Chapter 128: A Relentless enemy 2 (1/2)
The Imperial Palace
Prime Minister Shi sat back and watched as the whip fell on Lu Yaozhu's back, the two soldiers had fallen into a synchronous rhythm hit pause, hit pause. The sound of leather hitting flesh was all that could be heard In the dim room. However, Lu Yaozhu remained stubborn and never made any move to surrender.
Prime Minister Shi held up his hand after some time, silently signalling the men to pause. They held their whip high, folded their whip in two. Placed them on the table at the side and stepped back cautiously. Prime Minister Shi's main focus was on getting the written confession for Lu Yaozhu signed by him.
He had to get that signed before the death line given by the Emperor elapse. Prime Minister Shi rose Lu Yaozhu's sweaty face by his chin, ”How long are you going to be this stubborn, General Lu. I won't be patient forever, General. You either confess or I will get not just your you get brother this time but your mother too”.
Lu Yaozhu shook his head with force and pulled his face out of the Prime Minister's hold. This annoyed Prime Minister Shi more because Lu Yaozhu didn't seem bothered by his threat. He glared down at him and without looking up at the guards instructed, ”continue”.
He returned to his seat to observe, as the soldiers brought up the whip to resume their actions. The door was pushed open, the guard and Lu Yaozhu's left jumped and the whip in his hand fell with a ” clank”.
Prime Minister Shi turned to the door with narrowed eyes, he wanted to see who dared to interrupt his questioning but was surprised to see chief investigator Mu walk in with some guards.
Prime Minister Shi didn't appreciate My Yitze's interaction, he charged forward, ”How dare you badge in Chief Investigator, Mu when I am carrying out a questioning?”
Mu Yitze lowered his chin to look down at him coldly, Prime Minister Shi was like a clown in his eyes. He snorted when he saw how superior this man behaved, a cold smile spread in his face as he palmed the imperial decree in his arm.
Prime Minister Shi stepped back when he noticed the contempt in Mu Yitze's eyes, he had a strange foreboding. That things were about to go south, he glanced outside the door, the guards behind My Yitze noticed the direction of his gaze and immediately spread out.
Mu Yitze smirked, rose the yellow scroll and read out the decree. Prime Minister Shi didn't notice the decree in his hands until it was held up by the younger male.
”Prime Minister Shi Yukai is of loose morals and has collaborated with the Empire's enemies. He is not worthy of the title of Prime Minister and is stripped of his title and properties, effective immediately. He is found guilty of treason and will be arrested to be bending execution in three days” Mu Yitze rolled up the scroll and nodded at the kneeling Shi Yukai and ordered firmly, ”take the Criminal Shi Yukai to his cell”.
The two guards behind Lu Yaozhu felt like disappearing into the wall behind them as they watched the former Prime Minister being dragged away. The tables had turned faster than they had expected. One can't tell how the wind would blow, they were on edge. They didn't bother trying to reason why the Prime Minister was accused of the same crimes as the young General.
It didn't seem like much of a coincidence, they feared that they might be in big trouble. The Chief investigator didn't mention returning the Genera to his cell which could mean that the General was free. They feared that he would punish them for the part they played in his torture. However that never happened, Mu Yitze glanced at the two men.
”What are you standing there for? Remove the straps immediately!”
They nodded and rushed forward to do so, it took longer than usual. Their hands shook as they removed the straps, once the last strap was untied they stepped back. Without glancing at them, Mu Yitze instructed, ”leave us”.
”Yes,” both men ran out like the devil was on their tails.
Lu Yaozhu's lips tipped up as they ran out of the room. He leaned back on the seat, ”Investigator Mu must want to have a few words with me”.
Mu Yitze quickly fell on his knees ”You have suffered greatly, my Lord. Please forgive me, for coming this late. New evidence was summited by the State Duke's intelligence team three days earlier. I didn't work faster and submitted reports yesterday. Because of that, you had to stay longer in here, please accept my apologies.”
Lu Yaozhu nodded and patting him on the shoulder gently sat changed his body in a more comfortable position. ”There is no need for an apology, you were only trying to be thorough. The evidence was submitted by the state Duke, What a surprise. Help me apologize to the state Duke for making him step out of his retirement to lend me a hand” Lu Yaozhu passed his right hand through his left and held it up to the right.
”I would like to help but I think it would be better if he heard it from you”
Lu Yaozhu pointed around the room, ”That would be a little difficult to do while I am locked up in here”
Mu Yitze smiled, ”no anymore, His majesty just ordered for your released.” He bowed lower, ”Don't worry about your wife, she is safe My spies reported that she is staying at the silk merchant Zhang family.”
”Oh, that is good” Lu Yaozhu looked down at his bloodied clothing, ”I should clean up a little, if I go like this..... Can I please get a change of clothes and some water?”.