71 Whereabouts of the goat man (1/2)
Black haired wise man Chiyuki
It was almost nighttime.
It's getting dark.
In a normal country, the common people and nobles would be returning home.
They must conserve fuel, so the only light is from the walls of the city to protect the country from demons.
However, oil is cheap in the rich Republic of Ariadia, so even at night the streets are bright with lamps lining the edges of the streets like street lamps.
It seems that you can walk normally without using magic lighting.
'Hoe~. There are a lot of great looking girls here, Chiyuki-san.
Nao scurries over and looks around.
Me, Nao and Decius are walking through the city outside the city walls.
In this neighborhood, there is an inn and diner that caters to low-income people.
Nao is looking at a woman who is a shopkeeper and touts at the inn.
They are not only employees, but also the shop's resident prostitutes.
They earn money for their lodging and meals, and the money for the night's love is theirs.
'Oh God, Nao-san. Don't look at them too much.
Their clothes are very revealing.
They are clearly dressed to appeal to the opposite s*x.
I'm sorry, Chiyuki-san. I didn't think that Nao-san was going to be accosted.
Nao is happy to be asked out.
Compared to Lino, Sahoko and Shirone, Nao is rarely approached by men.
That's probably why she's honestly happy to be invited to join them.
The women in this neighborhood are almost all prostitutes.
Outside the castle walls is this world full of demons. There are few women who travel in this world.
That's why it's almost always men who stay at the inn, and women are only prostitutes who are looking for them.
Therefore, Nao and I were mistaken for prostitutes and accosted by many men when we were walking around this area.
I don't think that we were not dressed as a prostitute by any means, but we didn't care about that.
Thanks to that, it was hard to get rid of them.
Therefore, I will try to walk as close to Decius as possible without leaving his side.
Still, Nao is happy, but is she happy to be accosted by that thing?
I look around, but there are no good men.
Rage is by far the better man if only for his face.
Also, Decius is quite a beautiful man, too. And unlike Rage, he is sincere.
The problem would be that these good-looking, sincere men wouldn't come to me.
Let's stop thinking about ....... It makes me sad.
Decius has two beautiful women and he doesn't look at them at all. Of course, he doesn't care about the prostitutes around him.
Well, if you look at them, it is fine, but that is a problem in itself.
When Decius walks, I understand that the surrounding prostitutes and suspicious people hide.
To tell the truth, I think it was a mistake to bring him here.
The knights of the law are a thankless lot to the people here. Marcius might run away too.
I think as I look at Decius with a sideways glance.
Then I notice what Decius has.
'Sir Decius. What is that weapon?
'Oh, this one? It's a ten-handed weapon. As I recall, I heard that this is the weapon popularized by the Wise Lord. We, the knights of the law, have decided to officially adopt this weapon.
Decius takes the ten hands from his waist.
It's bigger than the one I know, since I didn't tell him exactly how big it is, but it's definitely ten hands.
It is true that the ten hands are the ones I taught to the constables of the St. Renarian Republic.
I didn't expect it to have reached this country.
”I didn't think it was this far along.
'Well, Nao, ....... You have no idea what's going to spread.
There is the possibility of spreading strange knowledge of our world. We'd better be careful.
We have to be especially careful with Rage and Reno.
It may be too late for them, but they can be found at .......
Wise man! Marcias and others tend to be found in the shops around here.
It looks like we're getting to where we want to be as we walk, Decius says as he looks around.
'According to the troupe, Marcius is always around here,' he says.
'I see. I hope Marcius is walking around that area. ...... Nao-san, would you mind if I asked you to look around for a moment?
The portrait of Marcias was drawn by a member of the theater company and given to Nao. Even Nao, who hadn't seen his face in person, should be able to recognize it.
The moment he said that, Nao's figure disappears.
Decius scurried around looking for Nao.
It seems that Decius could not perceive Nao's movements.
I can't see through Nao's movements either.
Even Sirone and Kaya can't see through it perfectly.
The only person who can see through Nao's movements perfectly is Rage. When those two get serious and start running, no one will be able to follow them.
