Chapter 58 (1/2)

Wind blew Lindyss’ hair to the side as Grimmy landed next to her. Lindyss sat next to Vur in an open meadow surrounded by trees made of crystal. “How is he?” Grimmy asked as he lowered a basket of blue crystals next to Vur’s body. Vur had grown considerable taller and his hair reached down passed his waist.

“I sent back the last portion of aura nearly a year ago,” Lindyss said as she took crystals out of the basket and rearranged them around Vur. “He should be waking up soon.” She reached for another crystal.

A skeletal hand popped out of the basket, followed by a skull. The skeleton stood up and grinned as crystals rolled off its body. It saluted Lindyss before handing her a scroll. Lindyss sighed as she unrolled the scroll and read through its contents. Her eyebrows furrowed and the scroll burst into flames as she tossed it over her shoulder.

Grimmy studied Lindyss’ expression and asked, “Anything wrong?”

Lindyss shook her head. “People are disappearing a lot more frequently. The humans and demons are formally requesting our presence to guard their villages and cities. A whole village disappeared overnight,” Lindyss said and sighed. “That crazy fairy, I wish she would just show herself. She kidnapped nearly five thousand people over the past ten years.”

Grimmy nodded. “What do you think she’s doing?”

Lindyss shrugged. “I know she absorbs all the mana in an area and then moves on. My skeletons found multiple areas with traces of fairies having been there, but everything is dead or dying,” Lindyss said and frowned. “I hope Vur would wake up sooner so I can go out there myself.”

Grimmy arched his back and stuck out his front claws. He yawned and lowered himself onto the floor. “You’re finally healed?” he asked.

Lindyss smiled and nodded. “It only took what? Eight centuries?” Lindyss asked as she splayed her fingers in front of her.

The ground rumbled as Grimmy chuckled. “Give or take a hundred years,” he said. ”Was it worth it? Do you ever regret it?”

“I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve regretted listening to you,” she said as she stuck out her tongue at him. She lowered her head. “But I think it was worth it.” She raised her head and stared Grimmy in the eyes. “Don’t think I’m letting you stick another soul inside me ever again, though. Seven times was enough.”

Grimmy’s teeth shone in the sun as he smiled. “You sure? I’ve acquired a lot more in the two hundred years you spent at the fountain.”


“But look,” Grimmy said as he stuck out his front claw. A white fireball sprung into existence and hovered in the air. A golden halo revolved inside of the fire. “It belonged to one of those blessed heroes of light that the humans are so proud of.”

Lindyss sucked in her breath. “Where did you get that?”

Grimmy laughed and the flame disappeared. “Get what?” he asked with twinkling eyes. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

Lindyss snorted and turned back to watch Vur. A few moments passed as Grimmy hummed behind her. “Maybe just one more,” Lindyss mumbled.

Grimmy’s smile widened as he cupped his claw next to his face. “What was that?” Grimmy asked. “I couldn’t hear you over a fickle person talking.”