Chapter 136: Pearl Coast (1/2)

The story of Caspian, Conan, and Wolfy started years ago.

A few decades ago, while on an adventure with their father, Caspian and Conan encountered an injured wolf who was about to die, in the Dark Forest.

Being naturally attracted to it due to their bloodline, they took care of the young pup for weeks before releasing it back to the wild.

This act of gratitude made the wolf and the two brothers friends. After that, occasionally, they would visit the wolf in the Dark Forest and play with it.

They even made a special whistle that the brothers can use to contact the wolf anytime they were in the Dark Forest.

Till this moment, it had been a decade since the two brothers had met the wolf.

Now, the wolf was fairly old. It was already an overlord, being a [Grade-3] Demon Beast with its own territory. It even had its own family.

Caspian had called Wolfy due to their circumstance. As a beast of the Dark Forest, Wolfy was an astoundingly strong wolf.

With his strength and reputation, they would be able to get to their destination safely.

Even Caspian was scared of getting attacked in the forest. He absolutely could not fend off [Grade-3] Demon Beasts.

However, with the protection of Wolfy, they were bound to have a smooth travel


Three weeks later, a large group of about five hundred (500) people could be seen coming out of the southern border of the Dark Forest.

They walked gently on the tarred road that led to their destination, just behind a nearby mountain.

After a sizable amount of people had left the border, quite of few stayed behind.

Caspian was among them. In fact, he was the main reason that they had not continued going.

Well, actually, he was not the main reason. The main reason was Wolfy.

Caspian hugged the large wolf, about twice taller as him.

He nudged it as he said, ”Wolfy, come with us.”

Despite not being able to speak the human tongue, Wolfy understood the language due to the persistent teachings of the two brothers.

The large beast shook his head as a reply to Caspian.

”Why?” asked Conan.

The wolf continued shaking its head.

It had already been informed of the eminent corruption of the continent, but it could not leave.

It had a family in the forest to take care of.

Wolfy wagged its tail as it set its eyes on two wolf pups that were currently playing with Roan and Sierra.


It beckoned the two pups, who chased after him the moment they heard its summon.

Throughout the journey, Wolfy never came alone. It had brought its mate and his two youngest children, the rest of its family were protecting its territory.

Beside him, Wolfy's mate carried her two pups and played with them for a few minutes.

Although she didn't understand the [Universal Language], her mate had already informed her of what they were about.

Drowning her pups in saliva, she passed them on to her mate, while moaning sorrowfully.