After a while, Nao comes back.
'Welcome back, Nao-san. Did you find it?
Nao shakes her head as I ask.
'I didn't find it, but I did find it after someone fought.
After the fight?
Yes, sir. Chiyuki-san, I need you to come with me.
I nodded.
'Let's go, Lord Decius.'
Decius nods and follows behind me and Nao.
Nao comes to a less crowded area.
'Up here,'
As he says this, Nao flies to the roof.
'Can Lord Decius fly?'
No, indeed, ......
Well, I'll take care of that.
I grab Decius' hand and fly up to the roof as well.
Decius makes a pitiful noise, but I don't care.
'Look at that. There's a hole in the roof.'
Climbing onto the roof, Nao says, pointing to a certain part of the roof.
Nao is right, there is a hole in the roof in places.
But I don't know if they were made after the fight or not.
But the holes seem to have been made recently.
Can you guess who fought who?
I don't know. Neither one of them is an ordinary person. They got pretty violent.
I pondered Nao's words.
'What do you think, Sir Decius? Do you think the one fighting is your sister, Miss Shenna?
Decius gives me a troubled look at my question.
'I don't know. But if Shenna was fighting. She might have left some clues.'
Is that a clue?
'Yes. I think you may have dropped something.
Oh, I see.
So I'm going to try my hand at object-searching magic.
I admire what Decius said.
The magic of object search is called locating objects, the magic of looking for a specific object.
However, you can't find the object unless you know it well or can clearly visualize it.
Decius seems to be pretty good at it. I don't think he can do this much with just angelic blessings. I'm sure that even without the blessing, they must have been pretty good at it.
By the way, I can use that magic as well, but since I don't know what Shenna-san has, it's useless.
''Then I'll use it. It's not a very wide area to search, but ....... I'll see what I can do.''
Decius closes his eyes and focuses his consciousness.
He can feel the magic from Decius's body.
After a few minutes, sweat flows from Decius's face. He's probably forcing himself to extend the scope of his search. It looks pretty tight.
Nao and I watch quietly so as not to disturb Decius.
Then he suddenly opens his eyes.
'Hah ...... hah ....... I've found it.
Breathing on his shoulder, Decius falls to his knees.
'Sir Decius. Are you all right?
'It's all right, Master Sage. Let's go for it.
We climb down from the roof and proceed with Decius in the lead.
Decius is wobbling. It looks like he's consumed quite a bit of magic.
'Here we are.'
Decius indicates the space between the two buildings.
'I believe there is a curved sword of Shenna's in this small space.
I look at the narrow alleyway. It looks like people could manage to get through, but I don't want to go in there because of the piles of garbage.
'Ugh, it's kind of dirty,'
Probably an illegal dumping ground. I wouldn't want to go in there.
I make multiple magical hands and extend them into the narrow alleyway.
As I groped around, I eventually found what looked like a curved sword.
'It's still Shenna's sword, isn't it?
Decius says, looking at the curved sword he took out.
''I see. ....... If that's the case, it seems that the one who was fighting on the roof is still Shenna. I hope she's safe .......
I say, lowering my eyes.
'Yes ....... They were probably chased by demon king worshippers. Shenna is quick to run away, so I'm sure she's safe. However, maybe she is injured. We have to find her as soon as possible.
Decius says with a grim face
Decius seems to have faith that his sister is safe. She's probably a pretty good person too.
I hope she's safe and sound.
'I guess so ...... yeah?'
I look at the curved sword and nod my head.
''What's wrong, Chiyuki-san?''
'Look, Nao-san. There's something written on the blade.
I show Nao the curved sword.
'It's true. What's written on it.
It says, ”Goddess of Moonlight. What does it mean? Do you understand, Sir Decius?
Probably the letters on this curved sword are a message from Shenna to Decius.
The reason he didn't write it so that everyone could understand it is probably because he was afraid that his enemies would find it and erase it.
The sword itself could be discarded, but maybe he couldn't hope for more than that.
I hand the curved sword to Decius.
Even if we don't understand it, Decius might understand it.
