Parties and Perils 1 (2/2)
“Yeah! Okay, so here’s the tea…” The girl put down the empty cups and saucers, and spread them out to each participant. “Now we need the party. Form Party!”
“Invite Beanarella! Invite Loopy! Invite Dracosnack! Invite Threadbare!”
And a new set of squiggles popped up in front of Threadbare.
“Come on Threadbare, join the party!”
Its vision became more obstructed, as the words overlapped, Threadbare shook its head and waved its arms wildly, trying to shoo the stupid squiggles away. One of the cups went flying, and Celia sighed. “Just say yes! It asked you to join the party, say yes!”
But the teddy bear couldn’t understand her. Threadbare flailed harder, bobbing its head so hard that the top hat threatened to slip off.
“Oh! Wait, duh. You can't talk. Well, there’s a spell for this. Hold on.” In fact, that wasn't quite true. Vocalization wasn't required to accept a party invite. But Celia didn't know that.
She plucked the bundle of scrolls off the bed, and pulled the next one off the pile. “Command Golem! Say Yes!”
Yellow runes flared on the scroll, yellow letters surrounded it… then what was left of his sight was filled by big white letters, that faded.
You have resisted the command golem spell!
Your Resist Magic Skill is now level 2!
“Seriously?” Celia shrieked. “I don’t suck that bad. I’m a level 5 animator, for foop’s sake. Okay, okay, fine. I have more scrolls, bear! And I’m not afraid to use’em!” She pulled out one more with a flourish, bent at the waist, flexing down until she was looking Threadbare right in the eyes, and snapped the next scroll open. “Command Golem. Say Yes!”
The light flared…
And yes became the full extent of Threadbare’s thoughts. Yes filled it from head to tail, shining through its eyes like golden enlightenment. Yes! Yes to everything!
You have joined Celia’s party!
Words faded, and part of its sight returned.
You have gained the Bear job!
Then all of it sight returned, as the first set of squiggles finally vanished. To be replaced with new words, which faded after a second.
You are now a level 1 Bear!
Strength +5
Constitution +5
Wisdom +5
Armor +3
Endurance +3
Mental Fortitude +3
Unlocked Animalistic interface
You have Unlocked the Claw Swipes Skill!
Your gain Claw Swipes level 1
You have unlocked the Forage Skill!
You gain Forage at level 1
You have unlocked the Scents and Sensibility Skill!
You gain Scents and Sensibility at level 1
You have unlocked the Toughness Skill!
You gain Toughness at level 1
Its fundamental nature changed, Threadbare felt the fluff under its hide reshape, get bulkier somehow. A new world of sensations flooded into the little golem as it gained a sense that it never had before, and suddenly the room was full of odors, clashing and competing and overwhelming as they seeped into its now-functional nose.
But Threadbare couldn’t say yes, because he didn’t have a working mouth, and so the command golem spell faded.
Celia didn't notice though, just assumed the bear had whispered it too quietly for her to hear. Anyway its name was now in her party menu, so that was all well and good.
“There we go! Welcome to the party!” Celia said, pouring imaginary tea. “Would you like something with your tea, Mr. Threadbare? Cream or Sugar perhaps?” She offered him a small tray full of empty condiment jars.
And though the toy golem couldn’t say why, all of a sudden that honey jar she was offering looked really, really good. Its eyes slid down from the window, to stare obsessively at the little wooden jar with a bee on its side.
Which was why neither of them saw the twisted, evil little face peering in from the other side of the window.
”Oh, she'll want to know about this,” the little creature whispered to itself.
And with a sound of leathery wings, it was gone.
Threadbare's Character Sheet
Spoiler: Spoiler
Name: Threadbare Age: 42 minutes
Greater Toy Golem Level 2
Bear Level 1
Strength: 15 Constitution: 24 Hit Points: 71 Armor: 13
Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 19 Sanity: 25 Mental Fortitude: 3
Dexterity: 10 Agility: 10 Stamina: 27 Endurance: 23
Charisma: 6 (16) Willpower: 13 Moxie: 19 (29) Cool: 20
Perception: 9 Luck: 8 Fortune: 17 Fate: 2
Generic Skills
Ride - Level 1
Greater Toy Golem Skills
Adorable – Level 3
Gift of Sapience – Level NA
Golem Body – Level 3
Magic Resistance –Level 2
Bear Skills
Animalistic Interface – NA
Claw Swipes – 1
Forage – 1
Scents and Sensibility – 1
Toughness – 1
Head - Toy Top Hat (+10 CHA)