166 Super Demon Ghost Giant Modegull (1/2)

Raina, Goddess of Wisdom and Victory

We'll take an empty boat to Alfos.

The battle is over.

There is no sign of the armies of death under Zarxis' command.

The angels are flying around. They are probably looking for the remnants.

I look for Alfos from the deck of the empty ship.

Then you find Alfoss standing on the deck of your own empty ship.

He approaches the ship and gets into Alfoss' empty ship.

'Hello, Raina. You're here?

Alfos smiles at me.

He's still in his Holy Knight form.

Well, that's no surprise. According to the report of my subordinate, the war maiden who was attached to Alfos, the battle had just ended.

'It seems that Zarxys was strong. And the Son of Death, who held you back, seems to have been tough as well.

You can see in the video, Zarxys was strong as he regained his strength.

If they had fought like that, Alfoss might have lost.

However, the battle between Alfos and Zarxis did not take place until the end.

The Son of Death, who appeared as a support, was left in charge of Alfoss, and Zarxis left to go after Kuna.

Alfos was blocked by the Son of Death and was unable to pursue Zarxis.

'Yeah, he was stubborn,'

Alfos looks to the side and I look in that direction.

There's a huge, mountainous remnant of a giant centipede.

Evil Venom Lord Zagero.

His intelligence and magic power are low, but I've heard that he's one of the top sons of death in terms of strength and defense alone.

He was weaker than Alfos, but he was so reluctant that it seemed to take a lot of effort to defeat him.

Zagero's remnants still poison the earth in death and pollute the earth.

It will take quite a bit of time to clean up.

They're a real pain in the ass.

'Well, I'd like to chase her down, but I doubt I'll be able to do it in time. It looks like you've taken something important to the Reapers: ....... I hope she's okay.

Alfos looks at the land of Luvania and says.

I look in the same direction.

Through Kuna's eyes I can see the situation.

The battle between Kroki and Zarxis is about to begin.

Zarxis is strong, but I don't worry about Kroki.

Because my knight is strong.

Even the Grim Reaper will not be able to defeat him.

That's what I thought as I looked up at the sky.

Dark Knight Kroki.

He flies through the air and confronts Zarxis.

Zarxis' form is a giant bat wing, his lower body is a spider, and the eyes on his face have increased to nine.

It's the same deformed form as when I met him in the City of Death.

However, this is not the Dead City. It's not the same as that time.

''I never thought I would recover from my mother's shadow. ......

Something pale and white is erupting from Zarxys' body.

That pale something has a face emerging from it.

It is the spirits called the evil spirits (Larva).

An evil spirit (Larva) is the end of the person who has a strong grudge. Zarxys stores the evil spirit (larva) in his belly and manipulates it at will.

You can hear his voice of sorrow from the mouth of his belly. It's a true purgatory (inferno).

'I can't rest forever, I'm afraid.

I couldn't rest forever, even though Kuna and the others were fighting right beside me.

So I pushed myself a little too hard.

To begin with, we are putting ourselves in a fight. There was no way we could hope to be in perfect condition all the time.

Even if he was dying, he would have to fight if necessary.

Nargol's shadow still lingers on his body.

However, Kuna and the others have given me time to rest.

So I will take care of the rest.

Zarxis' red eyes are looking at him.

He seems quite, quite angry. It seems he can't forgive himself that much.

'Hmph! You are the one! He's going to erase every trace of it from this world! Come out, a thousand rows of bratty bullets, Thousand Never Eater Barred!

Many spheres appeared around Zarxis and came towards us.

Each of those spheres had a fanged mouth, and what we could see from its wide open mouth was darkness.

The weakness of the brat balls was light.

However, I cannot use the magic of light myself.

So, I will deal with it in a different way.

''Dragons! I need your help! Dragon energy! Senryu Lengha (Dragon Wave)

The dragons activate their power and bring powerful vibrations to the fore.

The negative life forms, the brat balls, disappear in front of the powerful life force vibrations.

''Then how about this! The Dark Knight! Hapoumeisatsu-danzai-ken (八方冥冥殺断断剣)!

Zarxys' twisted sword extends and slashes the wind like a whip.

The Sword of Sin (Galiant Sword) is a flexible sword that stretches and contracts.

It is difficult to escape from that weapon, which can be both a whip and a sword, and inflicts death on the target.

However, your own magic sword is not to be outdone.

This sword, called the Black Blood Demon Sword (Blood Sword), originally belonged to the Black Flame Demon King Modes.