Chapter 165: We Will Always Have A Choice (1/2)

Hans stared at his computer screen with a smug look taking in the threat. He had been staring at such feats for the last twenty minutes finding it amusing none the less. His mindful game was interrupted as Alice walked in. ”You called me father?”

”Ah, yes. Dear daughter of mine. I want you to take a look at this.”

Turning the screen over, Alice noticed her streaming page hacked with a calling card blocking the stream highlights. ”Hans Hawthorne, the desperate rodent of wannabe fame and power. Your barbaric means in becoming famous has left you full of sin, you treat your very own family as nothing but tools for your own self-gain. And yet you refuse to acknowledge such fact, your greedy and prideful manners shall be exposed to the masses. We will expose your exploits and prowess granted by the Garden and rid the world of your corruption. Team Rhapsody is coming to save you, Alice. We will not let Hans' demonic lies consume any more people… They've already made a declaration of war? When was this posted?”

”Nearly an hour ago, they should be here very soon.”

”And you waited to tell me this now?”

Hans took his computer back smirking. ”I didn't want to let you get any funny ideas. Team Rhapsody, they act so high and mighty. Just because they took down a few weak streamers, they now think they have a chance against me? Ha, give me a break.”

”They took down Vanguard all the same. They aren't to be underestimated.”

”Vanguard was a weakling who fell to your sister like it was nothing. They have no idea what's truly waiting for them. The power I harness cannot be matched.”

”Then shall the Alice ready to intercept the traitors?”

”No. That will be quite fine. The dark replicas should be enough to deal with a few streamers. I'll give these streamers the viral treatment, so they crave. Save you, do they truly believe the words coming from their mouths? You belong to me and me alone. I will not let the world take you once again… What are you still doing here? Report back to Alton, learn what he knows of the Garden and prepare the body. The resurrection of Eve Berry will soon begin.”

Alice bowed, stepping back. ”Yes, father…”


Alton raised his head coughing seeing Alice holding a bowl of porridge. ”The Alice thought you might be hungry.”

Alton smirked resting his head. ”Good to see you again… Your father wasn't too harsh on you was he?”

Alice chose not to respond to the question in hand-feeding Alton. She looked conflicted whispering softly. ”Team Rhapsody sent out their calling card. They intend to end this once and for all.”

”It's about time… You won't have to worry much longer Alice we will save you soon.”

”Save me? Am I deserving of such a claim?” She remarked, stepping back. ”I'm a walking contradiction to all that I stood for. I thought I became a streamer inspired by you and Sam's work. The day you saved us. But that's all just a lie. Preprogrammed into my head to make me feel more real. Truth be told I don't know what's real anymore. All I can do is follow my father's orders like a mere lapdog. What sort of life do I have that I can claim as my own? How much of my life is really mine?”


Alice sat in the chair, staring at her hands in self-pity. ”I am nothing. Nothing to my father, nothing to anyone. I am just a tool for my father's future. I'm not even sure I can call him my father… I am not Alice, not really. Alice Hawthorne died six years ago in Sunset Peak. I am just an echo of her.”

”Don't you dare believe those lies? Not for one single moment should you ever bloody believe that!”