83 Gaiden character introduction * You can skip it (1/2)


Race: Human

Gender : Female

Age: 17

Born and raised as a domestic helper

Titles: citizen, freedom fighter, warrior, war maiden, priest

Faith: Goddess of Marriage and Birth Feria 20

Raina 60, Goddess of Wisdom and Victory

Characteristics: Honesty, face-eating, devil-hating, demon-hating, demon hating, Goddess Raina's blessing

Strength: 40 (+20)

Strength: 40 (+20)

Robust: 30 (+20)

Magic power: 15 (+40)

Intelligence: 60

Agility: 40 (+20)

Dexterity: 60

Movement: 5

Spirit: 60

Martial Arts: 40 (+20)

Projectile Technique: 30

Coordination: 70

Attraction: 70 (+10)

Figures in parentheses are corrections for blessings and restrictions.

Restrictions: Demon King Damon cannot be contracted.

I can't receive the blessings of the Ishta faith.

We must protect the Feriah congregation.

No worship of the Devil King and his evil gods.

No premarital s*x (attraction +5)

Don't love more than two people at the same time (attraction +5)

Abortion of human children is banned.

ban on homos*xuality

Don't love someone who is married (cooperation +5)

Don't abandon the child of the person you gave birth to (Cooperation +5)

You can't love a demon.

Combat Skills: Sword 50, Shield 20

Combat Specialities: slashing and parrying

General Skills: demon knowledge 30, common sense (Ariad) 70, common sense (Xonia) 50, singing 30.

First aid 30, cooking 22, reading and writing 60, dancing 30, sewing 50.

Outdoor activities 20, habituation to fighting 10, etiquette 60, world knowledge 30

20 herbal knowledge, 40 religious knowledge, 40 makeup

Higher skills: 20 for calculation, 20 for editing, 40 for making clothes

Special Skills: Spiritual magic resistance 40, enemy detection 20

Magic: Raina's Shield, Sharp Blades, Courage, Acceleration, Magic Shield, Minor Healing, Armor Enhancement, Armor of Justice, Soft Landing

Vitality, Awakening, Enemy Detection

What to bring:.

General [leather bags, water bottles, sewing sets, cooking utensils, herbs x 5, the Holy Seal of Raina]

Weapons [magical bronze sword, dwarven iron dagger, iron dagger]

Armor [leather shield, war maiden's helmet, dwarven iron breastplate, leather leg armor, wool cloak]

Clothes [hemp clothing, hemp string underwear, travel sandals]


Also known as Sizfe.

She is a female warrior who holds the title of War Maiden.

Originally a female angel in the service of the goddess Raina, the War Maiden is also used as a title for humans.

Her father was a knight of great renown. Her mother is the daughter of an influential citizen who worked in the Temple of Feria.

She used to live in a country in the Plain of Xonia, but her country was destroyed by a demon attack.

Sizfe and her parents managed to survive, but were unable to rebuild the country. They moved to Ariadia. Sisyphe was 10 years old at the time.

To make ends meet, Sisyphe's father became a freedom fighter with Keina.

However, two years later, Sisyphe's father was attacked by a monster at work and died. Sisyphe's mother remarried to make ends meet.

Incidentally, the man she remarried to was her father's best friend, and Sisyphe played with him when she was little.

Sisyphe's father-in-law provided for her for a while, but she didn't fit in, and when she was 15 years old, she took her father's magical sword and went to Kayna with it, and became a freedom fighter herself.

Feria, the goddess of marriage, is also a believer, but she is also afraid to marry because her parents have died and left her.


Race: Human

Gender : Female

Age: 22

Born and raised: Warrior

Title: Freedom Fighter

Faith: none.

Traits: drunk, amorous, careless, centaur blood

Strength: 60

Strength: 60

Robust: 60

Magic power: 20

Intelligence: 40

Agility: 70

Dexterity: 30

Movement: 6

Spirit: 40

Martial Arts: 40

Projectile Technique: 40

Coordination: 50

Attraction: 62

Restrictions: none.

Combat Skills: spear 45, sword 30, fist fight 20

Combat Specialties: Assault, Evasion, Super Evasion

General Skills: Demon Knowledge 60, Common Sense (Ariad) 60, Outdoor Activities 50

20 heavy drinkers, 40 accustomed to fighting, 10 sloppy coinage, 18 reading and writing.

