Chapter 16: Offline (1/2)
From the darkness worked a man. He was hunched over on his computer from which the bright screen was the only source of light. His eyes danced between web pages absorbing all the information in a matter of moments. His arm curled around consuming the last crumb of cake he had put together. He stopped for a short moment as a loud bang was heard coming from a closing door. He waited hearing footsteps coming from up the stairs. He spun around in his chair as the door to his safe place was ripped down. ”You're back awfully late again. Take it you had a good stream.”
”It's how it is. Made ends meet.”
”I've been waiting for you to come home all day. First, you had an early morning stream then you had to go visit a school to give speeches. Since when does the almighty Vanguard give speeches to a bunch of losers?”
”Funny,” Vanguard muttered taking his boots off sitting on the bed groaning. ”I take it you've been productive.”
”Been keeping an eye on all of the streamer breakdowns like you asked. I don't know why you have me keep doing this? I mean does it matter.”
Vanguard slouched over pulling a bottle of rum from under the bed taking a shot. ”If I am to take them down, I need to know when they attack. Wait for the biggest crowd.”
”Isn't this all pointless I mean.”
”You know why I do this. I do it- ”
”Because if you don't someone else will, jeez. You've been this number one streamer guy for what fifteen years. I don't think anyone is going to snatch the title of you that quickly.!
Vanguard wiped his mouth looking out the window of the rundown apartment. ”I found another one.”
The man turned with a curious look. ”Already? Who?”
”Just some kid. Leader of this new streaming group called Rhapsody.”
”Oh, like the song.”
”You know, ♪Mama just killed a man♪”
”I know the song you prick.”
”So, what's this kid deal.”
”Names Alton Brantley goes by Dauntless.”
”Brantley, Brantley. The name rings a bell… oh that's it I had a one-night stand with a man called Brantley once.”
Vanguard took off his shirt sighing. ”The kid has some power behind him. Can control water freezing it whenever he wants.”
”He'd make a good environmentalist.”
”Did some research into him, turns out he's a former streamer who went by Avalanche, he's got a new team and is starting fresh.”
The man spun around typing away on his computer. ”Now that is a streamer name I recognise. Bingo, Avalanche. Was apart of a streaming joint account called Hero's Might. There were quite a few members at one point. But now the account is only left to a Sam Belling, goes by Unity. She hasn't logged into her account in over three years.”
”So what? Accounts die all the time. I probably put them out of commission myself without realising.”
”But that's just thing Marcus, all the other accounts on this profile apart from hers and wonder boy here have been fully wiped. Like they never existed.”
”That truly is interesting. But what has this got to do with me?”
”Well a few years ago I did hear of an incident in a small rural town not far from here, the town was caught up in a heated streamer battle. Got many people killed. And who is on that death list? None other than the girl of the hour Sam Belling.”
”So, boo-hoo she died. Sad but why should I care?”
”Well if she was dead, why is her account still on V.I.R.A.L? If the tragic death of a Streamer occurs their account is eventually deleted. If that is the case how come to miss Belling is still on V.I.R.A.L? Not only that but our new best friend Alton is also apart of the list of the dead. What is he hiding? Or who is he hiding from?”
”I don't care what the twirp has to hide.”
The Man stood up sitting on Marcus' lap wrapping his arms around his shoulders whispering. ”Who cares about the kid anyway? Pay more attention to the man in front of you.”
Marcus smirked sitting still. ”You know why we do this Rodger. We do what we do for our own sake.”
Rodger leaned in pressing his head against Marcus' own. ”I know but it still doesn't hurt any less. Why must we always hide our relationship? I want to be streaming by your side.”
Marcus leaned back resting his arms on the bed. ”You know why I don't open to the world about it? You're the only one in my life which I can call mine. Everything is out there consumed by the masses, you're the only one which isn't torn by the masses.”
”I know, but, it's not fair. Who cares what everyone else thinks? You aren't that sort of person.”