Chapter 301: The Long Whisper Part 2 (1/2)
Alton couldn't help but try and burst into action seeing his friend in trouble. However, every time he attempted to move, he would find himself snapping back to where he once was. ”What's going on?! Let me help her! I can help!”
The Woman shook her head, pointing to the battle. ”You aren't here in person. Only in mind, no one can see you apart from me. Therefore there is nothing you can do. Watch.”
Alton turned, backbiting his lip, trembling at the sight as Alice stood up after falling to her knee exhausted. ”Alice….”
”Who are you talking to?” Iris questions setting up the tea set, watching Alice set up an extra plate for seemly nobody.
”Oh, umm….” Alice paused, turning to her friend, nodding. ”It's ok she said. The Alice can tell you. Alice is talking to her friend Eve.”
Iris nudged, overlooking intrigued. ”Eve? Ah, why didn't you tell me we had a guest?! I would have made extra muffins!” Setting up the table, she pretended to pour tea, placing the pot down bowing. ”It's nice to meet you, Eve. My name is Iris; I hope we can be friends as much as you are with my sister.”
Alice, taken back, slightly turned to Iris, staring blankly. ”You don't think that's weird?”
”Not at all; there's nothing wrong with having an imaginary friend, right? Unlike real friends, they can't talk behind your back…. I hope they can't unless they are talking to the other imaginary friends when I sleep. Oh man, now I'm paranoid someone is always talking bad about me!”
Alice held her mouth, giggling faintly, making Iris look confused. ”You are so funny, Iris.” Turning to see Eve sitting on the floor curled up, staring blankly at Iris, her happy look faded as she turned back, whispering. ”Imaginary…. Right.”
A group of children sat on the swings watching Alice talking to herself. Each one snickered, talking to each other. ”What a weirdo. She's always doing that.”
”Can you blame her? She hasn't got any friends, so she makes them up. She can't even talk properly, always talking about herself in the third person.”
The kids began leaving, chanting away, making sure Alice heard. ”Alice in Wonderland, Alice in Wonderland.”
Alice stared blankly at the sandpit, not giving it much thought. It wasn't long before Iris stepped up, crossing her arms, frustrated. ”Bloody bullies…. They wouldn't like it if the same thing happened to them.”
”They were bullying the Alice?” Alice replied, confused, still playing with the sand.
”Don't worry about them; they are just stupid idiots who are jealous of you!”
”Jealous of Alice? What would they have to be jealous of?”
Iris pulled Alice from the pit, brushing sand off her. ”Don't worry about it; let's go home.”
”But the Alice wanted to play with Eve more.”
Iris stopped biting her lip, frustrated. ”Sis…. I don't judge you for still having the same imaginary friend at the age we are but…. We're almost teenagers, it's just. You see.”
Iris gave in, sighing. ”You can only play with Eve inside. Others shouldn't know about her. She's too special. Everyone will just get jealous.”