Chapter 184 – Town Of The Dead (2/2)

The estate once lively and filled with vitality now looked like a large cemetery. This gave Lei Yu an inexplicable sense of depression.

As he got closer to the front door of the castle manor, the Holy Knights guarding immediately discovered Lei Yu. One of them swiftly went in to notify the Pope and the latter rushed out before Lei Yu even reached the steps. The previous calm and steady aura of the Pope no longer appeared.

“Lei Yu! You’re finally back!” After seeing Lei Yu, the Pope looked like he just saw his own parents with extreme affection. But Lei Yu merely asked a few things about the situation before hurrying around him. He was searching for the person he was most concerned about so he wasn’t in the mood to bother with any in-depth questions.

After seeing his men and Ai Er, Lei Yu finally sighed in relief. “Ai Er, I’m back!”

Although they weren’t separated for a long time, Ai Er’s eyes still turned red. She sprinted forth like an arrow and tightly hugged Lei Yu’s strong body. After stroking Ai Er’s back, Lei Yu knew that if it wasn’t for the unknown occurrence at Dr. Tony’s headquarters, he wouldn’t be able to come back here. Lei Yu’s heart was filled with many emotions as he thought about not being able to see his most beloved person ever again.

“Young master, you’re back!” Black Panther, Gray Bear, Hu Jiong and the others all stood up and bowed respectfully.

The Pope was the backbone of the Vatican but for these men, only after seeing Lei Yu present did they feel like they’ve found their pillar of strength. Since their pillar of strength was back, anything was possible now because in their eyes, Lei Yu was person who could create miracles.

After chatting a bit with his friends and fellow brothers, he finally sat down across the Pope and began discussing what had happened these past few days.

“I don’t know how and where the Dark Council received the information about you leaving the estate, but once you did, they initiated a large-scale invasion. If it weren’t for the eighteen Holy Knights I had brought with me, most likely this place would have been already compromised.” The words of the Pope still tried to show how important their Vatican was.

At this point, Lei Yu didn’t bother with the subtle hints being dropped since he didn’t want to engage in any verbal disputes. “You should remember my friend who was captured right?”

The Pope nodded so Lei Yu continued, “It wasn’t the Dark Council that did this, the culprit was Dr. Tony. I secretly followed Bianca before finding out that he was behind everything. His goal was to make the Dark Council and the Vatican exchange blows, and once both the eagle and tiger were injured, he was planning to be the hunter who became the final victor.” The Pope’s eyes revealed a look of surprise.

“This Tony person deserves to die!”

“Things are far more than that. Whether his plan of capturing my friend succeeded or not, there is one thing I realized: He was the one who revealed to the Dark Council that I had left the estate or else things would not have developed this quickly. Also after meeting Dr. Tony did I realize how fearsome he was. If he really wanted to fulfill his ambitions, even if the Vatican and the Dark Council joined forces, it would still not be able to stop him. Counting him as well, they had a total of five Ultimate Rank Mutants who were super experts no more different than you and me!”

“Wha… what? No… that’s not possible!” It was apparent that the Pope didn’t believe Lei Yu’s words. If five Ultimate Rank Mutants had appeared, would Lei Yu be sitting here safe and sound chatting with him?