Chapter 186: His Plan (1/2)

Diego entered the investigation room staring at the interrogation under the fold. ”Anything.”

The Commissioner shook his head. ”Not a word. We have enough to put this prick away from good, murder, illegal drug trafficking, among other broken laws. But…”


”But we don't know a single thing about this man. We haven't got a name, address anything. This man just doesn't exist. Furthermore, we can't get him to give up the whereabouts of the other two either. We've tried everything.”

Diego stared at Crypto who hadn't budged from his chair. His dark skin and long black hair matched each other. His appearance was all they could bring together. Sighing, he turned away. ”Well work with what we've got. If we put him away, that's good. Any signs of him being an Anti-Human?”

”Not that we've seen. He used a normal gun to kill Alton and try and stop you. We've analysed it, and there's nothing.”

”He's hiding something I know it…”

Crypto stared at the police officer, speaking slowly to make sure everyone heard. ”I will only speak to Zinnia Trost. Bring me Zinnia. I shall tell her everything.”

”Bring him who he wants.” The commissioner states.

”You sure that's a good idea?”

He scratched his beard, shaking his head. ”We don't have much choice. If we don't book him now, V.I.R.A.L will be here soon to take the lead. They hadn't bothered to ban or investigate him then. They most likely won't know.”

”I'll get her.”


Zinnia sat in the main lobby looking bleak coming to the realisation into what she did. ”I killed him. I didn't even hesitate. I just went at him…”

”You were pushed into a corner. It's not your fault.” Gale reinsured. ”But it's over now. We've caught Alton's killer. Justice has been served.”

”Doesn't feel like it.” She whispers, shaking off the last bit of smoke from her fingers. ”And then there's this… Power. My mother was electricity… My fathers were smoke. Why did I awaken to this power now of all times?”

”All things happen for a reason… I just wish you let me do it.”

”Then you would have been in the same position as me. I stand by what I did… Even if that stops making me a hero, it was for the right cause.”

”Sometimes, the most heroic actions are the hardest. He can't hurt anyone else now.”

Diego walked in, clearing his throat. ”Bad time? Listen we can't get this guy to talk. He claims he only wants to talk to you, Trost. We don't have many options left.”

Zinnia stood up without a second thought. ”Take me to him. I'll hear him out.”

The door to the integration room cranked open as Zinnia was escorted inside. Crypto stared at her with a smile. ”Zinnia. You came.”

”Shut up. Just shut up, I don't even want to hear it.” She barks, sitting down. ”I only came for one reason.”

”And what is that for?”

”To remind you you've lost. You're finished, and you're going to be locked away for a long time for what you did.”

”Do you really think Alton is dead?” Crypto questioned, licking his lips, raising his eyebrows. ”Well do you?”

”You tell me. You're the one who fucking killed him.”

Crypto leaned forward, resting his hands on the table. ”The way I see it. Alton is a smart kid. He evaded us for quite a while now. He just wouldn't let himself go like that. I'm slightly dissatisfied. How do you feel when you killed Marco? Justified? Pleasure? Satisfaction? Emptiness?”