Chapter 123: Killer Queen (2/2)

”The only way to help me is to lie down and accept my revenge.” Emil was shot in the head as his body was propelled through space at high speed before he crashed back into the stadium being held up by the villain defeated. ”You always were the weakest one of them all. Nothing ever changes. But know this Emil. I am now more powerful than any member of Team Rhapsody. I will show you very soon.”

”That's enough, Montague.” Killer Queen turned as explosions of fireworks and confetti rained everywhere, and cheers of the crowd swept the area. From the dust, someone was dancing hyping up the crowd as streamer drones flooded the area. ”Why don't we boogie down and hype this part up?”

Killer Queen dropped Emil hissing with spite. ”Crimson Dawn. The nerve of you to stop me.”

Diego walked up striking a pose sending the crowd into a frenzy. ”Oh, don't mind me? I have no intention of doing that but how about before you continue me and you have a crack at it. Afterall this game just got a whole lot more interesting now you're involved.”

Killer Queen kicked Emil away, curling up his fist throwing serval knives. Diego dodged each one before they were even anywhere near him, striking an over the top pose at the end. This only pissed off Killer Queen as he took the fight head-on. Diego eyed him down smirking as he jumped back weaving his way through each attack like it was nothing as Killer Queen couldn't get a single hit in. Diego hopped on top of him jumping off his head flipping around sliding forward, sending his fanbase crazy. More fireworks blasted everywhere as Diego's bold ego was on full display. Killer Queen held his mask shaking before he screamed, pulling out a gun firing. Diego crouched down, avoiding the gunfire before charging forward, uppercutting him in the face. Killer Queen fell to the ground lying back defeated. ”That deals with that. Now go on, move along.”

Killer Queen pulled himself up, fading into the gas as Diego stretched his shoulder. ”Why the hell did you let him go?”

”He's still got a few tricks up his sleeve. I don't want to ruin the surprise taking him down, we need a climax for my stream.” Diego shrugged off, kicking Emil back down. ”Now, now, now. Just because I saved you don't me, we're chumps. You're going to give up for me.”

”What? Just who the hell are you?”

”Crimson Dawn, number ten streamer. I already know who you are Emil. You have caused quite the stir. My chat is on the hype train right now. Anyway, where were we?” He went to finish off Emil only to stop laughing, helping him up. ”I'm just fucking with you buddy. Don't look so shocked. You still fully with me?”

Emil held his head groaning. ”Maybe?”

”Good. Because I'm going to need your help.”

”Help with what exactly?” He grumbled lost.

”What else,” Diego smirked giving him a thumbs up. ”Taking down Eyes Over Reality.”

”You knew he was here?”

”Well duh, I was the one to put him behind bars. I can smell his foul wrench a mile off. One of the reasons I joined this freak game show. That and to see her first hand.”


”Who else? The most powerful Antihuman in the world. Alice Hawthorne.”