C170 (1/2)
Yan Liben said: ”Xue Jun Gong was granted the title yesterday. Although he received the canonization document, his formal dress and official robe were not accepted, and the guard of honor and guards were not returned to his position. After the banquet yesterday, the king of Qin admonished the sage that Xue Jun Gong had grown up in a foreign country since he was young. He wanted to come here with different clothes, food, housing and transportation. The sage has given the land and house to make his home comfortable. How to arrange the residence? Ask Xue Jun Gong for his opinion. If the layout of the house is similar to that of Xue Jun Gong, he would feel like returning home. Therefore, the sage ordered me to accompany Xue Jun Gong to the imperial residence to see if there was any need for improvement. Although Xue Jun Gong said clearly, I would try my best to do it. ”
When Xue Lang heard this, he was very moved. He bowed his hands in the direction of the inner palace in good faith, and said gratefully, ”thank you for the care of the sage and the consideration of the king of Qin. The sage treats his ministers like this. I don't know how to repay him! Master Yan, please take me to the mansion. ”
”Lord Xue, please.”
They left the palace together. Xue Lang asked Chang Jian to go to Nanke restaurant and called Jiang Lin to them. They went to the mansion given to Xue Lang by the sage of xingdaofang.
Xingdaofang is at the end of Zhuque street, near the gate of Zhuque and close to the inner city. The location is very good. The people living nearby are either relatives of the emperor or the ministers of the court. If Xue Lang was not granted by the emperor, he would not have expected to live here. Across a Zhuque street, opposite Guanglu Fang, the palace of Pingyang princess in Beijing is there, very close.
On the gate of the mansion, a plaque with the words of Xue Fu had been hung on it. When they entered, Yan Liben took out a drawing from his entourage, which was a panoramic plan of the mansion.
Yan Liben pointed to the drawings and explained to Xue Lang where the house was and what it was used for.
in ancient times, the construction of houses was strictly regulated. The style of the roof, the width of the gate, the materials and patterns that can be used are different. Different levels, different identities and different regulations.
The best natural is the Imperial Palace, followed by the palace, and then the residence of the Duke and marquis. The Tang Dynasty mostly followed the ancient rites. According to the rites of the Zhou Dynasty, the residence of the officials was called Fu. Ordinary people, even the rich businessmen, can't hang the official characters on the door plaque.
When building a house, it is against the law to use patterns, patterns, materials, or even the number of steps is wrong, which is called overstepping. When the emperor doesn't want to be cleared up, it's OK. When the emperor is in liquidation, it's one of the criminal evidences against the official. Xue Lang's residence was granted by the emperor, not built by himself. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the excess.
There are two places for Xue Lang to modify. One is to build a flat arena for playing games with Baozi and exercising himself.
The other is the garden. For the flower garden, Xue Lang, a pragmatic school, has no idea. He directly asks people not to plant any flowers and plants, but to plant peach trees and grapes. More peach trees, less grapes.
Rockery can be retained, hope to plant some columns, do not need beautiful ornamental bamboo, ordinary bamboo on the line. Varieties are not specially required.
These requirements are quite different from those of the time. Although Yan Liben was strange, he did not talk much. Instead, he wrote down Xue Lang's requirements carefully and checked with Xue Lang before he left.
After Yan Liben left, Xue Lang and his party began to stroll around the new residence. As a county magistrate, it can be said that the courtyard is deep. The activity scope of the outer courtyard is very wide, not to mention the inner courtyard with many houses.
In addition to the living houses, pavilions and pavilions, everything is available, but the plaque is blank, waiting for the owner to name. There is also a pond in the garden which covers a wide area. According to Xue Lang's visual inspection, there are at least dozens of mu.
According to records, the residence of Li Tai, the son of Emperor Taizong, once occupied a square with a pond of 300 mu. According to Xue Lang's current level, there is a pond of dozens of acres in the mansion, which is also moderate.
At present, there is nothing in the pond. There are only some small fish. Look at Yan Liben's drawings. Because the climate is not suitable, the original plan was to plant lotus flowers. Now we can only wait for next year.
In this regard, Xue Lang means that the lotus pond can only occupy one-third of the pond, and the remaining two-thirds do not need to be planted with fish. Some willows are planted by the pond. In summer, boating in the pool and fishing on the shore are also interesting.
Xue Lang estimated that he had been in the residence for half an hour, but he had not visited the whole house. He could not help but sigh that if he had worked hard for ten years in modern times, he could not have such a large house.