Chapter 201: The Day Shes Been Dreading Part 1 (1/2)
The announcement of Team Rhapsody's victory taking the number one spot had sparked the nation with crowds screaming with excitement awaiting the ceremony. The CEOs made their first appearance to the public in a very long time as Kurt was the one to award the title while the others watching from afar. The remaining members of Team Rhapsody were waiting in the wings of the stage for their reward. Alice was poking her head through the curtain giggling. ”There are so many people here to see us… Oh, I see Iris!”
”You're awfully excited.”
Alice turned, spinning her short flowery dress she wore for the event. ”Of course, fa- Hans was always drilling the idea of being number one in my head. It's all I worked towards and although I know I've grown away from that mindset I can't help but feel excited to get here after all I've been through.”
”You deserve kiddo. We would be in the ground long ago if it wasn't for you.” Emil said, patting her head while adjusting his tie. ”Have I overdone it?”
Alton glanced at Emil's white suit shaking his head. ”You look like a lady killer man.”
”Knew it.”
”Everyone one last huddle,” Alton called as the ground piled together. ”It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? To think this team was started because Monty blackmailed me. We wouldn't be here getting this title if it wasn't for you guys. Today is a day of celebration, but we cannot forget the people we've lost along the way. This isn't just for us but for Percy, Gale and Zinnia too. Now let's go out there and show Victoria who's number one!”
The team cheered all apart from Scarlett who was staring onwards with a distort look. As Alton was ready to accept the title, Scarlett gripped his arm. ”Alton… Do we have to do this? Can we not be happy with number two?”
”Huh? What are you on about? Of course, we're doing this. We've earned this all of us that's you too Scarlett. I'm not having my number one run away from this. I owe a lot of this to you, so you've got to do this.”
”Another time perhaps. Please, I can't do this. Don't make me go out there.”
Alton places his hands-on Scarlett's shoulders smiling. ”Hey, what's wrong. Is it the crowds? Tell you what you can hold my hand if it makes you feel better, you can tease me all you like later. This is all part of the plan Scarlett don't fret you look beautiful.
”All part of plan… You're right. No turning back now. I'm sorry, Alton.”
”Don't mention it.”
”No Alton… I'm sorry…”
Alton glanced at Scarlett confused as the crowd cheered, their names were called as the band began playing. Caught in the moment, Alton dragged Scarlett on stage alongside the rest of Team Rhapsody as the crowd went wild. Alton played it upholding his and Scarlett's hands in the air egging them on. ”Hello, Rhinefield!” He yelled.
Scarlett continued to look devasted, seeing Alton at his all-time high she knew what would come next. How far he was going to fall…
Kurt gave a cocky clap holding his hand out. ”Quite the entrance their Mister Brantley.”
”Just giving the crowd what they want, I guess.” He laughed off.
Alice stood with a broad smile waving to Iris in the crowd. Emil caught wind of Jinx, Florence and Butch also in the public as he gave them a small nod of acknowledgement and a thumbs up. On the other hand, Scarlett refused to even look knowing all too well what she would see. But alas she did anyway catch her father and mother waiting in the wings nodding to her. Her heart skipped a beat as she stood calming herself, ready for the next step.
”Ladies and Gentlemen! It's been close to two years now since our former number one streamer was exposed and taken down by this same group and a new legend was born. Time and time again, they have saved our nation from great threats all with a heroic and brave smile. It was clear Team Rhapsody were something special, something fresh in the ever-growing streaming scene. People were able to watch not just streamers but heroes. Heroes they could rely on and shout out to. Heroes who would always do the right thing and put their lives before others. They have seemly done the impossible and revitalised a dead concept to something new. This is why it's my great honour to hand down the highest reward to any streamer. The number one spot and our highest respect.” A golden crown appeared from above the stage slowly falling to Kurt's hand. ”May your streaming career continue to be as bright as ever. Here's to our heroes of Victoria Team Rhapsody!”
Before Alton could wear the crown, a giant explosion outside the stadium was blowing serval key V.I.R.A.L buildings. The crowd screamed in fear as Alton stepped forward looking up startled seeing dozens of figures standing over the group. ”It can't be… They're back… The Syndicate family!”
Serval more explosions went off as the crowd poured out the stadium in fear. The Syndicate family all dropped down, causing mass mayhem duelling with the masses of streamers attending the event. Alice summoned her bow. ”Leader, what should we do?!”
Alton bit his lip angered. ”To think these low lives would attack at a time like this… Emil! Make sure the civilians get away safely. Alice! Help the CEOs get out unharmed. Scarlett, you're with me. We'll take down whoever's in charge.”
Everyone ran off as Scarlett stood behind Alton, covering her eyes with her hair waiting. Kurt had already left walking away backstage. Three Syndicate members stopped him at gunpoint. ”My oh my. It appears you've caught me.”