54 Rescue strategy (1/2)
Shirone the Maiden of Swords
It was easy to come to the Republic of Ariadia.
Chiyuki-san had set the Transition Gate Dimension Gate in the Temple of Raina in the Republic of Ariadia in advance.
This should be the first time the Transference Gate has been built outside of the St. Renaria Republic.
In order to create the Transmigration Gate, we need a large area where we can draw a magic circle to serve as the Transmigration Gate.
The only one who can provide that space is the Order of Raina.
Therefore, unless the country has a large Temple of Raina, the Transitional Gate can only be set up in a country that has a large Temple of Raina.
But if that was the case, they could have set up transit gates in the kingdom of Veros and other countries as well.
As for why he didn't do it, apparently it's because he doesn't want to expand the range of activity for Reigi.
I don't know why, but I recall him saying so.
Even so, the reason why he made the Transitional Gate to the Republic of Ariadia is because this country is rich and located in the center of the continent.
It seems that Chiyuki-san is planning to make this Ariadia Republic a base other than the St. Renaria Republic.
''Right. You and Rage-kun were separated by four levels: ......''
Yes, Miss Sirone?
That's what I'm told by the woman who called herself Laylia.
It's kind of strange to be kneeling from someone older than me.
Leiria is a priest of the Temple of Raina in the Republic of Aryadia. Where I am now is also a room in the Temple of Raina in the Republic of Aryadia.
In the Republic of Ariadia, the power of the Raina Order is weak, and the temple is quite small compared to the Temple of Odis.
Still, Ariadia is a large city.
In terms of size alone, it's about the same size as a country with a population of about 100,000.
The number of priests and laymen working at the temple is also large.
In the Temple of Raina in the Republic of Ariadia, there are dozens of priests working at the top, with one high priest at the top.
Leiria is one of them.
However, although Leiria is a priest, he does not work in the temple.
That's because Leiria is an apostle. Raina is a god who protects people's lives from demons. Believers who become apostles do not work in the temple, but often go outside the temple to exterminate demons.
She is also said to be a freedom fighter and exterminates demons.
She usually lives in the Free City of Thessesia, which is located in the north of the Republic of Ariadia, and she doesn't often come to the Republic of Ariadia.
But now she is here.
Because it was an angel, a warrior maiden under Raina, who made Leiria an apostle.
She has ordered us to help her.
When we come to the Republic of Ariadia, we meet Leiria.
She was with Rage-kun when he entered the Labyrinth of the Evil One.
In one of the rooms of the temple, besides us, the high priest and Leiria are there, kneeling to us.
''Well, may I ask you to show me to the fourth floor now?''
I ask Leiria for help.
'Please wait, Lady Syrone!
Suddenly Kaya, who was beside me, speaks up.
'What's going on, Kaya?'
Kyouka is surprised when Kaya suddenly speaks up.
'Shirone-sama and Miss. The other party is the one who captured that Rage-sama. It's dangerous to enter the labyrinth without a plan.''
But Kaya! If we don't hurry up and go get them, Rage and the rest of you are in danger.
'Yes, Kaya. Your brother's life is in danger. We must hurry and get him out of there.
Kyoka agrees with me.
But Kaya shakes her head.
'No, miss. Until Rage-sama is executed. There is still time. I'll think of something to do before then.
'That said, ...... what kind of moves are you talking about, Kaya?'
I'm going to take a bite out of Mr. Kaya.
In reason, what Kaya is saying is correct. But I couldn't calm down.
'To put it bluntly, it's impossible for us to do it by ourselves. To begin with, we are the ones who will capture Rage-sama and Chiyuki-sama. If we rush into them blindly, they will only capture us too.
Kaya says slowly.
That may be true.
Rage and Chiyuki are strong.
If you run into a place that Raiders can't get out of, they'll catch me too.
However, even though I know this, I can't help but move.
It's always like that for me.
I can't sit still. That's why I always worry about Kroki.
'Such ....... So you can't do anything about it, Kaya?
