Book 2: Chapter 18 (1/2)

Leo sighed as he adjusted his body, shifting his weight from his side to his belly. His wings flapped twice as his silver tail swished a few times. He was waiting in a cave, resting in a patch of sunlight. Why did he have to come to these boring assemblies? Why couldn’t Lulu or Luke take over instead? It always took the members a forever and a day to assemble, but he had to be on time because that’s what respectful dragons did. Maybe he should’ve ran away from home like Leila…

“Leoniden!” a voice called out. “The members have assembled and await your presence.”

Finally. Leo clambered to his feet and shook the dust off his body. He raised his head and puffed his chest out as he lumbered out of the cave towards the open glade where the assembly took place. He nodded at the members already assembled. The two humans kneeled, while the three elves nodded back. The group of dwarves acted as if they hadn’t seen him, causing his expression to darken. Meanwhile, the five silver-haired fairies were chattering and eating fruit from a golden plate that had been prepared for them. He released the breath he was holding when he didn’t see a certain someone.

“Is this everyone?” one of the dwarves asked. His face was gray, but he had a nose as red as a cherry. A crown rested on top of his head.

“Not yet, Plumby,” one of the fairies said, giggling at the dwarf. “Erin’s not here.”

The dwarf called Plumby scowled. “I told you not to call me that.”

The fairy giggled. “No, you told Erin not to call you that. You didn’t tell me.” She smiled as she bit into her strawberry and sucked out its juices.

Leo sighed. Why was he even at this farce? “Shall we get started?” he asked. “The present fairies can vote in Erin’s stead. Let’s finish this before she arrives, please.”

“No, no, no,” the fairies said at the same time. “Erin’s very … Erinny. You know how she is. If we vote for her, she’ll never leave us alone until the next assembly.”

Leo’s expression darkened. He glanced at the two human representatives. They smiled back at him and lowered their heads. He sighed and collapsed onto his belly, resting his head on his paws. His gaze fell onto the dwarves. Usually, there were thirteen of them, but only four were present today. But, of course, their votes would still be worth more than everyone else’s combined.

“I’m here!” a voice thundered from above. “You better not have started without me!” A tiny fairy flew down from the sky.

“About time,” Plumby said and stroked his beard. “Let’s—”

“First order of business!” the new arrival said, interrupting the dwarf. “Which one of your subordinates broke my fairy spring!?” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at the surrounding members. She was easily the shortest member there, but no one dared look her in the eyes. Erin Koller, the third fairy queen. There was a reason why everyone feared her. “Leo!”

Leo flinched and shrank backwards. “Y-yes?”

She was the first fairy to ever transform a dragon into a goat; although, the dragon was only a baby at the time. “Was it you!? Do I have to polymorph you again to teach you a lesson?” Erin asked, narrowing her eyes.

“No!” Leo said, shaking his head back and forth. “You know I never leave my cave except for this.”

Erin’s gaze lingered on the holy dragon before she snorted. “Who was it?” she asked again, flitting to the center of the assembly space. “No one’s going anywhere until I find out!”

“Don’t be unreasonable, fairy,” Plumby said as he drew his rifle which was slung across his back.