Chapter 294: Sacrifice You Will (1/2)
Through the portal, for a while, there was nothing but the dark. An endless void of black took over Alton's vision leaving him alone with no sign of escape. From what he assumed was meant to be, the Garden left him with something far different.
”So, you finally made it? I underestimated you, it seems, if only slightly.” A voice cracked in almost a mocking tone, with the last words fading with a whisper. ”Well done, I suppose.”
The compliment didn't sound sincere to Alton in the slightest as he turned his head, finding himself. A person who matched his own appearance down to a T. The same-coloured hair and facial features all be it much more worn down and bruised. The clothes were almost identical to Alton's black coat reversed into a glittering white with red stains down his sleeves. It was his eyes that were very different. Alton's yellow was quite the opposite, with the figure having bright white eyes staring into his soul. Leaned into a chair, he rested his head against his arm, taunting Alton. ”What the hell?” Was all Alton could muster up in a state of confusion.
The words made the figure shake his head seemly, not pleased as he let off a slow sigh. ”That's all you have to say to the other you? Our first-time meeting, and that's how you greet me?”
As Alton raises an eyebrow, the words dwindle off, taken back further, making sure to keep his distance. The figure took note of this, sitting up straight, tapping his fingers against the arm of the chair.
”You're more of an embarrassment than I would like to account for. It really makes you wonder how you have managed to hold onto such stupid ideals. I'll save all those dear to me, I'll stop the Garden. I don't need you Ten to win.” He went off on a small rant snarling with each word by the minute. ”You claim you don't need me, but the way I see it, I am all you've got in this twisted game.”
”You're…. You're Ten? How is that possible?”
Ten waved his hand, trying to move past what was to him pointless small talk, one of which he despised. ”Never mind that. I think it's more than clear why I'm now talking to you. I've been very patient, Alton; I've given you the benefit of the doubt waiting. Watching from the subconscious of your own mind. I assumed by now you would have realised the truth of this situation.”
”And what would that be?” Alton protested, becoming frustrated by Ten's fowl personality and the trend of being looked down on.
”I hate repeating myself, so you know. So, I'm only going to say this once. You cannot win against the Garden.”
This was the final straw for the boy as he snapped, marching over to Ten furious. ”Who allowed you to come up with that conclusion? I've been doing the heavy lifting while you've been kicking it back enjoying the show. I am the one who took down Acceptance, and I intend on taking his stage to end this.”
Ten leaned forward, meeting Alton's demands as he stood up facing off against his other-self. ”Is that what you claim to be doing? Tell me then, Alton, then what? You gather the stage of Acceptance when then? You'll still lose repeatedly because you don't have the guts to do what's right. You're a coward who's too afraid to get their hands dirty. To finish what I started. Because of that, you won't be able to even take on the stage, let alone unleash Endless Whisper, or heaven assume you can even think about Salvation's Calling.”
”I don't need to ever go that far. I'll stop the Garden seal them away, and stop this once and for all.”
Cupping Alton's chin, Ten leaned forward with a smug look, whispering slowly into his ear. ”That won't work.” Pushing Alton away, he walked behind his leather chair, leaning on the back looking up at the endless darkness. ”Seal them away, stop them, hold the line. All of these is just temporary measures to keep yourselves safe. The Garden Grows forever; that's something they don't just say for the shits and giggles, Alton. Yes, you could hold them back. Pause their assault and live a happy live, but what's the point of that? They'll simply return again and ruin another generation. You'll grandchildren's lives. Their children, and when their whole world is falling apart yet again, they'll look up to the sky and cry out, who damned me to this outcome?! And all of that will be your fault. All because you were too weak to allow yourself to walk the extra mile and finish it!”
”And what do you suppose I do then?! What's your bold idea, Ten, because believe me, I'd love to hear it? I didn't ask for any of this. I just wanted to live a normal life, one where I wasn't fighting just to have a chance of living. The Garden, V.I.R.A.L, the Montagues, all of it has just been out to fuck me over, and for once, I would just like to wake up and not worry about that. If that makes me a coward so, be it. If people curse my name long after I'm gone, good. Because when I'm gone, I want to look back and be happy of the life I lived, not hateful for the people I lost.”
Ten clutched the hood of the chair before picking it up and throwing it aside. ”Do you think this is some kind of game Alton Brantley? You think standing here and mocking me for all I am is amusing? Having to sit here in the dark with no say of my own alone rotting away has been nothing but hell. Oh, how I wished to just snap and make things right myself. Hell, I wouldn't mind watching as an onlooker if you made the right decision. But time and time again, you fuck up. You chicken out and make mistakes like nobody. Watching the people you hold dear amused me for a time, but now it's boring. I'm sicked and tired of it!”
Alton bit his lip, screaming back at Ten losing his mind over the matter. ”Then why don't you just give up and die then?! The world would be better off without the ego-maniac hellbent on genocide and war!”
Ten crossed his arms, looking on with a blank non-caring stare. ”Are you done with your tantrum?”