66 Raid of Kalkinos (1/2)

Dark Knight Kroki

The banquet in honor of the brave man of light, Rage, began in the early afternoon.

So it's still bright outside.

I look at the outside from inside the thin silk-covered canopy.

There are many people passing by on the large ship that is tethered a short distance away from the ship that I and Kuna are on.


To my left, Coona is growling at me.

'What's wrong, Kuna? Isn't the food good?

A lot of dishes are laid out in front of us.

All the dishes are served at a banquet.

It is true that some of the dishes are not so good.

For example, the meat of this haggis is frankly not very good.

Haggis are highland animals with beaks and hairy, round platypus-like bodies.

It is said to be very difficult to catch a haggis because of its long, three-legged legs and its ability to move around quickly.

The reason why this meat is served at parties is simply because it is so rare.

By the way, it is said that people who eat this haggis are not to be trusted.

But that's not why Kuna is in a bad mood.

'Not so, Kroki! Why is Shirone there!

Coona says, looking at Cyrone, who is right next to her.

Sirone is clinging to her right arm.

'I'm sorry Kuna-sama ....... Chiyuki-sama asked me to take care of Shirone-sama, so I had no choice but to bring her here.''

Regena bows her head apologetically.

In the first place, the reason why we are here ourselves is because Regena invited us to a banquet.

It's a good thing that you are able to eat good food for free, that's why I came here with Kuna.

The plan was for Regina to come here after she and Rage and the other high ranking people in the country to greet them.

However, it's a good thing that you're not going to be able to find out the truth about your own personal life.

Kuroki's idiot ....... Where have you been~. I was worried about you~

Syrone breathes on the stench of alcohol.

It smells so bad.

I want to say, ”How much have you drunk?

By the way, I don't drink alcohol. The cup in front of me is fruit water.

In front of the cup is a spirit made from fruits similar to date palm, but I don't want to drink it.

By the way, there are spirits in this world too.

Spirits are often made by the followers of Nectar, the god of wine, but they are also made in the temple of Phanakea, the goddess of medicine and herbs.

This is because spirits are sometimes used as medicine.

It can be said that medicine and food are closely related to each other in this world as well.

After all, medicinal herbs are used in both cooking and drinking.

But, as with most things, too much is better than too little.

Even if alcohol is the best of all medicines, one must not drink too much.

”Hey! White! Get away from Kuroki. I'm sure Kuroki is in trouble!

Coona looks at Silone with cold eyes.

In fact, Cuna tried to scratch her neck in her sleep when Syrohne was brought in.

It can be a little difficult to stop that.

Well, I managed to ask her to give me a break.

Then again, it's not like I'm having any trouble with Sirone being attached to me.

I can feel the soft touch of Sirone on my right arm, so I'd rather leave it at that.

But as expected, I'll let go of Cyrone because I think she's going to be in a bad mood.

It's a good idea to get rid of the problem. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make your beautiful dress wrinkle.

I manage to let go of Silone myself.

'Hmmm ....... The dress is ...... okay ....... I'll take it off.

Saying that, Cyrone takes off her clothes.

'No, Sirone! If I take it off here!

I'll stop Shirone.

I'd like to see it so much, but that would be bad indeed.

You can't take advantage of being drunk to humiliate a girl. So I'll stop.

What~. Kuroki.

Cyrone grimaces as he is stopped.

'Here, Sirone. Lie down. You've had too much to drink and you're not feeling well.'

I lay Shirone down on the soft sofa.

It will be hard to sleep, so I take off my hair clip.

''Hey, this hair clip: ......''

Look at the hair clip.

This hair clip was worn by Shirone.

She took it off because it was in the way of putting her to sleep.

And this hair clip was a gift from me to Sirone in the previous world.

It looks like she's taking good care of it.


Cyrone opens her legs wide.

Therefore, the blue underwear is sometimes fully visible.

By the way, underwear is also in this world. Moreover, there is even a bra.

However, I hear that there is a place where there is no underwear depending on an area.

And it seems to wear a loincloth type, a waistcoat type, and a strap-on type in the place where underwear is available. There seems to be other types, but they are not common.

Men tend to wear a loincloth type, and women tend to wear a thong-pan type.

However, the strappan type has a type that is fastened with a clasp as well as the type that is tied at the side.

The underwear that Raina was thought to have dropped was the clasp type.

I still keep that in my possession.

And the one that Sirone is wearing is the type that ties the side with a string.

Sirone generously opens her legs to show me those underwear.

I want to dive into that triangle, but I resist.

Nevertheless, it is ruined even though she is wearing a beautiful dress.

Her mouth is open sloppily, too.

In the original world, a man who cares about Cyrone wouldn't be able to see her like this.

Even in the original world, I think that Shirone was a bit of a slacker.

That attitude towards life doesn't seem to have changed in this world either.

I'm sorry, Regina. I'm sorry, Regina, let's put something on Cyrone.

Yes, sir.

Ligeena puts a white cloth over the white cloth from the neck down on Silone.

Now you won't be able to see your underwear.

'Mmm! What the hell! This guy!

Coona looks at Cyrone with an angry face.

Her angry face is cute, too.

I hold Kuna in my arms.

'I'm sorry Kuna. I'm sorry you had to put up with me attacking Cyrone.

I'm sorry to have to put up with Kuna.

