Chapter 126: Pearl Coast (1/2)

'Five minutes,' worried Jake.

He had been submerged in the lake for more than five minutes, hiding from the bear still beside the lake.

'This needs to end!' thought Jake.

He was running out of time.

After Jake had entered the Dark Forest, he had planned his next step.

Via the Dark Forest, he would go to the Pearl Coast, which had gotten its name due to the frozen pearls that wash up the shore.

Jake hadn't chosen the location randomly.

Pearl Coast was the only place that could transport one to the islands the sect inhabited.

He needed to get there, as that would be the only safe place.

From his conversation with Talon, he realized that nowhere was safe. He couldn't stay on this continent anymore as it would eventually be corrupted.

He had to leave the continent and Pearl Coast possessed ships that could cross over the Serpent Sea, leading to the sect island.

However, now, his plans were stopped by the demonic bear.

Jake gradually found himself losing his breath and couldn't keep up after twenty minutes.

Biting his lips, he held on for as long as he could.


Jake could hear the growling of the bear outside.

He was surprised as he could tell it was not directed at him.


The bear loudly roared at something that challenged it.

As he was in the lake, Jakle couldn't see what it was, but he could tell based on the furious bear's roar that it threatened it badly.

Suddenly, the bear moaned.

Its tone became lower at every wail, and by the time it was at the lowest, the bear stopped moaning.


The sound of something heavy dropping followed and made Jake very wary.

It was at this time that he couldn't continue holding his breath and brought his head above the lake.

He took a short peek at the surroundings and to his surprise, he saw a bear laying lifelessly on the snow-filled ground.

The eyes of the bear were wide open in shock and its fur fell off, leaving a skin that seemed sucked of all nutrients.

Knowing that the situation was strange, Jake jumped out of the lake to inspect.

He could have continued hiding, but by now, he wasn't sure it was the most effective course of action.

'Hmm....,' Jake's sense tingled as he saw something materialized in his face.

The being in front of him seemed unstable as some parts of it disappeared and materialized back.

It had a translucent body, that appeared to not be of the material world, silvery-white hair, and clear black eyes that diverted from the mundane world.

Its clothes followed the theme as it was ghost-like, and always floating, just like her legs

'F*ckery. It's a phantom,' cursed Jake.

He understood, based on the creature's appearance, that the creature in front of him was one of the rarest Netherans.