Awakening 3 (2/2)

Threadbare Andrew Seiple 44300K 2022-07-24

”Oh you bad kitty. Look what you did!”

A red-headed girl, hair frizzy and tied back in a fiery poof, stepped into the room. She held the limp form of Pulsivar up to survey it, arms straining to heft the twenty-five pound cat by the scruff of his flabby neck. The cat stared mournfully at the mess that someone had made. Certainly not him. Couldn't have been.

The teddy bear clambered to his feet.

And the girl squealed in joy. Immediately, she dropped Pulsivar who fled for dear life, ran over, and scooped the battered golem up in her hands. ”Oh! Oh daddy, thank you!”

Your Adorable Skill is now level 2!

”I... what?”

”For the toy golem! Oh you finally made me one and Pulsivar ripped it up! What a bad kitty! I can fix his booboos, it's okay right Dad?”

Her father cleared his throat, and scrubbed his face harder. ”Er, give me a second...”

Excited, the girl started shouting one of her few spells.


You heal 15 points!


You heal 8 points!


You Heal 10 points!


You are fully healed!

The teddy bear still couldn't read worth a damn, but something had picked him up, and all of a sudden he felt much better. He turned his head around until he could make out a freckled, grinning face sitting under a massive pile of red hair.

”I can have him now, right? I mean you were probably saving him for a surprise or whatever, but I'm just glad we got here in time before Pulsivar wrecked him completely.”

”What?” The old man finally found his composure and turned, goggling at the sight of the teddy bear golem in his daughter's arms. ”Ah... technically he's...”

”Mine, right daddy?” Celia's eyes almost seemed to double in size, and quiver with unshed tears.

The old man sighed. ”Are you sure you want that one? He's... threadbare.”

”Threadbear? That's an awesome name!”

”No, no, T-h-r-e-a-d-b-a-r-e”

”Okay, that's a dumb name. You didn't name him did you? Because whoever misspelled his name like that was pretty stupid.”

”That's not exactly what I-”

”Well, okay. I can work with it. So your name's Threadbare, huh? Sweet!” Celia hugged the little bear close.

And the bear, healed, feeling much better, safe from the horrible black growlmonster, hugged her back. It felt... right.

+1 CHA

”All right. Well, take him back to the house then, dear, just keep an eye on him. Let me know if he starts acting funny.” The old man shrugged. Every golem he'd tried a greater animation on had been useless. The ritual was flawed somehow, or there was some important thing he was missing, and he had no damned idea what it could be. But none of the golems had been dangerous, just clumsy and stupid. They hadn't even been able to join his party, so he couldn't apply his creator-specific buffs to them, to get them to the point where they were useful. He hadn't ever run into this problem with lesser golems, so he had no frame of reference as to why it would be an issue with greaters, who should be superior by default.

So what harm could it possibly cause if his daughter played with the bear for a while? Less than that obstinate cat, he thought, looking around at the wreckage of his workshop.

Then he thought of the shattered urn, and a lump rose in his throat. ”Go on and play dear,” he choked. ”I'll clean up here.”

Celia ran out the door, hugging Threadbare to her shoulder.

But from the shadow of the large pine tree across the yard, Pulsivar the cat watched with yellow eyes gleaming.

Some things could be tolerated. Some could not.

He would have its vengeance upon that infernal toy.

Threadbare's Character Sheet

Spoiler: Spoiler

Name: Threadbare

Age: 28 minutes


Greater Toy Golem Level 2


Strength: 10 Constitution: 19 Hit Points: 55/55 Armor: 10

Intelligence: 6 Wisdom: 13 Sanity: 9/19 Mental Fortitude: 0

Dexterity: 10 Agility: 9 Stamina: 27 Endurance: 20

Charisma: 5 Willpower: 13 Moxie: 28 Cool: 20

Perception: 8 Luck: 8 Fortune: 15 Fate: 2

Generic Skills

Ride - Level 1

Greater Toy Golem Skills

Adorable – Level 2

Gift of Sapience – Level NA

Golem Body – Level 3

Magic Resistance –Level 1