Chapter 217: Goodbye Rhapsody Part 3 (1/2)
”I don't need adopting as my parents are coming for me, this is just a temporary housing situation.”
”When the time is right, I shall come back for you.”
”What?” Zinnia took the picture looking at the back confirming what Alton said. She began to cry as she wiped her eyes, smiling like never before. ”I knew she wouldn't forget me…”
”I know it's probably getting old for you and all. But I'm serious. Not only has this been the best summer of all time but also the best birthday. I got to spend it with all my friends, and I even got a present from mum. I never gave up hope she was coming back.”
”Can you be proud of them then? What sort of parents are they if they abandon their only child on the doorstep like a mere letter? No signs, no goodbyes. They just discard you like trash.”
”My parents are not like that! They are heroes!”
”Heroes? Give me a break. The only thing your despicable family are is liars and cowards.”
”You're wrong.”
”Am I now? Funny that you claim such things when you don't even know them. I've battled your parents. Took away everything they cared about. Made them watch as their homes and family were taken from them. I've seen your father's true natures and saw the joke your mother was. When are you going to accept the truth?”
”What truth
”What else? The truth they are never coming for you. That they abandoned you forever.”
”I refuse to believe you are what they say. What I see in front of me. Hannah Trost is no villain. She is a legendary hero. The legendary and most beloved hero in history!”
”I refuse to accept, accept this bullshit! You aren't her, not in a million years. The Hannah Trost I know is a hero, one who saved the day every time. One who would risk her life for others, no questions asked. That's someone I've looked up to my whole life. My mother is no villain. She's a hero who I aspire to be!”
At one point, I was a villain. I only cared about myself and making as much money as possible. I would steal and cause chaos for my own self-gain. I hurt good people, innocent people. Your father was the one who would always try and stop me. Now that man was nothing less than a hero, he would never give up if it was for good and justice. Even with the grasp, the Syndicate family had on him.”
”Syndicate family?”
”You've probably heard of them, well what's left of them. Back then, they had full control over the heroes and villains. A total monopoly you could say… They had dirt on your father and forced him to take down corrupt mayors and villains who didn't kneel to their rule. Even then, he would eventually stand against them. Got me all rallied behind that doofus.” She giggled, looking gloomy. ”He didn't just save our city over and over, but he saved me. Pulled me out of that dark hole I held myself in and showed me the truth. Because of him, I found my actual purpose. I became a hero because of him.”
”You became a hero… Because of dad?”
Hannah laughed, rubbing her eyes. ”Don't tell him that though… He would never let me live that one down.”
”What happened to him?”
”He's gone Zinnia… He lost to the Garden so many years ago.”
Zinnia bit her lip nodding. ”I expected something like that… Doesn't make it hurt any less. Mum…”