Kaya shook her head at Kyouka's words.
'We can't do it alone. So I think we should seek outside help.''
Then Kaya looks at Regena.
There is a Regena here. For some reason, Kaya-san brought her here from St. Renaria.
''Um, what is it?''
Regena was puzzled by the sudden attention.
''Regena-san. Can't we get some help from Kuroki-sama?''
Kyouka and I let out an ooh and aah at Kaya's words.
I see. So that's why he brought Regina with him, Kaya-san must have thought that we couldn't do it alone to help Reigi-kun. And then she came up with the idea of asking for Kuroki's help.
Indeed, Kuroki is strong. If we can get Kroki's help, we're a hundred strong.
And Regena is still connected to Kroki. They should be able to contact her.
Why didn't I think of that?
I had to come up with these things first.
I pat myself on the head for not thinking.
'Your husband's hand, sir? ....... I can't do that. Rage is Nargol's master's enemy. There is no way you can request him to help your enemy.
Ligeena looks down and replies.
'Oh no, you're an enemy ....... Kuroki is not an enemy. It's just that Kroki is only in Nargol because he's being held captive by a witch called Kuna. And he said he doesn't want to be an enemy.
I say, but Regena shakes her head.
'Syrone-sama. That is not all. I've heard that the labyrinth is very dangerous. I can't let your husband go to such a place.''
Regena pouted and looked to the side.
But Kaya looks at Regena and laughs at her.
It's a rather nasty smile.
''Hey, Regena-san. This can be a reason to meet with Kuroki-san, can't it? It's in your best interest to just keep in touch, isn't it?
Hearing those words, Regina opens her eyes and looks at Kaya.
'Ugh ...... very sly words. If you say something like that, you can't ...... refuse it, can you? I understand. But I just need to contact you .......
Rigena looks down and reluctantly agrees.
''Huh. Thank you, Regena-san.''
Kaya is triumphant to hear that.
It hurts my conscience somewhat when I see it.
But still, why did Kuroki tell me how to contact Regena only?
Why wouldn't he tell me? That's a bit tricky.
I think it's unfair. You should tell me first and foremost.
But now I can see Kuroki again.
I'm sorry for Rage-kun and Chiyuki-san, but I'm more happy about that than anything else.
Dark Knight Kroki.
He goes to the god Heybos in Elyos.
The dwelling of the god Heybos was always passed by when he went to the god Tothna's place.
At that time, he does not speak to the God of Heybos. God Heybos doesn't like to be approached by people who have no need for him.
That's why he couldn't hear from God Heybos about Nat's capture on the way to the god Tona.
The parlor of God Heybos is so cluttered with all kinds of materials that you'd think it was a warehouse.
I am in the center of the room and I am talking to the God of Heybos.
”Well, I'm going to go to that underground palace ...... no, it's a labyrinth now. That's where you're going .......
God Heybos looks disgusted.
According to the information on the Emerald Tablet, that labyrinth is humiliation itself for the God of Heybos.
That's why the incident was sealed by the God of Heibos.
Even in Elyos, no one would dare to speak of the incident to the God of Heybos.
Few dwarves seem to know about the incident.
The records in the archives of Elyos were records that were not normally shown to outsiders.
If Tona hadn't been specially shown them to me, I wouldn't have known about them either.
'Yes, I'm going to help Nat. That's why I need the help of the Haybos gods.
I lower my head.
Nat has been captured by Rage and his friends. The rage is trapped in a labyrinth on the plain of Minon.
The god Heybos, who built that labyrinth, should be familiar with the labyrinth.
Good. I'm indebted to Nat for his help. I'll help you as much as I can.
Thank you, God of Heybos.
I bow my head.
”But, Dark Knight. It was Heybos who built that crypt, but he later converted it into a maze. After it was turned into a maze, we don't know.
The Heibos God looks troubled.
The underground labyrinth we are about to go to was not originally a maze.
It was turned into a labyrinth by the evil god Lavrus, who was afraid of the Modes. That's why the god Heybos doesn't seem to know what happened after it became a labyrinth.
