Unsafe Sects 1 (2/2)
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a job. A bad one. There’s only a few types of cultists tolerated in the kingdom, and those aren’t them. I think… I think we’re looking at a full town of cultists. Or enough of them that they’re in charge.”
“Are they bad people?” Fluffbear asked anxiously. “I might have to beat them up.”
“Nnnn…..” Garon’s honesty warred with the realization that if he said the wrong thing, the little bear WOULD march out there and start smiting. “Don’t know. They might just be deluded. Let’s wait and see what the full situation is, here, first.”
“It’s fahcked and we should run,” Madeline said, clambering out of the wagon to take her place with the other toys. “But we’re in now, so the only way out is through.”
“Feeling better?” Threadbare asked.
“Yeah. Still down a wompload of sanity. Gahd I wish we had a way to rest. It’s slow, slow, slow ta come back.”
“Hm…” Threadbare glanced back to Zuula. “Maybe…”
His thoughts were interrupted, as letters flashed across his view.
You are now a level 6 scout!
“Well!” He said. “I guess we explored a fair amount.”
“This is all new territory, so yes… oh. Party Screen. Cool, congratulations.”
“Thank you.”
“Oooh, that could do it,” Madeline said. “I just need ta level up some an’ get my sanity back fast that way.”
“That works until you get out of the lower levels,” Garon shrugged, twitching his wings. “And it’s hard to rely on. Sometimes the experience doesn’t stack up like you expect. Case in point.”
“You’ll hit level two dragon eventually,” Threadbare said, then he stood on the wagon’s seat. “Oh! There’s the church. I think.”
“Oh yes,” Said Missus Fluffbear, as she looked at the stone building by the lake. The windows were green and blue stained glass, and lit from within. “That’s totally a temple to Pau. Yorgum told me about her. Uh, him.”
“God of the seas, right? And big lakes too, I guess.” Garon nodded.
“And Goddess of storms. Which is why lightning strikes say his or her name when they hit.”
As they got closer, they could hear a woman singing inside, barely audible over what sounded like the croaking of a couple of dozen big frogs. Madeline shuddered, and hid back inside the wagon.
Threadbare thought the woman’s voice sounded rather desperate. And also that the croaking was a bunch of voices, nowhere near as deep as what they’d heard on the hill.
“That’s not the mediocre old one’s voice,” he said. “The frogs, I mean.”
Curious, he had the dummy get out of the wagon and knock on the door.
There was a pause. Everything fell silent.
Finally, a harried-looking woman, stout and middle-aged, opened the door. Brown hair poked out, frazzled and chaotic, from under her green hood and the hem of her robe had big bites taken out of it. Strands of ropy drool oozed to the ground. “Hello? Is everything… oh! Who are you?”
Her eyes bulged with fear… then softened, as they fell upon the two bears and the little plush dragon, as they hopped down from the wagon’s seat. “Oh my goodness! An animator show! And these are your little toys, then!”
Your Adorable Skill is now level 22!
“Come inside, come inside,” the woman smiled, madness flashing in her eyes. “The little dears will love you! Ah, I’ll just take a break then, while you entertain them, shall I?”
“Oh, certainly,” Threadbare had the dummy say, as they walked into the church.
SLAM! The door nearly caught Garon’s tail as the cultist shut it.
CLICK! A key turned in the lock.
Feet pounded the pavement as Marva ran for her life.
And from the darkness, two dozen pairs of green, glowing eyes loomed out of the darkness, as the blessed children of YGlnargle’blah emerged from the wreckage of the pews and the thoroughly desecrated altar, staring at the newcomers, sharklike maws opening and closing as drool spilled to the floor.
Spoiler: Spoiler
Level: 10 Cost: 20 San Duration: 10 minutes per level
Animates a shield, that moves as if wielded by an invisible warrior. Must be in a creator's party to do anything beyond defend itself.
Level: 10 Cost: 20 San Duration: 10 minutes per level
Allow the animator to speak through one of the animi currently in their party, regardless of distance. If the animi does not have a mouth, the voice issues forth from the closest approximate place a mouth would be on a living being of similar structure.
