Chapter 44: Overthrow The King Part 2 (2/2)

”Hey, I owe you. It's the least I can do. Friends don't leave each other behind.”

Alton frowned nodding. ”Yeah, that's what they're supposed to do…”

Percy helped up Zinnia as she held her chest wheezing. ”We took him down, but I don't feel like we won. His fans didn't seem to care. Did we really change anything?”

”Even if they don't see it, we still stopped him from causing any more mental overloads or damage. That should be respected.”

”Shit! We lost Rodger. He could continue the mental overloads!” Percy barked.

”We won't have to worry about that. He probably won't continue with Vanguard finished. He'll show up eventually, and when he does, we'll nab him.” Alton demanded.

Emil began coughing waking up as he held his head. ”Fuck… did we win?”

”I really think we did…” Percy smiled. ”Even if they don't come around now. They will eventually. The public will realise we don't need Vanguard anymore. We have new heroes for that.”

The ground began to shake as everyone looked alarmed. ”Crap this whole place is falling apart! We need to get out now!”

Iris helped out Emil as everyone else got out. Alton turned to Vanguard trapped as he laughed. ”You gonna be a hero and save me or what?”

The floor caved in as Alton shot a wall of ice stopping the fall. He fell to his knee again, shivering in pain. As the roof began to cave in Alton dragged Vanguard out with all his might as the two manage to escape with just moments to spare. Alton fell onto his backside as he watched the shrine collapse into the ground. The bottomless hole gave way as it returned to what looked to be a familiar ditch. ”I guess the entrance to the Garden is gone… Rodger said that was the last place the garden was accessible from.”

”The Garden of Grief… it was real… you think that's the last time we hear from that?”

”I can only hope.”

Zinnia looked at her phone, seeing how late it was. She knew Rebecca was going to kill her. That wasn't what all caught her eye. Her eyes widen as she began digging through her phone. ”Holy shit. Guys check this out. We've been unbanned. No way!”

”You're joking?! Let me see.” Percy yelled, snatching the phone. ”Incredible. And we are already gaining followers like nothing!”

Alton looked at his phone, seeing he was kicked from Vanguard's stream. The account had been terminated. He sighed nodding, knowing that would happen. ”Whoa, there's a small message.” Zinnia said. ”To the streamers of tomorrow from the people of today. Welcome back. The CEO of V.I.R.A.L? For real?!”

Alton looked at her phone, also in shock. ”The boss of V.I.R.A.L took notice? Damn, I've never seen that happen.”

Iris nodded, also surprised. ”I don't think that ever happened. You guys deserved it. You did something no other streamer could do.”

”We wouldn't have done it without your help Iris. It's all thanks to you.”

”Oh, please. I don't deserve the praise. I only landed the final blow. It was you guys who found the truth and exposed him. This is Team Rhapsody's win.”

”No, it's all of ours. All of us here. All thanks to everyone.”

Zinnia began tearing up as she wiped her eyes smiling. ”We really did it…” She squatted down internally screaming as she jumped in the air cheering. ”Team Rhapsody is back!”