Chapter 40: His First Sight (1/2)

The Creature appeared in a dark place. The place lighted up and the creature found itself floating in an endless cosmic space. It was surrounded by stars and huge planets.

However, the creature didn't notice that. What it noticed was a cosmic-looking eyeball, that stared down on it like a god judging his subject.

Looking at the gigantic eye, the creature felt intimidated like never before in its life. The creature didn't expect something like this to happen.

”What is this place?” It said out loud, with its corporeal body trembling.

It heard a familiar voice coming from beside the cosmic eye, ”Oh, you are finally here. Took you long enough.”

The creature hissed at the origin of the voice, ”Jake!”

It saw Jake standing beside the eye with his hands behind his backs. Jake's demeaning expression combining with the arrogant Akashic eye ticked off the creature.

In a temporary burst of anger, the creature demanded, ”Answer me! What is this place?”

Suddenly, the scenery changed into a vast cosmic field with levitating rocks the size of a planet. Some rocks touched each other and blew up into smaller ones like an asteroid. Some rapidly grew; they expanded until they popped out like a balloon, exploding into countless stars. Some disintegrated into dust and assembled back.

It was absolute chaos, Pure chaos. The dancing objects got destroyed and assembled back together. They formed a cycle of destruction and creation.

Noticing the change of scenery, the mysterious creature asked, as he could not look away from the beautiful scenery, ”Where is this? What is this place?”

Jake ignored the questions as he looked at his surroundings, his face making a rare expression of nostalgia.

”Let me tell you a story. There was once a child born in a field of perfection. His first sight was the most beautiful he would ever come to see. It represented the whole world to him.

Looking at it, he saw everything; his future, his birthright, the perfect picture of perfection.

Years after, his feeble mind struggled to remember what it was. Every day, Every night, Every dream, he would burn the scene into his memory, going it back every time it fell into pieces. Until, one day, he realized that he could perfectly recollect the scene. He could sleep for a thousand years and still not forget. It was that day that the child truly was born!”

The creature paused for a moment, digesting the story before concluding that it was just nonsense Jake shouted, ”Don't mess with me, human!”

Jake shook his head as he sighed, ”Do not speak with me that way! It seems you have forgotten your place.”

Jake's features became more defined as he stared down icily at the creature.

”What do you mea--Ahhh!” the creature was about to ask when its corporeal body was sliced through by a mysterious force.

It looked at Jake who held a blue sword.

Still bleeding, it queried, ”How is your mind so strong?”

It didn't understand. While it might behave arrogantly, all of its actions were calculated. For example, it migrated to a rural area to feed off humans.

Even when it captured Jake, it made sure that Jake couldn't defeat it. It had estimated that Jake was just a youngster which would mean that his mind was quite weak and easy to possess.

Jake's monotone voice became louder and louder as he said, ”You have no idea what I have endured. You dare invade my space. Dare to mock me. Preposterous!”

He stretched forth his right hand, using his willpower to drag the sliced corporeal body of the creature to him.

Holding it by the strength, the creature found no strength in it as it struggled to get free.

It panicked, 'By the heavens! I have doomed myself. If this was the outside, I would have easily defeated this brat, but this is a battle of the mind and he has the home advantage.'

With just a thought, Jake's left hand merged with the blue sword.

He was about to stab the corporeal body when the creature shouted, ”Wait! We can settle this. What do you want?” with the breath of death hanging just by its neck, the creature opted to become shameless.