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Threadbare
Age: 5
Greater Toy Golem Level 11
Cave Bear Level 10
Ruler Level 5
Scout Level 6
Tailor Level 10
Model Level 5
Necromancer Level 10
Duelist Level 3
Animator Level 10
Enchanter Level 2
Golemist Level 5
Smith Level 5
Strength: 101 Constitution: 103 Hit Points: 264(314) Armor: 42(46)
Intelligence: 146 Wisdom: 151(157) Sanity: 297(383) Mental Fortitude: 32
Dexterity: 92(98) Agility: 83(95) Stamina: 185(253) Endurance: 52
Charisma: 78(108) Willpower: 129 Moxie: 207(287) Cool: 20(32)
Perception: 86 Luck: 66(72) Fortune: 152(208) Fate: 11(17)
Generic Skills
Brawling - Level 25 (+5)
Climb - Level 13
Clubs and Maces - Level 9
Dagger - Level 9
Dodge - Level 7
Fishing - Level 1
Ride - Level 9
Stealth - Level 10
Swim - Level 2
Greater Toy Golem Skills
Adorable - Level 22
Bodyguard - Level 6
Gift of Sapience - Level NA
Golem Body - Level 21
Innocent Embrace - Level 11
Magic Resistance -Level 6
Bear Skills
Animalistic Interface - NA
Claw Swipes - 22
Darkspawn - NA
Forage - 13
Growl - 2
Hibernate - 37
Scents and Sensibility - 18
Stubborn - 8
Toughness - 15
Ruler Skills
Appoint Official - Level NA
Emboldening Speech - Level 6
Identify Subject - Level 1
Noblesse Oblige - Level 20
Organize Minions - Level NA
Royal Audience - Level 1
Simple Decree - Level 1
Swear Fealty - Level NA
Scout Skills
Alertness - Level 1
Best Route - Level 1
Camouflage - Level 1
Firestarter - Level 4
Keen Eye - Level 2
Sturdy Back - Level 6
Wind's Whisper - Level 5
Tailor Skills
Tailoring - Level 45(50)
Clean and Press - Level 9
Adjust Outfit - Level 2
Model Skills
Call Outfit - Level 1
Dietary Restriction - Level 25 (+50 to all pools)
Fascination - Level 3
Flex - Level 14
Makeup - Level 1
Self-Esteem - Level 14
Strong Pose - Level 1
Work it Baby - Level 20
Necromancer Skills
Assess Corpse - Level 10
Command the Dead - Level 28
Deathsight - Level 6
Drain Life - Level 1
Invite Undead - Level 12
Mana Focus - Level NA (+10% to sanity)
Skeletons - Level 16
Soulstone - Level 24
Speak With Dead - Level 18
Zombies - Level 3
Duelist Skills
Challenge - Level 3
Dazzling Entrance - Level 8
Fancy Flourish - Level 6 (12)
Guard Stance - Level 8
Weapon Specialist - Level 10 (Brawling +5)
Animator Skills
Animus - Level 27
Animus Blade - Level 8
Animus Shield - Level 1
Arm Creation - Level 6
Command Animus - Level 7
Creator's Guardians - Level 18
Dollseye - Level 10
Eye for Detail - Level 17
Magic Mouth - Level 15
Mend - Level 25
Enchanter Skills
Appraise - Level 9
Glowgleam - Level 1
Harden - Level 5
Soften - Level 1
Spellstore - Level 1
Golemist Skills
Command Golem - Level 1
Golem Animus - Level 6
Invite Golem - Level 2
Mend Golem - Level 2
Program Golem - Level 1
Toy Golem - Level 6
Wood Golem - Level 1
Smith Skills
Adjust Arms and Armor - Level 4
Refine Ore - Level 1
Smithing - Level 21
Apprentice Tailor's Apron (+4 Armor, +4 Tailoring)
Baggy Pants of Hammerspace (+5 AGL, +5 CHA, Allows hammerspace for one blunt weapon)(+1 AGI, CHA, from WIB)
Poor Quality Bling
Ringtail Master's Coat (+5 CHA, +5 LUCK, +5 Armor, +5 Fate)(+1 CHA, LUCK, Armor, Fate from WIB)
Rod of Baronly Might (+5 CHA, +5 WIS, +10 Cool)(+1 CHA, WIS, +2 Cool from WIB)
Yellow Belt of Bravado (+5 AGL, +5 DEX, +5 to the Fancy Flourish skill)(+1 AGL, DEX, Fancy Flourish from WIB)
Toy Top Hat (CHA +10)(+CHA from WIB)
A Sack of coins.
A Finely-Made Dagger (Dagger Level 5)
A Dungeon Core
Tailor's Tools
A small jewelry box full of reagents and crystals, most minor.
Minorphone (Enhances voice and social skills focused through it twice per day)
Save Celia
Unlocked Jobs
Berserker, Cleric, Cook, Grifter, Spirit Medium, Tamer, Wizard