'Not much should have changed since then. So it's fine if you can tell me as much as you know about it.
'Well ....... Then I'll give you the blueprints for that labyrinth.
That's enough. Thank you.
I thank him again.
The god Haybos takes out a stone tablet made of gems from the cupboard behind him.
It appears to be the same one as the emerald tablet.
He takes the tablet from God Haybos and bows his head.
'Thank you. But that's not the only problem,” he says. Even if you step into the labyrinth, you'll still have Lavrus. Lavrulus is strong. Can you win? For you?
The words of the god Heybos made me uneasy.
'Are you that strong, Lavrus is ......
'Yeah, strong. You have your life in a decent fight with Modes.
I see. ......
I nodded at the words of the Haybos God. That's certainly a strong one.
I've never had a hand-to-hand combat with Modes. But he's probably stronger than I am.
If you fight him, you might lose your life.
If there is life in fighting that Modes, Lavrus must be quite strong.
I'm starting to feel uneasy.
''Moreover, that labyrinth gives Lavrulus unlimited power. As long as he's in there, Lavrulus can recover indefinitely. What do you plan to do, my lord?
He pondered the words.
Modes was relieved that he'd said he'd be fine, but he wasn't.
I don't know if I can win.
'Hey Boss God ....... Is there anything I can do to make it better?
'There is probably no one in that labyrinth who can defeat Lavrus. Modes would win, but I can't let him use his power of destruction.
The god Heybos says in a frustrated tone.
It seems that Modes had tried to enter the labyrinth before to defeat Lavrus.
However, as expected of Modes, he would have to fight Lavrus with all his might to win in the labyrinth. And Modes' power is so powerful that you don't know what will happen if you fight with all your might.
That's why the Hayboss God decided that he couldn't let him use his power and stopped him from getting the dwarves to avenge him.
In fact, he would want to avenge them himself more than anything else.
The dwarves captured with the god Heybos were especially the ones he loved.
The fact that those dwarves had been killed seemed to pierce the heart of God Heybos as a thorn in his side.
'So you might as well think about rescuing that nut guy instead of fighting him.
Is there a way?
Looks like Nat's on the fifth level. That place was originally an underground garden. It seems that Lavrus' men have turned it into a prison to keep the humans in. It seems the people he brought in from the outside are being held in the cells with him.
The god Heybos tells me that the minotaurs under Lavrus' command have captured the humans there and enslaved them.
Do you know how to free that prison?
'I don't know ....... We didn't make it as a jail in the first place. We don't know what happens after it becomes a jail.
'I see. ......'
'But a jail cell isn't perfect when it's not built as a prison. There's got to be a loophole in there. We can figure it out if we look into it.
If that's the case, we'll need to look into it.
'Then we'll need to look into that.
The Haybos god nodded when he said it himself.
'Well, besides. Unlike the brave men of Lena, Nat won't be executed. We can go and help him after the brave men are done, can't we?
That's for sure.
It's better to go and help Rage and the others after they've been executed or freed, that's for sure.
I don't think Lavrus would want to execute Nat, either. To be frank, I don't think Nat would give a shit.
'I certainly don't: ....... Thank you for all you've taught me, God Heybos. I'd better get going then.
”Proceed with caution, Dark Knight.
The god Heybos waves his hand.
I bow my head and leave the room.
Leaving the room, I look at the huge object by the door.
It's probably some kind of material.
These miscellaneous items are placed at random in the dwarf's workshop.
''Why don't you come out now?
I say to whoever is hiding in the shadows of that material.
I was aware that someone was eavesdropping outside the room.
As I say this, someone wearing a hood comes out of the shadows.
'That's as good as it gets, Kroki. Is it the power of love?
That someone takes the hood off and a beautiful face comes out of the inside.
”Love is ....... Was it you after all, Goddess Raina?
The one who was eavesdropping was still Raina.
For some reason, I can recognize the presence of this goddess.
This is the third time I've met this goddess.