Chapter 278: The End of Zinnia Trost (1/2)

”Riley, hold up! Riley.” Zinnia cried, rushing after her panting. ”You said Scarlett is dead; how can you be so sure?”

Riley stopped looking down, biting her lip, furious. ”I just know. I could feel it! Her psychic presence faded without warning. You don't believe me, do you?”

Zinnia shook her head, giving off a reinsuring smile. ”I believe you. I don't know-how, but if you can sense it, I'll believe you. If we want to save your sister, we should get moving.”


”I believe you can sense her, but I don't, no, can't believe someone like Scarlett is dead. Even if what you told me about her is true, Scarlett is strong. She wouldn't die so easily. Not to mention if she's in trouble, then the others are too.”

Riley was left dumbfounded, rubbing the back of her neck. ”Why are you helping me for? Our family has caused you nothing but grievance and trouble. We almost killed on you serval times. I almost killed you; I don't deserve your help.”

”Are you still going on about that? All of that is in the past, is it not? I don't like to hold grudges, especially over something petty like that. Besides, you helped me save my father and Percy, and you protected this village. That's enough for me to help.” Zinnia admitted looking out to the wilderness. ”I still see Scarlett as my friend; even if what you said she did to be true, I don't care. Scarlett is my friend, and we don't abandon friends.”

Riley snorted slightly, stopping herself from laughing holding a hand over her mouth. ”You really are a walking clique Zin Zin… Always one to play the hero.”

”She takes well after me on that.” Kurt boldly claimed to get dodgy looks from the two girls. Deflated, he nervously chuckled. ”That was a joke… What's got you two so worked up?”

”Riley's sister is in danger. We're going to save her.” Zinnia simply claimed without much hesitation.

Kurt was thrown a left-field giving it some thought. ”I'm not sure that's a good idea… Even if your friend was in trouble, it would take us days to reach Victoria, let alone Rhinefield. I believe our help would be too little too late. Mortem isn't someone you two should go messing with.”

”Dad… We've been waiting here for almost two weeks. If Mortem was coming, they would have attacked by now. I'm done sitting around while my friends fight for their lives. Mum wouldn't be either.”

”Why, you little…” Kurt grumbled, slouching over. ”Pulling the old what would mum does card right away, eh? You know how to get me good, don't ya? Alright! We'll go and help your friends; I suppose I owe them that for the trouble Mortem caused in my wake.”

”You hear that, Riley! With the Phantom, we're as good as can be. Mortem doesn't stand a chance.”

”Hold your horses just for a moment. Let me discuss this with the village elder. Us all going will leave the village defenceless, so we'll need to go over a few things.”

Kurt walked off as Zinnia turned back around, ready. She was slightly excited, even if she knew she shouldn't be. ”After all this time, I'll finally get to see them all again. Alice, Iris, Emil, Alton. I've missed them all so much.”

”Why did you leave them for so long again? If you missed them that much, why did you leave?”

”I don't know. I guess I was just stupid doubting myself. After I thought Alton died, I lost control and then Gale… I blamed Alton for it all when it wasn't his fault. It took me a while to climb out of that dark place. But now I'm ready. Team Rhapsody will be back together; at last, nothing can stop us!”

The moment Zinnia spoke those words, the earth shook, knocking them all off their feet. Plumping to the ground, Zinnia turned around, shaken up only to freeze up at sight. Riley stared at dazed. ”What the hell is that?”

”There's no way… No, oh God, please no!”

A single Titan stood towering over the village, blocking out all views of the outside world. Piercing through the barrier, small trickles of snow began piling through as a lone figure stared down at them. Kurt appeared from a puff of smoke, flinching, looking just as concerned. ”Shit… It can't be?! How did they break the seal?”

”What is it?” Riley asked again.