19 Under the sky of Nargol (1/2)

Dark Knight Lanfeld

You've been quiet lately, Mr. Lanfeld.

The dark knight riding the trailing flying dragon (wyvern) says in an easygoing voice.

''Don't let up. It's possible that the information that the Holy Knights have been destroyed is wrong, we'll continue our patrol.

As he says this, he sends the flying dragon flying over the mountain that is the border of Nargol.

I look behind me and see a laggard among the following knights.

'After all, is it still difficult to rebuild ......

I mutter to no one.

Half of the dark knights died in the last battle with the brave men and women, and those who survived were injured in some way.

In the first place, even among the demon race, there are few who have the ability to be a dark knight, and even fewer of them can ride a flying dragon.

Most of the skilled knights had been killed by the brave men. The only people left now are those who are better able to ride the flying dragon.

Currently, there are less than 20 dark knights who can move properly.

The task assigned to me as soon as possible is to rebuild the Dark Knights.

Lately, there had been frequent incursions into the airspace by the Holy Knights of Elyos.

Thinking about that made his head crack with anger.

According to their claim, all the skies of the world belong to the gods of Elyos (or so), and even though they are Nargol, it seems that we who fly in their skies are the ones violating their airspace.

Of course, I'm not going to admit such a claim.

Even before the heroes arrived, they often approached Nargol's airspace, but never came close to invading it.

And when our strength diminished, they invaded every day.

They laid waste to the skies of Nargol as if they were fools.

We even recommended that they go out of the airspace, but they never listened, and we, with our limited strength, had no choice but to sit back and watch.

However, their airspace violations ended two days ago.

Knowing the reason for this, we felt sorry for them, but at the same time, we couldn't help but be afraid of the people who caused it.

That's why the patrol is over without incident.

'Alright, let's go back to the fort!

Under the command, the flying dragons turn.

They fly over the roofs of the Acheron Mountains that separate the human world from Nargol.

As they fly, they will see a fort in the middle of the peak.

This fort is the one that protects Nargol from Elyos.

I landed in the central square of the fort.

'Welcome home, Master Lanfeld.

Leave the flying dragon to his men coming out of the fort.

He walks to his mansion set up inside the fort.



Two children jump out of the fort.

'Leffald and Raily! Why are you here?

The two children run up to each other.

Leffald is a 120 year old boy and Leali is a 90 year old girl. And they're both their own children.

Originally, they would be near the Demon King's Castle. They should be in the village of the demon race.

''Yes, my mother told me to help my father.

Yes. Mother said I should help you with your father's plans for a knighthood in the future.

Lehri and Leffald reply.

'Right. ......'

It is true that the fort is understaffed. After all, the last battle sent even non-combatants into battle. Now we need some help.

But they are still children, and I'm not sure if I want to leave them in the fort.

”Father, please. ”Father, I beg you to leave me, no, I beg you to leave me in the fort.

You can take care of Raily, too.

I'm lost for words by the two of them.

There were plenty of chores at the fort, even if they didn't send them into battle. There might be jobs that even a child could do.

It might be time for Leffald in particular to be trained as a knight.

It was just when I was thinking about that.

The flying dragons in the dragon house suddenly started to make a commotion.

''What! What's going on!

He asks his men in the dragon house.

''I don't know! Suddenly, the flying dragons started making a lot of noise!

My men are struggling to calm the flying dragon.

''Master Lanfeld! It's hard!

One of the knights on top of the Watchtower lets out a panicked voice.

''What's going on!

The dragon! The dragon is here!

I look at the sky in the direction the knight is pointing.

Across the sky, something like a bird is flying.

It's still far away, but the way it flies isn't a flying dragon, it was definitely a dragon.

''Master Lanfeld, how may I help you!

When I look, I see that the men of the fort are trying to deal with the dragon with bows and crossbows.

'Don't take up arms! Don't point it at the dragon!

His subordinates voiced their doubts at his orders.

''Why, Master Lanfeld!

Just don't do anything! Gather them all!

If that dragon is as good as you can imagine, we must not act hostile.

All those in the fort will be gathered together.

The dragon reaches the fort at a furious pace.

The dragon roars as it gets close.




A few of my men buckled in fear, while Leffald and Leali clung to their feet.

The true dragon's roar contains the magic of fear. Those with no resistance would be unable to move in fear.

