Chapter 45: Rise of the Viral Sensation (2/2)

He looked at his pale hand, still cold to the touch. He wanted to tell her about his past. The horrors he saw. The mess he is. He tried to tell her everything. But every moment he tried flashes of Sam and that day ran through his head stopping him. Taking one long deep breath, he found the courage to speak up. ”We… we need to discuss your streaming name.”

”My streaming name? What's wrong with Zinnia? Do you not like my name?”

”What? No! Listen, your streaming name is meant to represent you and your beliefs.”

”Well, I'm Zinnia. That can't represent me anymore.”

”Zin listen. My name is Avalanche because I'm calm until the storm where my might is like an Avalanche. We need a better one for you.”

Zinnia gave a confused look nodding. ”Alright. I'm up for suggestions.”

Alton gave a long thought before smiling to himself. ”What about Ingrid?”

”Ingrid? Is that your ideal baby name? Mine would be Maya. Wait, why are we discussing baby names? Weren't you meant to be giving me streamer names?”

Alton looked slightly startled before chuckling to himself. ”Somethings never change. I thought the name Ingrid because of the meaning. The name means serval things but, in some countries, it means the daughter of a hero. You always go on about how you knew your mother was a superhero. I thought the name would be perfect.

”A hero's daughter… I. I love it. It's perfect. Ingrid. My streaming name will be Ingrid.” She whispered, feeling warm inside. She gave Alton a bold smile. ”I'm going to tell others about my new name!” Zinnia ran outside Alton ward before stopping looking down conflicted. ”Avalanche… so it is true…”


Vanguard was placed in the highest and most guarded prison in the country. Dead cell prison they called it—a jail for streamers. For once in his life, he didn't seem concerned about anything. He was at peace. Three guards were in charge of watching his cell; he didn't mind the company all considering. Finishing the last of his tea all the lights to the prison went off, only for a short moment. Once then turned back on all the guards vanished. In their place was a lone figure dressed in all back with a demon mask covering their face. They also wore a hood covering their head. ”Marcus Culling.”

Vanguard stepped forward-looking at the demon mask. ”Who are you?”

The lights flickered off and on again. This time the figure was now in Vanguard's cell, making him step back. ”We are the future. It's your fault, you know.”

”My fault?”

”Yours, and many others. Those who go by streamers. Those who blindly follow the orders of V.I.R.A.L. They are what's wrong with this world.”

”I don't understand.”

The demon mask began lifting a small file in the air. It opened up revealing a case file on Alton Brantley. ”What do you know about him.”

”There's more than meets the eye with that boy. He's dangerous.”

”Yes, we all know this. We've had our eye on him for a while now. Alton, his father. The incident at Sunset Peak. Hero's Might we know all of it. Even the stuff you don't know.”

”What don't I know?”

The Demon Mask walked closer to Vanguard, staring at him in the face, their voice distorted and unable to truly pinpoint. ”Everything. There's a storm coming Marcus one none of us might survive. V.I.R.A.L, The Garden, Alon. They are all connected. If we don't prepare and strike, none of us will live through it.”

”How do you know this?”

”I've seen it myself. The Garden showed me their Salvation. I'm not a fan. I don't know-how. But Alton holds the key to all of this.”

”What do you want with him?” Vanguard questioned.

The Demon Mask lifted their hand as everything in the cell began to float in the air. Vanguard included. Even when he made himself weight a ton, the demon mask had no problem holding him. ”We want to stop him.”

”Stop him from what?”

”Ending the world.” They spoke, dropping everything. The lights flickered off and on again as the Demon Mask was now back outside the cell. They turned to Vanguard taking off their mask just enough so he could see their smug look. ”Victoria aut mors. Marcus. Victoria aut mors.”

The lights shut off again, this time for an extended period. When they came back on, all of the guards were ago looked dazed and confused. Vanguard pressed his head against his bars, looking on in concern as he whispered to himself. ”You better watch yourself, Alton…”


”VANGUARD IS THE CULPRIT!” Gale screeched rising from his bed in a panic. He looked around his hospital room lost and confused.

A faint and dull clap was heard as Gale turned seeing Scarlett sitting in the visitor seat. She wore a long gothic black dress. She stopped her brief clapping session to go back to reading her book about angels and demons. ”Well done, you have indeed cracked the case. Team Rhapsody will be so proud of you Gale.”

Gale gave Scarlett a strange look feeling anxious by her presence. ”I need to tell the others.”

”Oh, yes. Certainly, go and tell them. Please do not like me stop you. Run little Gale, run! Although I heard they already dealt with Vanguard. You are a bit late to the party it seems.”

”Oh… well I guess I should see if they are alright?”

”Poppycock. They are resting in no condition to have visitors from the likes of you. Fear not though. I, Scarlett Dawn will be more than happy to keep you company Gale Lampard.” She demanded slamming her book shut smiling,

Gale lay back down, facing away from Scarlett. He pulled the covers up mumbling to himself. ”Scary…”