Chapter 119: Here Comes The Demon (1/2)

”Welcome back to your coverage of this hot topic! I'm your host Deadlyjonstar and like always my co-host J4J4. So, Emily, already Five hours in half the competition went, and already we've had some crazy matchups which will be talked about for years. What's your personal highlight so far?”

”Without a doubt Diorama vs Alice. What a turnabout to think the old-timer was once considered Vanguard's greatest threat. To lose so quickly to Alice was amazing, she sure has what it takes to be the next number one streamer. There have been talks of that correct?”

”Right you are, we don't like talking rumours on the show, but we couldn't help but go there. With all the hype we wouldn't be surprised if any day now this legendary streamer is made the new number one streamer. But Emily I don't think I can go on without talking about the surprise betrayal made by our own Team Rhapsody. What is up with Zinnia?”

”I know Jon these turns of events are something else. While we're expecting such turn of events eventually. We weren't expecting them so soon. We don't know what's going on with the hero of Rhapsody as they call her but whatever is we will be sure to cover it right here. And I guess we can't go on without talking about the main show kicker.”

”The uninvited visitor. So, Emily is frank with me here, are we actually looking at a member of the Syndicate family? Weren't they like all wiped up 400 years ago?”

”We thought so, yet here we are with one right on our doorstep. How very bold. V.I.R.A.L hasn't stepped in at all unknown to us why. However, what can be certain is now that Alton has made contact with this vicious villain things are about to crank up to eleven. Who is this villain, and what could they possibly want with our streamers? Tune in to find out why!”


Chunks of earth riddling with sand flew at Alton as he flipped back dodging the last flurry of attacks. Spinning around, he wiped his sweaty forehead smirking at the villain. ”While this is all very exciting, I must admit it's in your best interest to give it up. Hotshot villain, you maybe look around you we're on a beach. Rule one when fighting Alton. Never fight him near a beach.”

The Demon Mask took a deep breath leaning back stretching. ”And lose out on a fair fight against you? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this for the world.”

Alton shook his head yawning. ”Your loss.” A massive blast of water smashed the Demon Mask back as Alton stood idly watching his enemy be flown around unable to counterattack. Opening his hand, the explosion of water exploded outwards as the Demon Mask fell out collapsing to her knee panting. ”So how about it? Care to explain your backstory and evil plan in precise detail?”

”Alton, please… You need to listen. She's not who she makes out to be… You can't trust anything she says… That villain is actually S-.”

Harmony collapsed as the Demon Mask held her hand out. ”Ah, ah, ah. We don't want to spoil the surprise.”

”What did you do?”

”Just a simple mind wipe. Don't worry its short term. She knew a little too much.” She hissed, moving her shoulder around. ”I must concur those powers of yours are just as powerful as they looked. I've only ever seen them up close but never took a hit, this might just be a little fun after all.”

”You've been watching us?”

The Demon Mask teleported behind Alton, wrapping her arms around him. ”Oh, my dear sweet Alton, I am so much closer than that.” Holding her hand forward, Alton was shot forward, crashing into the ocean as she began drowning him with a grip having Alton down. A short time past before the sea exploded with a massive burst of water piling out.

Alton had managed to break free now walking on water looking exhausted. He flicked some seaweed off his shoulder, giving off a tired smile. ”Telekinesis… Not bad, but it's going to take a lot more than that to kill me.”

”I'm counting on it.” She teased us all the water rippled back out to sea. Alton held his hand high up as the waves came crashing back, forming a tsunami-like no other. Roaring past Alton it crashed down on the Demon Mask only to stop just above her as she had somehow managed to it up stopping the attack consuming her. ”I've been my whole life for this.”

”For what?”

”To kill you.”