Give the Dwarves Their Due 1 (2/2)

Threadbare Andrew Seiple 176060K 2022-07-24

...and as his ministers gasped, he took out his son's coin.

Cecelia caught it by sheer reflex, as he flipped it to her. “This should cover the components she needs for a new Steam Knight suit. And if it doesn't, talk to the tallyman and take mine.”

“Sir... no...” whispered Bazdra.

“My heir's dead, I'm the last of my clan here, I've got no blood who might need it after I die,” Grundi snapped. “What are two pieces of Adamant in the face of all that, hm?”

“Adamant!” Garon shrieked, and stared around the room. At the hundreds of coins, filling hundreds of plaques. Just sitting there, next to the candles... “This is... the cost must...” He snapped his mouth shut. “This is the safest room in the hold, isn't it?” He said, conversationally.

“Oh yeah,” Hidon confirmed, recovering from his shock. “Little doll girl, I hope you know the honor the King just paid you.”

“Why?” Cecelia said, staring down at the coin, and up to the King.

He smiled, sad then, eyes misty. “Because he, too, believed in peace.” He glanced over to Gudrun. “Get them settled. Bazdra, keep them alive. The rest of you, come with me.”


Two hours later, in a simple chamber decorated with hand-woven rugs and tapestries ranging from children's first attempts to masterpieces that must have taken years to finish, Graves and the golems and their cats stretched out behind a closed door and huddled together to discuss matters.

“So we've pretty much got free run of the place, so long as Bazdra or the other ministers are with us, right?” Kayin asked.

“Yes,” Threadbare said. “Though we need to be careful. The Lurker is probably going to try to kill anyone of us he can catch.”

“He can try,” Zuula said.

“He can do more than that,” Garon said. “If the Hand are actually the remnants of the Seven, then the Lurker's probably what remains of Graham.”

“Oh shit,” Madeline said. “That's wahse than just assassination.”

“What's worse?” Fluffbear squeaked.

“Graham was a con man, a grifter for the greater good,” Cecelia said. “The first one to unlock the gambler job... well, in Cylvania, anyway. He favored range attacks, bluffs, and cons that usually put the Seven's foes in a bad tactical position. If the daemon has any of his skills, he's going to come at us using people, and in a way that we won't be expecting. He was also a master of disguise.”

“Can he disguise himself as a doll?” Graves asked. “If there's size limitations we might be good.”

“Except for you,” Zuula pointed out.

“Right.” Graves sighed. “Groups. Nobody does anything alone until this is over.”

“That's going to be a bit rough,” Garon said, glancing toward Zuula, then quickly away before she could see him. “I mean, some of you have valuable jobs to montage, and armor to build, but some of us won't have much to do. I... I'd really like to help here, but I don't know how.”

“I've thought of that, actually. I think there might be a way you could help, you all could if you're willing,” Cecelia said. “I'm going to be stuck putting together my new armor, and montaging.”

“I'll be montaging as well.” Threadbare said, then frowned. “Maybe not. I taught you golemist.”

“You did, though I've barely used it. But I see where you're going with this.” Graves nodded. “I could montage it to other people easily enough.”

“I'm down for being useful,” Glub said. “Beats staring at the walls.”

“Good.” Cecelia leaned forward. “Gudrun tells me the two coins will cover the Steam Knight armor and the reagents to golemize most of our dead, but there's about forty or so left-uncovered. So we need a lot of money... or we need more sources of reagents. And since we're free to roam the city, we've got every legal reason to enter the dungeon that they've got down here.”

“Wait, whoa, dungeon?” Garon said, leaning forward. “I've never heard of one here.”

“Oh yeah. It's a well-kept secret outside these halls. I only knew about it because of the Lurker's intelligence reports. It's legal to go in, unlike a lot of the Crown-controlled dungeons were. The downside is that it's way more dangerous than Catamountain was. You know how that one was all about cats? This one's themed around giants.”

”Worth a shot,” Zuula decided. ”Ogre went down pretty easy, all t'ings considered. How hard giants be?”

”Mind you, that's also going to be a lure. We'll raid in and out of the dungeon, and try to tempt the Lurker into ambushing us when he thinks we're weakest- emerging from a dungeon.” Cecelia explained. ”But I've got an ace to play, there.”

”Yeah?” Kayin said, scooting in closer.

”I couldn't say anything before, because there were too many people listening, but we've got an old friend, one who'll probably be happy to help us. If she's alive, and if she's here. But I can't imagine she WOULDN'T be here.”

”Oh?” Garon asked. Then, ”oh.”

”Yeah. Once things are quiet, let's break out the dollseyed mice, Threadbare, and do some exploring. And if we're very, very lucky we might be able to track down Beryl Wirebeard...”


Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Threadbare

Age: 5


Greater Toy Golem Level 15

Cave Bear Level 12

Ruler Level 12

Scout Level 7

Tailor Level 11

Model Level 10

Necromancer Level 11

Duelist Level 6

Animator Level 12

Enchanter Level 10

Golemist Level 14

Smith Level 11

Sculptor Level 12


Strength: 125 Constitution: 140 Hit Points: 335(435) Armor: 52(65)

Intelligence: 226 Wisdom: 204(211) Sanity: 430(584) Mental Fortitude: 42

Dexterity: 147(154) Agility: 118(125) Stamina: 275() Endurance: 62

Charisma: 120(149) Willpower: 211 Moxie: 331(460) Cool: 20(48)

Perception: 125 Luck: 92(99) Fortune: 217(324) Fate: 15(22)

Generic Skills

Brawling - Level 43 (+14)

Climb - Level 13

Clubs and Maces - Level 9

Dagger - Level 9

Dodge - Level 9

Fishing - Level 1

Magic Item 1 - Resist Fire 13

Ride - Level 8

Stealth - Level 17

Swim - Level 5

Greater Toy Golem Skills

Adorable - Level 32

Bodyguard - Level 7

Gift of Sapience - Level NA

Golem Body - Level 28

Innocent Embrace - Level 14

Magic Resistance -Level 16

Cave Bear Skills

Animalistic Interface - NA

Claw Swipes - 26

Darkspawn - NA

Forage - 13

Growl - 2

Hibernate - 37

Scents and Sensibility - 20

Stubborn - 9

Toughness - 20

Ruler Skills

Appoint Official - Level NA

Emboldening Speech - Level 19

Identify Subject - Level 10

It's Good to be King - NA

King's Quest - Level 14

Noblesse Oblige - Level 30

Organize Minions - Level NA

Royal Audience - Level 22

Simple Decree - Level 15

Swear Fealty - Level NA

Scout Skills

Alertness - Level 3

Best Route - Level 3

Camouflage - Level 13(20)

Firestarter - Level 10

Keen Eye - Level 10

Sturdy Back - Level 13

Wind's Whisper - Level 15

Tailor Skills

Adjust Outfit - Level 4

Clean and Press - Level 15

Recycle Cloth - Level 1

Tailoring - Level 53(68)

Model Skills

Adjust Weight - Level 14

Call Outfit - Level 4

Dietary Restriction - Level 50 (+100 to all pools)

Fascination - Level 8

Flex - Level 20

Makeup - Level 10

Self-Esteem - Level 20

Sexy Pose - Level 2

Strong Pose - Level 15

Work it Baby - Level 50 (+50% to raw item bonuses)

Necromancer Skills

Assess Corpse - Level 12

Command the Dead - Level 28

Deathsight - Level 8

Drain Life - Level 7

Invite Undead - Level 12

Mana Focus - Level NA (+11% to sanity)

Skeletons - Level 19

Soulstone - Level 45

Speak With Dead - Level 24

Zombies - Level 3

Duelist Skills

Challenge - Level 9

Dazzling Entrance - Level 17

Fancy Flourish - Level 13 (20)

Guard Stance - Level 19

Parry - Level 10

Swashbuckler's Spirit - NA (+14 to cool)

Swinger - Level 2

Weapon Specialist - Level 29 (Brawling +14)

Animator Skills

Animus - Level 36

Animus Blade - Level 10

Animus Shield - Level 4

Arm Creation - Level 7

Command Animus - Level 19

Creator's Guardians - Level 27

Dollseye - Level 18

Eye for Detail - Level 20

Magic Mouth - Level 18

Mend - Level 40

Enchanter Skills

Appraise - Level 30

Boost+5 - Level 14

Boost +10 - Level 2

Disenchant - Level 7

Elemental Protection - Level 9

Glowgleam - Level 26

Harden - Level 32

Soften - Level 31

Spellstore I - Level 25

Spellstore V - Level 4

Spellstore X - Level 1

Wards - Level 2

Golemist Skills

Clay Golem - Level 2

Command Golem - Level 24

Golem Animus - Level 47

Golem Guardians - NA

Invite Golem - Level 12

Mend Golem - Level 29

Program Golem - Level 42

Toy Golem - Level 56

Wood Golem - Level 12

Smith Skills

Adjust Arms and Armor - Level 7

Refine Ore - Level 13

Smelt Down - Level 6

Smithing - Level 50

Sculptor Skills

Detect Clay - Level 8

Mend Ceramic - Level 5

Refine Clay - Level 16

Sculpting - Level 58


Journeyman Tailor's Apron of fire resistance (+6 Armor, +10 Tailoring, Resist Fire 9)(+3 Armor, +5 Tailoring, +4 Resist Fire from WIB)

Okay Quality Bling

Ringtail Master's Coat (+5 CHA, +5 LUCK, +5 Armor, +5 Fate)(+2 CHA, LUCK, Armor, Fate from WIB)

Rod of Baronly Might (+5 CHA, +5 WIS, +10 Cool)(+2 CHA, WIS, +5 Cool from WIB)

Sneakypants (+5 Camouflage)(+2 Camouflage from WIB)

Yellow Belt of Bravado (+5 AGL, +5 DEX, +5 to the Fancy Flourish skill)(+2 AGL, DEX, Fancy Flourish from WIB)

Toy Top Hat (CHA +10)(+5 CHA from WIB)


A Folded-steel Dagger (Dagger Level 10)

Tailor's Tools

A small jewelry box, now empty.

1 bead of Mend Golem (Level 15)

1 bead of Silent Killer (Level 10)

Minorphone (Enhances voice and social skills focused through it twice per day)


Unlocked Jobs

Berserker, Cleric, Cook, Cultist, Grifter, Spirit Medium, Tamer, Wizard