'Coona is separate ....... I don't mind having Cyrone by my side. Just as long as Kroki is by your side the whole time .......

Coona says, resting her back on it.

Eh, she's a good girl. I can't help but cry.

I pat Kuna's head and she looks happy.


It was then. A loud scream rises from a short distance away.

'What? Now the scream is ......

The place is from outside. Something seems to have happened.

The black-haired wise man, Chiyuki.

When I ran to where the screams were coming from, I found men dressed as satyrs causing a panic.

They were the comedians called in to liven up this feast.

The people who play music in the back of the house when they put on a play also dress like this.

The reason why they dress like this is because it is said that the theatre in this world was originally started by satyrs.

The reason why they dress like this is because this world's theater is said to have been originally started by satyrs.

Satyrs are said to be a cheerful race that loves to sing and dance.

They are not as powerful as the Minotaur in terms of strength, but they use powerful magic and spells.

All of them are fair-skinned and love beautiful women and boys.

They have a lot of fun with women, and they will attack you with their magic, so be careful.

The black satyrs inhabiting Nargol are also quite fearsome.

Their appearance is closer to that of a goat than other satyrs, and their magical powers are higher.

They serve the Demon King and sometimes come to the human world to seduce human women to make their wishes come true.

I've heard that they look like Sabbat.

It is said that women who are loved by the black satyrs gain inspiration and become witches.

However, since the woman here is just a human in the guise of a satyr, she will not be turned into a witch.

'Chiyuki! Crabs! There's a giant crab!

Rage shouts.

I looked and saw a huge crab crawling up to the deck of the ship.

The crab was huge, about five meters across, and the scissors on each side were nearly one meter long.

It was a fossilized crab called chalkinos.

They are called ”Chalkinos”. The Chalkinos are spitting out bubbles to human beings.

These bubbles seem to be very viscous, and some of them seem to be trapped by them and can't move.

Haha !!!!

Rage summons his own sword and slays one of the karkinos.

However, there are five Kalkinos in all.

Each one is about to attack a different ship.

'Someone help me!

Suddenly, I hear a woman's voice.

It must be a dancer who has come to this event.

The dancer is looking out at the sea from the edge of a boat.

'What's the matter?!'

Me and Rage run up to the dancers.

'My friends are at sea!

I look at the sea and see a man in the form of a satyr falling into the sea.

'What's that, man ....... Chiyuki, I'll take care of that one. I'll hit the other crabs.

With that, Rage heads to the other crabs.

'Already ....... You don't have to be picky, do you?

I complain and pull the man up with my magic hand (magic hand).

The man dressed as a satyr is unconscious. I lay him down on the deck and he spits out seawater in a gulp.

Hey! Marcius, get a grip!

The dancer runs up to the man.

'Shenna! You're safe!

Decius, who came running in after her, ran up to the dancer.


The dancer calls Decius his brother.

It's rare for a priest of Odis and a dancer to be brother and sister.

'Chiyuki-san, are you an injured man?

Sahoko comes to us.

”Yeah, you seem to be doing okay, but just in case you need some healing magic.

Sahoko casts a spell on Marcias.

Marcias' face becomes calm.

I look around.

It seems that all of Kalkinos has been defeated by Rage and the others.

'Then why is Kalkinos ......?'

Decius mutters.

'I don't know, Sir Decius: ....... But I can tell you one thing.

I say this and everyone in the room looks at me.

'We're having a crab dinner tonight,'

Black haired wise man Chiyuki

We dismantled the chalquinos on board.

It is big enough to be eaten without a lot of prep work, so we leave it with the ship's cook.

It is normal to eat seafood in this world.

That's why crabs, shrimps and octopi are usually served on the table.

However, he didn't eat huge crabs like kalquinos, and the cook's face was tense.

There is no soy sauce made from soybeans in this world.

Instead, we have fish sauce.

The fish sauce can be used to make Japanese style dishes.

Sahoko, who is a great cook, uses fish sauce to create a Japanese style dish for us.

There are no potatoes or tomatoes native to the Americas, but there is a turnip, which is similar in texture to a potato.

Sahoko's niku-jagaa (garlic potatoes) with turnip was very tasty.

I think chalquinos would be delicious too if I grilled it with fish sauce.

What was it? Who are these crabs?

Kyouka says, looking at the crabs.

There are us here now, except for Syrone, and Eulia and her crony girls, Siszfe and the others, and Decius and Shenna's siblings.

Krasus goes to call for the head of security. Nakius has gone to check on the guests of honor.

And Turia has left the place to have somewhere else to go.

'Probably Kalkinos, who escaped from the arena. I didn't know where he was going, but I didn't know he was here.

In the list of demons that escaped from the arena's, Kalkinos' name was on the list of demons that escaped.

The same number that escaped.

So there's no doubt about it.

However, these Chalkinos attacked as the feast was beginning.

I feel the artifice of someone.

'Lord Rage. We have brought those from the Temple of Triden with us.''

General Krasus brings a warrior in the service of Triden, the Sea King.

He is a middle-aged man with a trident and a net, just like Triden's warriors.

Nephim, who was called the ”Water Hero”, is said to have had no nets, but originally, Triden's warriors were called net fighters or net fighters, and it was common for them to have nets and trident.

The net blocks the opponent's movement and stops him with the trident. This is the fighting style of Triden's net fighter.

He has arrived with a net on his shoulder.