Decius looks at the writing on his sister's curved blade.
'This is definitely Shenna's character: ....... And is she the goddess of moonlight? No way?
Decius frowns as he thinks about it.
'Is there something you can think of?'
'No, it was the night before the feast was held. I was walking with Shenna when I met a strange woman. She was a beautiful woman. ...... In the moonlight, she was truly a goddess of moonlight. That's the only woman I can think of when I hear the term 'goddess of moonlight'.
Decius says, looking up at the sky like he's in love with it.
Nao sees the expression on his face and whistles with a whistle.
I didn't expect this look from the stiff who didn't react to seeing us.
It feels a little uninteresting, but now is not the time to think about it.
'Sir Decius, did you hear the woman's name?'
''No, he walked away immediately, so ....... He just said he came to see the Lord of the Brave of Light.
'You're here to see Mr. Raige? Ahhhh~
I press my forehead.
I can see Decius getting his heart broken.
'So I guess we don't know where that beautiful woman is, then, do we?
'Yes, I believe she is probably a foreign lady. I would have asked for her name and where she was staying if this were the case.
Decius regrets it.
'I can't blame you for not knowing. It seems certain that the woman is a goddess of moonlight, so what should we do? We've found a new lead, but we also have to find out where someone called Marcias or something like that: .......
I suggest to both of them.
'Let's search some more and if we don't find it, we'll go back.'
We nodded at Decius' words.
The Goddess of Moonlight.
Perhaps this woman would be the key to this case.
I took that name to heart and explored the city at night.
◆The little rogue Marcius.
At night, lights are lit in the bar.
But there is no smell of fish oil or alcohol. Instead, a peach-colored smoke fills the large room.
This delicious-smelling smoke is illuminated by the light, turning the room a peach-colored color.
'Hey Marcius. You sure you don't want to come back?
I'm drinking alone and my companion says to me, holding a woman in one hand.
My companion is a member of an evil cult, just like me. He is touching the woman's chest with a disheveled face.
The old me would have smiled a lowly smile and replied, but I can't bring myself to do so now.
”You don't have to go back. I don't want to go back now. ......
I mutter.
'Heh, well ....... Well, I'm off then.
I look at my companion and the woman as she leaves.
Then I see the woman that my companion is holding in her arms.
He muttered.
For a moment the woman with her companion looked like a spider.
It's not just the woman who left. Some of the women in this shop sometimes look like demons.
The women are the maidservants of this shop and at the same time they are prostitutes.
But they are not ordinary prostitutes. They are much more beautiful than the women who are touting in the back alley.
This is the only place that has such a lineup of beauties.
Ostensibly it is an ordinary bar, but in reality it is an illegal brothel and gambling den run by the evil cult ”Red Spider”.
Once you come here, you can forget any bad things.
The woman is beautiful and the drink and food are good. That's why I came here.
However, I don't feel happy today.
I don't know why I started to look different, but it's probably because of the Dark Knight.
When I remember the dark knight, my body shakes.
The fear I felt when that inconspicuous man revealed himself is still there.
I tried to sell out the Dark Knight without a second thought. I had no choice but to be killed.
But the dark knight didn't kill me, he thanked me. He thanked me for saving his life.
And when he put his hand on my head, I felt some kind of power.
The view has changed a bit since then. Thanks to that, the booze tasted bad.
No, did it ever taste like this?
Before, I felt it was sweeter. But it should be the same kind of sake, but today it tastes bad.
Come to think of it, there was a guy who said the same thing to me before. He also said the taste of sake was strange.
I wondered how he was doing since he stopped seeing me one day.
”Mr. Marcius,
I am approached and look to the side. A woman is standing alone. The woman's face is familiar. It's the woman at the side of the Church Master.
”Heh, what is it?
I laugh so that he doesn't realize what's going on inside.
'The new church master wants to see you. Please follow me.
The new master? Of course I'll be there.
I laugh. The new head of the church is a former deputy head of the church, replacing the woman who was the former head of the church. I'm not told why that happened. She doesn't tell me anything about it for a lowly person like me.