185 Invasion of demons (1/2)

Black haired wise man Chiyuki

We are away from the elven city of Alsaidia and are at the fort of Carthakhov.

We plan to sortie from here to meet the enemy.

A huge dog is in front of me.

It's a beast called ”Kuusi” (fairy dog).

The dog is an elf's dog.

Incidentally, the dogs in this world are also beasts whose ancestors are wolves.

In other words, they are the former members of Ferion's family.

And dog is a generic term for any beast that is no longer part of the wolf's family or its subordinate beasts.

The most famous of these would be the dogs of Gypsial.

They are the figures of those who once worshipped Ferion and have changed their servants.

''It appears that the serpents have begun their march, Chiyuki-sama.

The elf attached to us reports to us.

She was sent by the Elf Queen to support us.

The elf dog (Cousy) was kept by her and was on a scouting mission.

The serpent princes would be dealt with by Alfos and Nia, so the elves would have to deal with the orcs and goblins.

And we would help the elves and rescue the enslaved goblins.

The elf magically projects the view that the elf dog (Cousy) saw.

'That's the orc boar cavalry (Boariders). That's quite a lot of them. I wonder if we're in the clear? I don't think the elven horsemen are going to be able to withstand the assault of the boar horsemen (boar riders). ......

The elven cavalry are the unicorn cavalry of Oleiad (Unicorn Riders) and the Kelluneian cavalry of the fairy knights (Elfin Knights) (Riders).

Both are bow cavalry and are weak in defense.

Also, the elves shouldn't have any heavy infantry that are strong in defense.

''Surely not with such a large army ....... ''Uh, what should we do?''


I can't help but pout.

Apparently, she didn't expect them to come with such a large army.

Nao looks at her with jit eyes as well as Lino at Shirone who is with her.

'It should be fine, Chimaki. That's why the Elyos guys told us to work with the dwarves.

Kuna, the silver witch, calmly explains.

She seems to understand what the gods of Elyos meant when they told her to cooperate with the dwarves.

Somehow she seems to know the gods of Elyos very well.

Then I hope you'll remember my name. My name is not Chimaki, it's Chiyuki!

No matter how many times she says it, she doesn't seem to be willing to remember it.

Behind her are a group of dwarven warriors and a cat lady.

Apparently, she seems to represent the dwarves.

The best way to do that is to have a golem squad of dwarves.

Nao looks out the window at the golems waiting outside the fort.

The Iron (Iron) Golem troops they brought with them are hard, as are the dwarven heavily armed infantry.

''That's for sure. But the question is, where will the invasion come from?

Iron Golems are slow and there aren't that many of them.

If you don't place them on the Boar Rider's invasion route, they are useless.

According to our information, orcs and goblins will come to Arceidia.

If that's the case, I think we should intercept them in Arceidia, but if we do that, the forest will be ravaged.

Besides, goblins and orcs eat everything, and there is plenty of food in the forest.

If we had an endurance battle, the elves would be more likely to give up their roots.

So it seems they want to defeat the enemy with minimal damage.

But the enemy's army, even in known numbers, is greater than that of the elves and dwarves.

I'm sure the quality of the troops is better here, but we will not be able to avoid a hard battle.

The only thing that matters is the quality of the troops. If this is the case, wouldn't it be faster for us to move?

Cyrone said and Reno nodded.

'Yeah. The sooner Reno and the others move on, the better.'

'You're right: ....... That's the least amount of damage and the surest way to be sure.

In fact, that's what I was thinking about too.

We can easily take down orcs and goblins or so, no matter how many of them there are.

''That's certainly a sure thing. But if you guys make a move, they might just respond. At best, you'll be careful.

'Huh? Aren't you going to help me?

What are you talking about, Cyrone? I'll help you if I can't help you, but I'm not going to be proactive.

Coona says with a cold look on her face.

He doesn't seem to get Syrone's name wrong.

And he also looks somewhat troublesome.

She looks like a queen as she sits there with all the beautiful boys in attendance.

These beautiful boys are the ones who entertained us last night.

I remember those adorable ones well.

'Um, would you like a drink?'

He notices my gaze and offers me a drink.

He's cute like a baby bunny.

I'm about to wake up to something.

'Thanks. But not now.

I smile as gently as I can and look at my attendant elf.

I feel as if Nao is looking at me with zit eyes.

Maybe she sensed the presence of my boy in my eyes.

But I don't care.

''By the way, it seems we still haven't figured out the enemy's strength, was there anything else besides orcs and goblins?''

''Yes, except for the wolves in Lamia and other snake people, there seems to be only a few other kobolds and others. However, I don't think they pose a threat to Chiyuki-sama and the others.

I see. ......

The kobolds she describes are demons that live in the mines of the mountains and other mines.

The face resembles a dog, but is not related to a dog person. Rather, it is more like a lizard.

They are smaller in stature than goblins and are weak and timid.

However, they are superior to dwarves in their ability to burrow into the earth and also have the ability to transform things.

Cobalt is the natural enemy of the dwarves.

The cobalt ore that occurs where they live is difficult for even dwarves to metallurize, and it hinders the activities of dwarves.

Even if they are vulnerable to it, they are a threat in numbers.

They were good at digging holes, and they may have been hired as craft soldiers.

I look at the image the elf has projected again.

We can see that Kobold is there.

The image is then disrupted.

It seems that the elf dog (Cousy) has been noticed and attacked.

We can see its enemy.

It is a werewolf with black fur (wolfman).

The wolfman throws a throwing star and chases away the fairy dog.

This is the last time the fairy dog (kusi) saw the enemy.