Common sense (xonia) 60, herbal knowledge 30

Higher Skills: none.

Special Skills: none.

Magic: None.

What to bring:.

General [leather bags, water bottles, memento rings]

Weapons [iron spear, iron stiletto]

Armor [leather armor, iron armor, leather leg armor, wool vest]

Clothes [wool clothing, travel sandals]


Sisyphe's sister.

She is a famous female warrior in the free city of Thessia.

Her father is a centaur, but Keina does not know that.

She was found by Sisyphe's father when she was a baby and abandoned. Kayna was raised in the Temple of Feria, where Sisyphe's mother served.

She was not well-behaved and does not remember much about reading, writing, or manners. However, she was a talented warrior, perhaps because she was descended from centaurs.

Sisyphe's father, who has taken good care of Keina, has always been concerned about her.

Sisyphe's father trained her as a warrior so that she could live on her own.

Sisyphe's father gradually attracts Keena to him. However, because of Sisyphe's mother, she keeps her feelings for him to herself.

Kayna loves Sisyphe, who was born to them, like a little sister.

When the country was destroyed, she came to Ariadia with Siszfe and her friends and became a freedom fighter with Siszfe's father. Keina was 15 years old at the time.

She was happy to be able to work with the man she loved, but in the middle of one of her tasks, she was attacked by a demon, and Sisyphe's father died because he was defending himself. By the way, he never told Sisyphe about it.

Incidentally, Keina is the one who gave Sisyphe the magic sword of Orihalcon, his memento.

The man she loves dies protecting her, and she ends up living a rough life.

Keina changed her life because Sisyphe came to her to become a freedom fighter and she couldn't let Sisyphe live a rough life as well.

Kayna vowed to protect only Sizfe for the sake of redemption.

● Madia.

Race: Human

Gender : Female

Age: 17

Born and raised in: magician.

Title: Magician

Faith: the goddess of knowledge and books, Tona50

Protection: none.

Characteristics: carelessness, sorcerer's blood

Strength: 25

Strength: 25

Robust: 20

Magic power: 50

Intelligence: 50

Agility: 40

Dexterity: 40

Movement: 5

Spirit: 50

Martial Arts: 20

Projectile Technique: 20

Coordination: 70

Attraction: 55

Restrictions: no tolls beliefs.

I can't receive the blessings of the Ishta faith.

We must always act rationally.

Don't throw away every book.

Combat Skills: none.

Combat Expertise: None.

General Skills: demon knowledge 60, common sense (Ariad) 60, reading and writing 50.

Courtesy 30, first aid 30, religious knowledge 50, makeup 10.

World Knowledge 50, Common Sense (xonia) 60, Medicinal Herb Knowledge 50

Higher Skills: math 30, biology 50, magic 60, magic letters 50

Mythology 10, Demonology 40, Law 10, Astronomy 20

Special Skill: Magic Power Sense 40

Magic: magic hands, air bullets, darkness, illumination, flashes, minor healing, sleep, magic shield, lightening

Soft Landing, Wind Blade, Granting Magic Power, Communication, Magic Power Sensing, Paralysis, Awakening, Magic Sword

Rigid, wind wall

What to bring:.

General [leather bags, water bottles, writing utensils]

Weapons [oak staff, dragon tusk dagger]

Armor [sorcerer's hat, sorcerer's robe, wool cloak]

Clothes [hemp clothing, hemp string underwear, travel sandals]


Also known as Maddy.

She is a sorceress girl who belongs to the Society of Magicians.

She has an older brother three years older than Sisyphe.

She came to Ariadia with Sisyphe and her parents.

His parents are still alive and work for the sorcerer's association in Ariadia. Incidentally, my brother is currently studying at the Academy of Magic City Saria.

He plans to study abroad as well, saving money for himself.


Race: Human

Gender : Female

Age: 25

Born and raised as a domestic helper

Titles: citizen, priest

Faith: Raina 90, the goddess of wisdom and victory

Traits: honesty, devil-hating, revenge (orc), angelic apostle.

Strength: 40 (+10)

Strength: 40 (+20)

Robust: 40 (+20)

Magic power: 10 (+30)

Intelligence: 60

Agility: 40

Dexterity: 60

Movement: 5

Spirit: 60

Martial Arts: 30 (+10)

Projectile Technique: 30


