When I see the dragon up close, I think it's big again.

The dragon's body is many times larger than the flying dragon it rides, and when it gets off, it takes over the entire central square.

It is a black dragon that lives in the Acheron Mountains and was once called a demon dragon. This dragon's temper is so fierce that if you try to approach it carelessly, you will fall prey to its fiery breath.

But that was yesterday.

I look at the dragon's back, there was one dark knight sitting there.

The Dark Knight Dihardt.

He is the hero of Nargol who destroyed the Holy Knights the other day.

Dihardt descends to the fort.

''All hands salute!''

Some of them are still hunched over in fear, but I ignore them and give the command.

I put my hand on my chest and bow my head.

”Lord Runfeld,” he says. Not much of that: ......

As he says this, Dihardt removes his helmet.

He has dark hair, pale skin, and a thin face.

To be honest, he is a kind man, he doesn't look very strong. No matter how you look at it, he was a weak man with no horns.

But don't let looks deceive you. He looks like a weak man, but he is a monster.

He defeated that horrible brave man and destroyed the Holy Knights.

Then I look at the armor that Dihardt is wearing. The armor that Dihardt wears is the armor of the Black Demon God. The armor that all dark knights wear is a lowly imitation of this armor.

It's a good thing that this man is not afraid to wear the armor that no one could wear until this man appeared due to its excessive magical power.

A hornless person can do what the demon race could not. I regret that.

That Dihardt is now second only to His Majesty.

Humans are inferior creatures. It is repugnant to the demon tribe that they have to serve under a man.

Of course, there are some in this stronghold who do not share his animosity.

”No, Your Honor, you're a hero!

Dihardt looks troubled by these words.

Dihardt doesn't feel good about being treated as a superior person himself.

However, there is no way he can be rude to a monster that could destroy the Holy Knights.

''My lord, what can I do for you today?''

To be honest, I don't want you to come, so I'm going to be a little strong on this one.

'I'm sorry to be so busy, Lord Lanfeld, but I spotted Lord Lanfeld from afar while I was practicing riding Glorious, so I wanted to thank you for introducing me to the ...... dragon and for introducing me to him. Also, by the way, I was curious to see what the fort on the border looked like, so I thought I'd take a look.

Dihardt says with some trepidation and looks at the dragon.

The name Glorious means glory in Dihardt's world. It's a very appropriate name for Dihardt.

And the dragon that was named after him was, until just yesterday, feared as a demonic dragon. Yesterday, Dihardt made the dragon his own personal rider.

I remember yesterday.

He introduced the demon dragon living in the Acheron Mountains to Dihardt, who wanted a flying dragon for himself.

That was with a nasty intention.

Even for a demon race, it is difficult to ride a flying dragon, much less a true dragon, and even more difficult to ride a true dragon.

Naturally, Dihardt didn't think he could ride it either.

Then he said sarcastically, ”I'm sure your Excellency can ride a dragon as well.

As a result, Dihardt easily took the dragon for himself.

Now he felt ashamed of himself for saying such sarcasm.

And he came to thank himself for saying the sarcasm. I'm so pathetic that I'm about to cry.

'Thank you and other outrageous things: ......'

Then he looks at Dihardt's face.

For some reason, Dihardt's eyes are looking down.

Looking beyond that perspective leads me to Leffald and Leali, who are at my feet.


Dehart's questionable voice.

Yes, these kids are helping out at the fort: ......

But the words could not be said until the end.

Because an intense, oppressive feeling was directed from Dihardt.

'You're putting the child in the fight?'

His voice was completely different from the frightened voice he had just heard. That voice was very cold. A chill ran down my spine when I heard that voice.

''I'm sorry, my lord. Due to the battle with the brave men, the troops in this fort are in short supply ....... I am sorry!

I apologize twice.

But when he says that, Dehart's temper calms down.

''No, I'm sorry, I don't even know what's going on over there and it's unnecessary. ......

Dihardt says apologetically.

I'm relieved that Dihardt's temper has calmed down.

This man is more terrifying than the demon dragon behind him.

''These two are my children, Refald and Raily. Say hello to my lord.''

”Lefferd, my lord!

Leeli, Master Dihardt!

Leffald and Leali greet each other with a little bite.

'You're a good kid. ......