Chapter 194: Face my Regrets Part 1 (1/2)
Team Rhapsody really did change my life. It wasn't tough to dwindle and climb back into my shell. After Sunset Peak it wasn't long before everyone forgot Avalanche and Hero's Might when I saw that as a blessing alright. I was able to slip back into the norm and live a simple life. It was hard at first, picking all the pieces up scraping together the last of my money to get Sam the treatment she needed. I had somehow gotten her out of Sunset Peak alive in which I still question how to this day. For those first few months, I lived in absolute fear, fear of being found out, fear of him finding me. Fear of Sam not making it. That fear, however, soon faded when nothing changed. No one came for me, I heard less and less about Hero's Might and Sunset Peak and just a year after I lost everything the wall was entirely constructed blocking that past off to me.
At the same time, I managed to get myself a job at a simple gas station. The pay was subjective and the hours horrible, but it was enough to get me by and pay for Sam's treatment. I had no idea how long I could keep it up; however, day in and day out slaving away, breaking myself down for just one goal. To save the life of the last person who meant something to me. I didn't and still don't know if she will ever wake up. But I wouldn't let that shake me. I had to save her no matter what.
It wasn't until I met Zinnia, where my life would once again take a sudden change. At the time, I wouldn't know it, but she really saved me. I was at rock bottom. My job was bringing in little to no income to keep myself afloat. It would only have been a matter of time before it all crumbled apart. It seemed something silly and minor at the time, but Zinnia really was that change in the road that Sam first was. The first one to pay attention to me, the first one to break me from my shell. The first one to give me a second chance. I never once took that second chance to heart I was still always so focused on keeping myself safe from him. And now here I stand once again given a second chance I genuinely don't deserve. Sam, Zinnia, Iris. Everyone believes in me. I guess it was always like that I just never took the time to see that. Team Rhapsody really has changed my life… And I'm not about to let this second chance slip back again. It's time to face my regrets once and for all.
The city was a wreak. People fleeing for their lives, others scummed to the endless storm. Everyone was running from where Alton was heading to. Holding his arms over his face, he glared around the empty city anything further than his arms was invisible in the endless blizzard. But Alton wasn't going to give up, not this time. In the not so far distance, Alton made out two figures wandering aimlessly through the foggy snow. Staring down to avoid battering his face, Alton called out. ”Diego?! Is that you?!
Diego limped over coughing. ”Alton… Shit, this is bad.”
”What happened?”
”We infiltrated the underground like you said. I couldn't stop Zinnia killing Marco… We caught your father with hopes of learning the truth and putting him away. The moment Zinnia arrived to talk, he showed his true colours and covered the city in this never-ending winter.”
Alton looked away, concerned. ”The hell is he thinking? Does he not care a single bit about the innocent people dying?! What about the others?”
”Team Rhapsody were called to the V.I.R.A.L HQ for an emergency meeting. They are most likely going to be tasked to fight Ragnar.” Jinx yelled prowling through the snow. ”So much for your plan.”
”What are we going to do?”
Alton stood slightly dumbfounded, trying to work his brain into coming up with a plan. This turned into a blank stare making Jinx tut. ”It's useless to get through to him. The best chance we have is putting this all to rest now.”
”I'm going to face him…”
”What?!” Diego yelled, struggling to withstand the storm. ”Are you sure?! You said it yourself you cannot beat him.”
”I did say that. The truth still stands, I have no chance in defeating him but I must. There is no other way. No matter small the odds are I have to do this once and for all… This is selfish for the asking. But I'm asking for your help once more.”
Jinx's annoyed stared turned into one of bliss and joy as she hugged Alton ruffing his hair up. ”There's the Alton we all know and hate. Always one to bounce back at the last moment and save the day. God, do I so hate you.”
”Leave the kid alone Hollie…” Diego sighed. ”But she has a point. I'm glad you aren't running anymore.”
”Running got boring. If the old man wants to kill me so bad who I am to deny him that chance? Let's show him what we're made of.”
Jinx kneeled down, opening her duffle bag, pulling out an endless number of guns. ”Think this is enough?”
”Somehow I'm not sure guns are going to be enough to take him down.”
”What are you on about?! I put the barrel of my baby to his head and boom evil Ragnar Brantley is dead.”