Chapter 191: Eyes Over My Reality Part 1 (2/2)
EOR laughed, walking around his cell. ”You really get me, don't you? No amount of money or freedom would get me on board. But power and fame that's what gets the ball rolling. But one last question remains… Why? I'm pretty sure you and your precious Team Rhapsody could handle one man, even if that wasn't the case if V.I.R.A.L were made aware you could win. Why go through all this effort for?”
”I got too big, too noisy. Made too many enemies. My father, the Garden. V.I.R.A.L. They all want me dead, that's why they hired you, right? It's time for all of that to end. This is the way, time to step back into the crowd and blend in once more.”
EOR stroked his chin smirking. ”Is there a cue for this? Any code to begin the illusion?”
”A code? How about this. It's a full moon tonight, and I wouldn't want to miss it.”
”Alright, alright, alright. You got me. No tricks, no illusions. You win.”
Alton dropped EOR looking around the area hand twitching. ”Any more of your buddies about to show to stop me?”
Eyes over Reality ran his hand over his neck, coughing. ”No, no! I had no plan in this.”
”Well, that's good to hear. It's a full moon tonight, and I wouldn't want to miss it.”
Giving Alton a startled look, he stood himself up, clearing his throat. ”We're doing this now?”
Alton didn't respond to the statement confirming his query. ”Who ordered you to kill me?”
EOR held his hand to the side, beginning the illusion. At first, it was small merely to mimic's Alton's movements, but soon enough it would take its own form. He gave a slight nod grinning whispering the last part of the sentence. ”This again… It's done.”
”Marvellous! Marvellous! Simply marvellous. You showed those crooked criminals no mercy! You are the Alton Brantley the others boost about so often. Such joy.”
Out of breath, Alton stood up straight wiping his bloody lip. ”What others?”
”It's one for all and all for the people.” A voice whispered in his ear. Alton froze in undeniable terror as his whole body tensed up. ”Ha! Look at him, Marco just one small little whisper, and he's falling apart. Hello Alton.”
Fate walked past him before hugging him tightly. ”Boy, have we missed you? It's been what nearly seven years since you tried killing us? Those were the days.”
Marco stood idly by keeping his distance as Alton's lips began trembling. ”This isn't possible. This is a trick. I watched you, no know you both died. My father killed you!”
”Still living lies are you, man?” Marco sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. ”It may have tricked your new buddies but yourself too? Alton, I'm disappointed. Were six years all it took to get over it?”
”This is your doing.” Alton hissed pointing at Valhalla.
”Me? Alton? How is this me? Get a grip.”
Destiny and Marco tailed Alton walking around him. ”You must know why we're here, Alton. You should have seen this coming.”
”Don't do this. I'm begging you.”
”Aww isn't that adorable. He's begging us for his life. I'm touched.”
Alton stared furiously at the two. ”No… I'm begging you to stop, so I don't have to kill you again.”
Destiny stopped moving, looking away, biting her lip nodding. ”There he is.” Alton was rammed into the truck behind him held down with almighty strength one even he couldn't overcome. ”Don't fight it, Alton. You know this was always going to happen. Let nature take its place!”
Pushed further into the truck Alton let out a scream of anger as the truck frozen over entirely. Eyes over Reality watched curiously from the side-lines a comedic smile never leaving his face. The illusion came into play as EOR giggled more. ”What wonderful fun this is. What fun… Thank you, Alton. Thank you so much for this…”
”Zin… Zin are you there?”
”I'm here… Alton, you can't. You can't leave me. Please fight!”
Zinnia held him up blood staining her streaming outfit as she cradled him tightly. ”Zin… Please, whatever you do… Do not go after Villain's Wrath.”
His last words trailed off, and his last breath was stolen. Zinnia died inside seeing her best friend dead. She began shaking him losing all control of emotions as she started screaming in pain hugging Alton close. The rest of Team Rhapsody showed up each frozen in devastation. ”Impossible… Alton, he can't be.” Emil whispered.
”How. How did this happen?!”
”Alton… No, I… The Alice doesn't believe it.”
Scarlett fell to her knees, staring blankly forward. ”Don't you dare… Don't you bloody dare!”
Alton watched from the rooftop hiding underneath a cloak. Witnessing his own death was off-putting, to say the least, but it wasn't the first time he had faked his own death. Feeling empty and barren, Alton knew what he paths entitled for him. He had chosen his future, and there was no going back. Holding a torn photo of him and Team Rhapsody, he tore it in half letting it go. ”Goodbye Team Rhapsody… Goodbye Alton Brantley.”