676 # 647 Letter from the Hero of the Three Kingdoms and Pope Gonesse (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 50870K 2022-07-24

The next morning, when I eat and log in, I return to Freetia with Princess Silphi and meet with Sun Naoka and others.

”Thank you very much for accepting my visit in the midst of the battle against the demons.Dear Tact,”

”No, I'm sorry that you've come all the way here.What about you?”

”Let me introduce you.My older brothers Sun Zhao and Sun Quan, and Zhou Yu and Lumong, who are military officers in our town.”

Wow! They are heroes of Wu of the Three Kingdoms.Zhou Yu was a close friend of Sun Zhao and a great strategist who defeated Cao Cao as Wu's strategist in the Battle of Akabe.

He must have fought in Akakabe, but the most famous episode is the one about subjugating Sekiu.This was largely due to the relative importance of being unknown at the time.However, it is certain that he was active.

The reason why he was popular in the Three Kingdoms is because he was one of the few busho who achieved success from a poor life.Moreover, although he was not a strategist but a military commander, he studied and surprised Roshuku, who was a great commander at that time, and was appointed as the successor.

The busho (Japanese military commander) who worked hard in poverty and climbed up to Daito no kami (the governor of the great capital) to subdue Sekiu was Romon.I think I know it's going to be popular.When I'm impressed, Sun Saku talks to me.

”That's Sun's plan. I have something to say first.”

”? Why?”

”My sister will never do it! Goof!”

Perhaps Sun Zaku was chosen as the top elbow of the octagonal fist.Is Sun Saku a systematic character?

”... Zhou Yu, you don't seem to feel well. Can you take me there?”

”Yes, princess”.

Oh, what? It feels like Zhou Yu is not up to Sun Sang-ka.

”Hey! Naoka! What's older than you?”

Oh! Sun Quan warned me!I feel like cheering for you.



Hey! You're weak Sun Quan!?I got glared at, and it's a KO!Be careful and give me back the feeling that I thought I was cool!

”Oh... I'm sorry.It's like this.May I speak to you, Grand Governor, princess?”

”Oh, please.”

”First of all, thank you on behalf of our town for your help to our princess.”

I get a Chinese way of thank you.I'm glad... Romong seems to be an intellectual.

”The reason I came to you this time was to build a bridge with a person who would know the key to subjugating the demon, as the princess requested.”

Huh!? Is that the case in this situation?However, in this situation, the person who is famous is...

”Who is it?”

”I am Shokatsu Komei, a strategist who is the twin master of our town, and I am proud of my one-to-work skills.”

Quitter! And Zhou Yu gets a little upset when he's called a twin wall.It's the same as the legend.

However, there should have been no such story in MOROKURA no Ryo.I think it was used only by people who probably knew a lot about it.I am led to the place where Liu Bei and others are.I'm so nervous.

”My name is Lumong, a military officer of Wu.I've brought the guildmaster of the 'Leapling'.”

”Come in,”

'Excuse me,'

When I entered the room where I was led, there were the heroes of Shu of the Three Kingdoms.

”I see you first.Liu Bei is the lord of the town of Shu in one-to-work.I appreciate your help this time.”

Oh and Shu are just the names of towns in the country of One Work.It just sounds like they are declaring themselves an independent country because they mention the name of the town.

”I am a guildmaster for the guild 'Leapling.'My name is Tacto.We have a motive for the rescue, too.”


Everyone is staring at me, but I can't be scared here.

”Did you hear from the Romonden that you might know the key to the subjugation of the demon Anla?”

”I'm afraid I have a problem with you, too, so will you play with this first?”

Shogi was on the desk.Wait, you're going to play shogi with everyone around you!?

I fought against Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and Liu Bei and managed to win.Each shogi was unique.Zhao Yun was called Chu-hisha, Guan Feu was called Ho-hisha, and Liu Bei was called Ihisha.

These are the names of the basic tactics of shogi and are named after the position of the flying cart.

Chuu-hisha is a strategy of trying to break through the center with the position of the hisha in the middle. I think it's like Zhaoun, the spear bearer.Flying across the street is a strategy in which flying wheels face each other.It's a unique choice for Kanba, who wants to fight one-on-one.ibisha is the most basic tactic of fighting without moving an airship.Liu Bei, who is loyal to the basics, will choose a strategy.

”Well, let's say you're going to play me at the end.”

It's coming out. Morokudaryo.

”Thank you very much,”


While playing shogi, Ryō MOROKURA talks to me.

”The strategy in Gonnes the other day was spectacular.You were in command, I suppose?”

”I only thought of a rough plan.I can't command every detail yet.”

”Hmm... you mean you want to do so in due course?”

I think.

”I want to do that, but it's fun to think about strategies with everyone, so I think it's good to stay like this.”

”That's a good thing,”

Our shogi game will progress.

”Hey, how many hours have you been doing this?”

”We have a break, but we've been doing it for four hours...”

I'm kind of drawn.Some professionals use it for two days.Then Zhou Yu says.

”Well, I can't believe I'm not going to taste this game... How do you view it?”

”They read each other a lot.It's as if you're watching a battlefield while it stops.I wonder how many moves you've been reading... but it seems like you've had a game.”


”I'm at it,”

As expected, he could not beat Zhongzuryo.It was broken down in response to everything we could do.I've done a bad job.He was extremely strong.

”No, it was a wonderful idea.I understand you, and I think I have enough qualifications to teach.Now, come this way.”