Chapter 215: Goodbye Rhapsody Part 1 (1/2)

The blood moon hung high over Rhinefield as more fell victim to its wrath. One such victim was Emil who had fully succumb to the threat consumed by death itself. Emi Syndicate dived back swinging around a pole avoiding the shadows sneaking up on her. Climbing to the high ground, she stared on at Emil weary. ”So, this is the power that destroyed our family 400 years… I can see how it destroyed our family so quickly.”

Emil started up at Emi Syndicate chuckling. ”Your family's destruction was nothing but sport to us. We had so easily infiltrated your ranks manipulating the manipulators without any trouble, and now we're doing it again. Humans are so naïve they'll just about believe anything you tell them if it keeps them safe. Anti-Humans will just flock to our ranks if we provide them with fame and fortune that just shows how greedy humans can be regardless of their ranks.”

”So that's your plan I take it? Control all the Anti-Humans in Victoria to hold an iron fist over the country. The question remains why?”

Emil tilted his head smiling. ”You'll just have to defeat me to find out.” Emi Syndicate jumped down from the lamppost striking the ground sending shockwaves outwards pushing Emil back. Moving at high speeds, she struck Emil in the chest only to find him unmarked by this. Staring at her with a sinister grin. Flinching she pushed herself back as a shadowed jaw ripped from the ground consuming the area Emi once was. Letting her psychic essence flow through her hands, she closed her eyes, readying herself.

”Our family were rightfully destroyed by your hands. We were the spark of evil and allowed many to die in our name. We have not changed much since then. However, the people of this country do not deserve to fall into line with monsters like yourself. That boy you are controlling has done nothing wrong he's a mere victim of change and your twisted goals. You probably don't even care, do you hell you probably don't even care to remember his name. I won't stand here claiming to be in the right, I'm just as guilty as you are when it comes to misdeeds. But I'll make this known, Emil Montague will not fall victim to you!”

Emi Syndicate punched the ground using this to push her forward as other rubble moved with her. More shadows crept out as the debris took the attacks as bait. Spinning in the air, Emi lobbed Emil directly in the face knocking him back as his centre of gravity was pivoted off mere inches. Because of this, Emil couldn't stand straight, finding himself almost floating on the spot. Emi pulled her arms back in a deep breath as all her psychic essence extinguished out, letting out a bombardment of punches. Flurries of psychic fists swarmed Emil as Emi screamed out with a battle cry. As her last punch landed, she felt a sharp pain rip through her. Glancing down she saw a single shadow had ripped through her waist. Without warning, she collapsed to the ground, struggling to move.

Emil walked over to Emi, staring down at the woman with pity. ”Look at you, just look at you. So weak and fragile with no sort of power to back it up. You talk about bringing dignity to the family and saving others, yet you couldn't even save yourself how fruitful. But I suppose that's how you've always been Emi. A girl who tried so hard to prove herself, working up the ranks you landed yourself at the top with the hopes of changing the family once and for all. You failed just like your family before you. How does it feel?”

Emi lay on her back feeling agonising pain as she couldn't stop the bleeding. Her vision became blurry as she was already close to passing out. ”Team Rhapsody will stop you… They always have and always will.”

Emil scoffed kneeling to her level. ”Team Rhapsody just saying that name makes me laugh. Tell me how would that be possible? Percy and Gale are dead. Scarlett betrayed them, and Zinnia ran away too scared to face the truth she had denied and well Emil is ours now. All that remains is Alton Brantley and Alice Hawthorne, well just Alice I'd say. The way things are going Alton Brantley is already on our side. Do you have any last words?”

None was spoken as serval shadows swarmed around Emil's arm ready to strike. Lifting his hand higher serval bolts of lightning struck. Emil's head turned dazed throwing up serval defences. A figure rippled out of nowhere breaking through all his defences. Emi stared in shock just as dazed as Emil. ”Impossible.”

”I'll be taking that boy you've stolen back Mortem.”

Emil slid back, holding his arm his eye twitching. ”Well, I'll be damned if it isn't the legendary hero in the flesh… We expected you return eventually but this…”

The woman cranked her head around after tending to Emi's wounds. ”I already know what you're planning Mortem I won't allow it. We failed to put you down for good 400 years ago I won't let that happen again. I'm taking back this boy and my partner!”

”You cannot have him. The Phantom is our puppet!” Shadows burst to life surrounding the legendary hero with no chance of escape. She looked around before smirking, pulling an electrical rapier from thin air slashing the air as it exploded in a flurry of electricity. Twirling it around the electricity formed back as a mini-tornado ignited and boomed out from her weapon. The area began to shake as Emil struggled to stand still as the growing wind kept blowing him back. Holding his arms forward, he stared on concerned. The wind came to a sudden halt as the legendary hero took one step ahead, kneeling down. Emil flinched knowing what was to go as he tried taking her down right there. ”No! I won't allow this!”

The area exploded as the legendary hero held her rapier down low whispering. ”Unrelenting typhoon.” Her whole body sprung forward as all the windows shattered around and her cars flew on caught in the heavy blast of power. Shooting past Emil at mock speed the hero stopped in her tracks, swinging her rapier before holstering it. The moment she did, Emil took the brim of the attack falling to his knees before being ripped back by a sheer torrent of wind.