Chapter 327: The Girl in the Shadow Part 3 (2/2)

”I don't have to be.” Iris whimpered, dropping her head. ”I'm not a big shot hero or the number one streamer. I'm just Iris Hawthorne, and that's alright; I see that now. I don't have to be anything as long as my mum is proud of me!”

Tearing out the Stage, she held the bud in the air as Anger lost all her strength, stumbling back losing grip on Iris. Her eyes widened as the purple light faded from her and her eyes returned to their natural blue. Falling onto her about her actual form returned with her scars and bruises all over her body. Lying in the snow, Anger stared up at the sky, seeing it for the first time as a human in hundreds of years. The snow quickly covered her body as she held her hand up, devasted.  ”Not special…. Did you see me like that, Stella?”

Holding the Stage tightly, Iris stumbled back as her armour began to shatter, and all of her cubes fell into the snow. Everything became dark as she fell, only to be caught by Alice at the last second. Lying on Alice's chest, Iris looked up weak, her hand shaking reaching up. Alice took it, keeping her emotions in check for Iris' sake. ”Did I do it? Did I really do it?”

Alice nodded, holding her tighter. ”You certainly did. You saved us, Iris. You save me, Alton and Zinnia. You did it, sis….”

”I did? I am glad.” Iris smiled, staring on at the sunrise shining brightly on her. ”Would you look at that? I'm no longer in your shadow. It's beautiful.”

”No, no. You're not in my shadow anymore. You've gone beyond anything I could do.”

Iris began coughing, placing her bloody hand on Alice's cheek. ”Liar…. Take this, stop the Garden for everyone.”

Alice took the purple bud holding it tight. ”I promise you I will!”

”Thank you.” Closing her eyes for a short while, she was blinded by the light as she slowly opened them, gasping and tearing down her face. ”You were right…. You were always right here…. Mother.”

”Mother? Maya?!” Alice whispered in shock, looking up at the light seeing nothing. ”There's no one there.”

Iris shook her head, holding her hand out to her mother with tears of joy. ”No, there is. She's always watching us. The Stage light is always on us, even in the darkest times until the very end. I'm coming, mum…. Wait for me. I'm coming.”

Alice flinched as Iris fell limp, not moving. Staring down at her sister, her eyes widened as tears began to form. ”No…. No. Iris. Sis, Sis. Please, don't leave me. You're all I have left.” Dropping the bud of Anger, Alice clenched her sister tightly, looking to where she was only to be stunned forever. There stood her mother and Iris hand in hand. Tears flooded down her hand as she began sobbing. ”You were right, Iris…. You were right. I see her. I see you both. Shining on forever.”

The light faded, leaving everyone alone. Alice cuddled into her sister, who sacrificed everything to stop Anger once and for all. The bud of Anger was picked up as Alton stared on in horror at who collected it. ”There's no way…. You!”

To be Continued….