152 Forest of mourning (2/2)
Perhaps these grunting-like sounds are made when the wind blows and passes through the cracks in the branches.
Perhaps this is the origin of the Forest of Sorrows.
This creepy forest must be passed quickly.
'Oops! No, you can't~. Mister~. If you leave me alone, the forest will attack you~. Kekekeke~
I tried to speed up my run and was stopped by a clown.
'Woods attacking? What do you mean?
'Just as I said. Sir~
I don't know what that means.
I look again at the trees in the forest.
The trees are very eerie. A bump has appeared here and there on the trunk of the tree.
Inside the bump, I can see several things that look like human faces.
I couldn't help but gasp.
The human-faced bump has moved.
The eyes are moving and the mouth is open.
I move closer to the bump.
It was unmistakably a human face.
It has vacant eyes and occasionally moans.
The moaning coming from earlier was not the sound of the wind.
'This is ....... What does it mean?
”Hmmm, sir. This is the end of the line for those whose souls have been sucked by this tree.
The end of the line? What do you mean?
This forest will not tolerate the living. ”This forest will not tolerate the living. Look at him, sir. I bet he has a body like that~. hahahahaha.
The clown points to a human corpse tangled in the branches of a tree.
The corpse has dried up and is not moving.
From the way it is armed, it must have been a warrior in life.
The clown explains that anyone who enters the forest, other than the death's attendants, will be grabbed by the tree branches and their souls taken away.
''This armament belongs to the Northern Alemanians~. It must be Bo ......, one of the warriors who came to defeat the noblemen of death? It's stupid! I'm deliberately making it easier for humans to come here, and yet they come with a sneak attack.
The clown pokes his finger on the cheek of the dried up corpse like a fool.
The words bother me.
'Making it easier to come, you say?'
Yes. If they wanted to, they could make it impossible for humans to enter the land of Luvania. But we haven't done that, have we?
That's true.
That Zarxys could have made it impossible for humans to enter.
But that's not the case.
Looking around, I see a number of dead human warriors.
Perhaps they are the ones who have come to defeat the Attendants of Death.
''Why? Are you doing this?
That's why... It's to torment~. To torment Elyos' family. Baboon.
'Is that why you're doing this? How can we save their souls?
''That's right! If you burn the tree you're capturing, you should be able to free your soul~. But if you do that, they'll notice you~. Maybe we shouldn't do that now~
Surely the clown is right.
If we burn this forest, Zarxys will notice us.
All right. You're absolutely right.
'Thank you. I'm glad you understand!
With that, the clown pulls the corpse out of the tree's branches.
The tree is no longer interested in the corpse, or perhaps it is simply surrendered.
The clown takes the corpse's hand and dances and sings, ”Brave Alemanian warrior.
'Brave warrior of Alemania!
”We must avenge the Lord of Death.
♪ Overcoming the crowd of the dead ♪
We'll never get to the woods of sorrow
The warriors are going to the city of the dead
But a branch caught my foot and I was just sitting there
And the rest, as you can imagine
Branches wrapped around my body
Warriors will be part of the forest
I wondered why I came to these woods
Warriors mourn and weep every day.
The voice of the clown is accompanied by a wooden spirit of sorrow.
I can feel Tiber trembling, I can tell.
It's not a song I want to hear either.
'Cease and desist, clown. Let's move on. The City of Death is almost here, isn't it?'
Okay. Okay. So long, soldier. We're going to the City of Death.
The clown lays the warrior's corpse gently on the trunk of the tree where his face is.
I sense something unpleasant in this clown.
But at the same time, he is also trying to help himself.
So I meditate on his actions.
Let's pass this kind of forest quickly.
And then we ourselves were going to Modugal.