?” Lulu asked and stared at Erin. “You polymorphed a dragon into a human? Didn’t you learn your lesson last time when you turned Leo into a goat?”
“No,” Erin said and shook her head. “You misunderstood. I polymorphed him into a squirrel, and then he polymorphed himself into a dragon.”
Lulu blinked at Erin. “But he’s a human now,” she said and pointed at Vur’s unconscious body.
“That’s right,” Erin said. “When the caster runs out of mana, the polymorph is undone. I thought you knew that.”
“Right, but he’s a human now,” Lulu said again. “If he was a dragon to start with, why did he become a human when he turned unconscious?”
“But he wasn’t a dragon to start with?” Erin asked and furrowed her brow. “Are you that dense from staying home and never exploring the world? This is why you should go outside more often, to understand what people are saying when they’re talking to you.”
“No, I’m not dense, and it’s not because of my lifestyle!” Lulu wrinkled her nose and tilted her head towards the sky to look down on Erin. “Look, he smells like a dragon. You know what they say: if it has the aura of a dragon, smells like a dragon, and sleeps like a dragon, then it’s a dragon.”
“Are you blind, lady?” Erin asked and placed her hands on her hips. “Look at him. He’s a human! If it looks like a human, snores like a human, and has the class of a human, then it’s a human!”