Chapter 38: Altons Resolve Part 2 (1/2)

”What do you think? I feel either Relentless… are you even listening? Alton?”

Alton snapped from daydreaming looking down as Sam who was lying on his legs taking up the whole sofa. She had a small notebook as she was going over streamer names. ”Sorry I was ugh…”

”Typical, of course, you weren't listening! I was asking for streamer names bozo. You're going to help me with them.”

”Whoa, why me? I'm terrible with streaming names. Should we wait till the others turn up?”

Sam shook his head, punching Alton's leg. ”No, no, I want your opinion I gave you your name. It's only fair you help me choose mine.”

”So, the choices again?”

”Well, there was relentless. As you know, never to give up.”

”Sounds too dark. I would mistake you for a villain with that name. Didn't you want more of a heroic name?”

”Well, the other choice was Ingrid.”

”I thought we were discussing streaming names, not our future child?”

Sam snorted coughing up her drink, unable to control her laughing tantrum. ”Are you serious?! That has to be a joke. Fuck off, our child is going to be called Genevieve.”

”Genei- what? That's a crazy mouthful.”

”Genevieve. Take it or leave it.”

Alton rubbed his face sighing. ”The streaming name.”

”Oh, right. So? Which one do you like? Or unless you have a better name?”

Alton began thinking. He hummed to himself before speaking the name he had at the tip of his tongue. ”How about Unity?”


”Yeah? I thought… well, your our leader. You bring us all together as one. It's cringy, I know. On second thoughts, forget it! This was dumb! Dumb!” He yelled, pushing Sam off his lap standing up, looking embarrassed. ”We should wait for the others.”

”Unity?” Sam muttered before smirking. ”Unity. I like it. Nah, bro, I love it! That name is the shit, and you doubted yourself? You're good at this shit. Unity and Avalanche the heroic duo ready to take on the world!”

”You know we are streamers? We stream stuff like our daily activities. Reactions. Gaming. Maybe a fight or two.”

”But what if we could be more? Look at that dawnguard bloke.”

”You mean Vanguard?”

”Yeah, that git. He's around fighting crime and saving the day. Why can't we do that? We have the powers to back it up. We could be heroes!”

”Heroes? Speak for yourself, Sam… I am not cut out for hero work.”

”Ah, don't give me that shit. One look at you and I can see a hero right there. One who won't falter to evil one who fights to protect the people he cares about. One who never gives up. You Avalanche are that hero.”

”Ever thought about going for student president?”

”I'm serious dude. I wouldn't just make this stuff up. I mean it. Alton, you are a hero. Don't ever forget it.”

”Alright, alright jeez…”