Chapter 248: The Dying Sensation Part 3 (2/2)

Vanguard dropped Alice sighing. ”Thank God for that. Was everyone inside the barrier?”

”Thankfully. Your battle with Alton got everyone to safety. We won't be so lucky next time. Marcus, I'm not sure how long I can keep the barrier up for.” Petra admitted.

Alton crashed down from the mountain, all bloody and beaten. Barley standing, he walked to the entrance of the sanctuary, throwing a punch to no prevail. He and Percy stared off before Alton turned away. ”Open the barrier.”

”Are you kidding me?! Doing that would doom us all. Besides, even if I wanted to, once the barrier is up, it cannot come down until my powers run out.”

Alton turned to Petra, tutting as his Garden form faded. ”Typical… Then I just have to…” Holding his hands out towards Petra, Vanguard stepped in the way only to stop as Alton collapsed. Alice stared on, looking furious by all of this.

”He'd fight to the last breath; what a stupid kid,” Vanguard grumbled. ”As long as that barrier stays up, we're safe for now. Get everyone to the mines. This might be it.”

”What should we do with Alton and the others?”

Vanguard turned to a beaten Alice and Alton sighing. ”Help them as best you can. We'll need everyone for this fight.”

Diego stood idly, watching the brawl still carrying Iris. ”Just what the hell did I get myself involved with?”

”Diego Jolts, yes?” Vanguard spoke, turning to him. ”You can see the future, no? How long can this barrier stand for?”

Diego closed his eyes, channelling the energy of the possible future. ”The way Percy is. He'll destroy this thing in the matter of a few hours.”

”That's not enough time to get everyone out. What's the outcome?”

Diego looked again, flinching stumbling back. ”I don't see anything.”

”Is that bad?” Petra asks.

”Seeing nothing means the worst. We lose each time… This is where we die.”

Vanguard squeezed his fist in frustration turning to Percy attacking the barrier nonstop. ”Even after all I did for everyone, is this how it ends? No! Petra, gather anyone who can fight. Get Margret and Rupert. I refuse to fall here today. If this imposter wants a fight, we'll give him one the Garden will remember for years to come. I cannot, not will not die here!”