Chapter 163: The Gift (2/2)
”You mean like yourself?” Hans taunts. ”A Child of the Garden… Even just one of you could spell the end of Victoria. I've seen first hand what you can do. You are a hypocrite to dare call me evil when you stand right in front of me. Have you ever stopped to consider if your existence was a mistake? That without you, the world would be a better place?”
”There's not a day that goes by where I cannot escape that thought.”
Hans cackled throwing the chair across the room. ”Every word that has come from your mouth Alton is a lie. Look at you falling apart to your demons. Manipulating and using your so-called friends for your own use. How long will it be until you leave this city to be a wasteland like so many others? The way I see it, killing you here would make me a hero. Shall we see how far you can go?”
Summoning all the Garden powers, he beckoned he held Alton's head back, gripping his hand tightly against him. The Garden began tormenting Alton drawing out his Garden form. Alton screamed in pain, trying to hold back the demon within him. His veins bulging purple and the remaining eye slowly being consumed into a sharp yellow. Hans stopped stepping back in pain as both were exhausted. ”You still cling onto the lie. You clutch onto your humanity like a plague. It's all disgusting. To even think our paths would cross. To think my daughter's memories of you would consist no matter how many copies I created. It's like fate is drawing us here.”
”You go on about how much you care for your daughters, yet you happily brainwash and order hits on them without a second thought.”
”I see what you're doing here. Making me out to be the bad guy. While it's true, I have done these horrible things. And it tears me apart from how I've treated them, especially Iris. But it's needed. Until my end of the Bargain is completed, we can never be a true family. Until then, I must push on and achieve my goal.”
Alice emerged from a portal bowing to her father. ”You called the Alice father…” She turned to Alton looking slightly troubled by did her best to hide it. ”The others posed a slight threat. Bargaining took control of the Rhapsody girl and battled me. He was still no match for me.”
”Bargaining… The hell is he doing going out of his way to mess with our contract? No matter. We have what we need. To fully resurrect the Gatekeeper, we needed the blood of another Child of the Garden. That is your purpose here.”
”The Alice thought you said you wouldn't kill him.”
”Do not get so attached daughter of mine. We cannot succeed without his blood. His death will be a necessary sacrifice for our cause. Surely you understand daughter?”
”I… I do…”
”How long have you had this copy for then?” Alton hissed. ”How many before this, Alice, did you butcher before you got the perfect clone? How many?!”
Hans glanced at Alice smirking meeting Alton's remarks. ”Six. This is the sixth incarnation of her, and the world has been none the wiser. All memories are merely passed on to keep the illusion going. The Alice before you were constructed a mere six months before Team Rhapsody's creation.”
”You bastard… I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you!” Alton snapped, breaking from his chains. The whole room began freezing over as he was ready to kill. Before he could, he was pinned against the wall with arrows. His strength fizzled out as he glanced up, seeing Alice holding her bow.
Hans scoffed shaking his head. ”This world is going to better off without you. Alice, come with me. We shall be expecting guests very soon.”
Hans strolled off as Alice stared at Alton, looking conflicted. Emotions tearing at each other as she could hardly keep herself together. ”The Alice is… I'm… I'm so sorry…” Alice turned away, leaving her muffled sobs were heard from the corridor as Alton stared on with hatred and anguish.
”No matter what Alice, I'll save you.”