The End of Innocence 1 (2/2)

Threadbare Andrew Seiple 96560K 2022-07-24

“The goddess said say-“

Anise moved into the pool of light just outside the cell. “Oh dear, such a misunderstanding.” She looked down at the little golden scepter in her hands, and looked back to Celia. “Would you and your little friends like to go free?”

There was a long pause. Beryl slapped her forehead. “Yes!” she said.

“Come along then.” Anise took out a slender key and unlocked the cell door, then unlocked the door to the rest of the keep. The children filed out, cautiously, save for Threadbare who marched up and pointed at his scepter. She handed it to him with a closed-mouth smile, and patted his head, before moving further into the keep.

They followed her through empty halls, past abandoned rooms and arrow slits letting in nothing but darkness and the cold night’s air. The wind howled down the hallways as they went, playing an odd sort of tune entirely by accident. Anise sneered to herself as she felt the tension build behind her. The glowstones were few and far between here, leaving large pools of darkness between them, and she felt almost at home.

It was one of the half-breeds that broke the tension. “Where are all the guards?” The fat one asked.

“Gone,” Anise replied. “Seven of them went to go seal this dungeon for good. The rest are headed to town. There’s a small matter to take care of tonight.”

“Seal the dungeon? What?” The godlicker gasped, her ridiculous braids swaying as she stomped up to walk alongside Anise. “You can’t do that?”

“Me? No. The guards? Yes,” Anise said. “King’s orders. As is the business with the town.”

“Business with the town? What business with the town?” The tall half-breed with the bow moved up to flank Anise on her other side.

Anise halted, and nodded to a thick wooden door. “There’s the exit. I trust you can find your way home?” She opened it, letting a sliver of moonlight into the darkness.

“What business with the town?” The tall green freak insisted, moving towards her, pushing away the fat one’s cautioning hand.

Anise ignored him, walked past him to kneel by Celia. “Thank you so much for trusting me,” she said, icy blue eyes staring into the girl’s own green ones. “I won’t forget it. We’re going to sort matters out with Caradon, and then your long nightmare will be over. We will do what we must, and then I will help you, Cecilia. I will help you become who you were meant to be.”

“Nightmare?” Celia blinked, staring uneasily at the pale white arm, almost shining in the moonlight, and the bloody hue of the scarlet nails on her shoulder. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“You will, soon. Which is good, because we’ve got so much to talk about,” Anise smiled. “But you’re going to have to hurry if you want to say goodbye to him.” Anise turned and stood, stepping back out of the moonlight into darkness, regarding the children without pity. “That goes for all of you. Say goodbye to everyone you know and love, children. Ladybug ladybug, fly away home…”

Green skin turned pale. The children backed away from her as one, and Celia clutched Threadbare tight as they ran out the door. Anise smiled. “No,” she said, grabbing at the air well after they’d left. “Wait,” she said, going to the door. “Stop!” she commanded the air, shutting the door.

She gave it another five minutes to make sure they weren’t coming back or anything stupid like that, then hauled out a disk of black marble. She kissed it, then knelt, holding it aloft with one hand as she watched a red image blur into existence, standing on the flat disk. A man in heavy armor, his horned helm crowning plate worked with demonic faces and glowing with its own enchantments.

“Master,” she whispered. “The children have escaped me. I tried to stop them, but failed.”

His anger smote her down, and she fell, gasping as she continued. “Cecilia is returning home, master, home to Caradon! But her friends, I don’t think… I think they might go into the town! I fear… I fear we have loose ends.”

Her master bowed his head. Seconds passed, and Anise kept her face sorrowful, kept her ambition caged in her heart, hoping against hope that she’d struck the right tone…

“No loose ends,” her master said. “We planned for this, if necessary. Once Cecilia is clear, put the town to the sword. Then join me. It’s time to end this sordid farce.”

“Thy will be done,” she said, closing her eyes. “My love...”


Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Threadbare

Age: 9 days


Greater Toy Golem Level 9

Bear Level 6

Ruler Level 3

Scout Level 3

Tailor Level 3

Model Level 2

Necromancer Level 1

Duellist Level 1


Strength: 68 Constitution: 72 Hit Points: 192 Armor: 28

Intelligence: 46 Wisdom: 75(80) Sanity: 121(126) Mental Fortitude: 18

Dexterity: 35 Agility: 51 Stamina: 96 Endurance: 38

Charisma: 52(57) Willpower: 36 Moxie: 88(93) Cool: 20(30)

Perception: 57 Luck: 49 Fortune: 106 Fate: 9

Generic Skills

Brawling - Level 20 (21)

Climb - Level 6

Clubs and Maces - Level 9

Dagger - Level 9

Dodge - Level 2

Fishing - Level 1

Ride - Level 7

Stealth - Level 3

Swim - Level 2

Greater Toy Golem Skills

Adorable - Level 15

Gift of Sapience - Level NA

Golem Body - Level 19

Innocent Embrace - Level 8

Magic Resistance -Level 4

Bear Skills

Animalistic Interface - NA

Claw Swipes - 16

Forage - 7

Growl - 1

Hibernate - 1

Scents and Sensibility - 10

Stubborn - 7

Toughness - 11

Ruler Skills

Emboldening Speech - Level 1

Identify Subject - Level 1

Noblesse Oblige - Level 1

Royal Request - Level 1

Simple Decree - Level 1

Scout Skills

Camouflage - Level 1

Firestarter - Level 1

Keen Eye - Level 1

Sturdy Back - Level 5

Wind's Whisper - Level 1

Tailor Skills

Talioring - Level 10

Clean and Press - Level 1

Model Skills

Dietary Restriction - Level 1

Fascination - Level 2

Flex - Level 1

Self-Esteem - Level 1

Work it Baby - Level 2

Necromancer Skills

Assess Corpse - Level 1

Command the Dead - Level 1

Soulstone - Level 1

Speak With Dead -Level 1

Zombies - Level 1

Duelist Skills

Challenge - Level 1

Dazzling Entrance - Level 1

Fancy Flourish - Level 1

Guard Stance - Level 1

Weapon Specialist - Level 1 (Brawling)


Rod of Baronly Might (Level 5 Club, +5 CHA, +5 WIS, +10 Cool)
