Chapter 345: Together Till the End Part 1 (2/2)

Alton collapsed to the ground as the adrenaline was kicking in for Adam. His goal was mere footsteps away; everything he desired his rightfully. At this moment, Alice awoke coughing, seeing Alton dead before her. ”Huh, that's impossible.”

”I have no idea why Alton brought you here, Alice, but nonetheless, it didn't matter. You can be the first to witness history as I become the first to control all five Stages. Reaching down to Alton, his eyes widened as he leapt back as Alton's long whisper activated, confirming his worse fears. Slowly rising to his feet, Alton let out a scream of rage as the area was blown away. Adam covered his face, troubled. ”Fuck! I should have expected Alton to have stolen the Stage of Anger too! That's why he brought Alice; her hatred for Ten taking her friend is driving her to keep Alton alive! Eve!”

Before Eve could spring to action, Adam was launched back by a single heavy blow as Alton pushed his hand forward, whispering. ”Final Stance, Stage of Anger.” Punching the air, nothing for a split moment happened before the second wave hit. Everything was destroyed as buildings were leveraged. Standing in front of the gas station Alton took serval steps forward, his arms freezing as he shook them, walking towards Adam. ”Did you think I would come here without a plan, Adam Berry?! I understand your long whisper now. Death loop, am I correct? I just have to defeat you before you can use it again.”

Bargaining lay in the rubble, losing conscience whimpering. ”Damn it…. I can't fall here. Not yet. What is it with that boy and always getting in my way? You dare to come here wielding three Stages…. Well.” Opening his hand, the Stage of Depression appeared floating in his palm, captivating him. ”Two can play at that game.”

Standing beyond the rubble, Alton covered his eyes as a shockwave of light rippled into the sky. Alton knew what this meant. Adam had accepted the Stage of Depression into him. Stepping back, Adam floated out, looking worse for wear. His appearance had detreated as his left eye had collapsed sagged over. His lip was torn and bloody, and he had a dead look in his eye of emptiness. ”The Stage of Depression….”

Alton held his hand out, testing the waters, sending a barrage of ice ripping across the ground being sent at Adam. The moment it touched him, the ice melted into water in which began floating around him. Being sent at Alton, he smacked each attack out of the way, morphing the water into a spear as it was thrown back at the man. Adam caught it, freezing the weapon before shattering it. Floating higher into the air, wings began to tear from his back as he screamed in both victory and agonising pain at holding three major Stages at once. Looking to Alice, he held his hand out, stopping her from talking. ”I understand you wish to still put an end to my existence, but can we hold off on that for a short moment. Assist me in stopping Adam, and I shall give you your Alton back.”

Alice gave the nod as Alton lifted Alice to her feet. ”I don't trust you, Ten, but this is a truce nonetheless.”

Portals opened everywhere as chains emerged from them. But instead of coming from Alice, they came from Adam as Alice was wrapped up and ripped into a portal to Alton's disappointment. ”I wish not to be interrupted! This fight is between Alton and me alone!”

More chains came at Alton as he constructed an igloo to block all the attacks until they were destroyed. Leaping from his broken defence Alton landed on an ice pillar, arms crossed. ”It appears you are struggling to keep yourself together. What's wrong, don't tell me three Stages is too much for you? Aren't you meant to be taking all five?”

Adam raised his hand as a flaming ball appeared, melting away at the area around him. Using Memento's copy ability Adam was able to use as many skills as he wanted for a short period at his leisure. It wasn't as potent as Alton's inspiration, but it was enough to overpower the boy. Alton activated his Garden form, letting the blizzard run through him, knowing this was the final straw. As both went to attack, they all stopped landing behind each other startled. They weren't making things up. They were sure of it.

They could hear a long whisper.

This, to them, was impossible. Both had already used their meaning. There was a long cooldown before their bodies were able to go again. Alton turned around, finding Chloe walking down the street, scratching at her neck until it bled. The prime candidate was here. Falling to the ground, she began rolling around bleeding before her back snapped, and her eyes morphed into that of a reptile. Chloe's body began to grow and change as any sign or resemblance of her had died. In its place, a monstrous snake at least 50 feet tall stood towering over the fighters. Adam was less surprised only to see the Gardener watching. Turning to Alton, he grumbled. ”I may not like to admit this, but we're being played. I suggest a truce.”

”What makes you think I want to call a truce with you?” Alton snapped, smirking. ”Don't tell me you're afraid.”

”I don't think you understand. Anxiety is nothing to worry about. It's that!”

Alton leaned to the right, nodding. ”Oh, I see. Well, that changes things. So, what you want to team up to take down Anxiety?”

”Even if a Stage is weak, their long whisper is nothing to laugh at. Even if I could defeat her, you would just kill me on the spot. Not to mention the Gardener.”

”You're right.” Alton lied. ”Even if I took you out, the Gardener took to take advantage of my weakness and take me out. Very well, Adam. I'll join forces with you for now….”

The two nodded as Adam turned to Chloe hissing. ”I don't know what you've got planned, Garden fiends, but I won't lose now. I'll burn it all to the ground before then, so come at me!”