673 # 644 Relief of Paladin Road and war situation in various places (1/2)
Mel and others who came to Paladin Road separately from us were amazed at the situation in Paladin Road.Fire broke out in many parts of the royal capital, and there was a complete civil war.
”Colose Colose Colose” (The Colose Colose Colose)
At once came the knights, who were suffering from eye trouble.He tried to fight it off, but it didn't go smoothly.He was a knight of Paladin Road, and he was strong.
Then Jeanne is immediately targeted.
”Let me do it!”
”As long as we are here, Jeanne will not interfere!”
They were Jeanne's bodyguard in the previous wars. They are passionate fans of Jeanne, who always buy bread from the Orléans bakery.They trusted them and left them to guard again this time.
But the knights who aim at Jeanne deal with the attack normally.But Mel soon realized her weakness.
”Guys! Together! These knights seem to be bad at group warfare!”
'All right!'
A normal state of thought would show a well-trained movement, but in a brainwashed state, it seems that such a behavior would not be suitable.When this happens, Mr. Tristan warns that Meru and his colleagues will surely defeat him.
”First of all! Many knights from far away are coming towards us in formation!”
”If you can set up a trap, please set it up! Let's have an audience with King Arthur first.”
'All right!'
As we were all heading for the castle, a purple knight was surrounding the castle with his troops.
That was a person that everyone knew.Perhaps because he calls her name, Lancelot sees them and turns his troops at them.
”That's a joke.It's a Lancelot match.
”But if you don't break through here, you'll get caught! Guys! I'll break through!”
The two armies collide with each other.Then, when Lancelotte throws a spear at Mel, Kego guards her.Yuko then wields a big sword at Lancelot.
”Grand Slap”.
He tries to use a grand slash, but Lancelot tries to cut Yuko with a large sword that has been thrown down.
”I won't let you do it! A whirlwind blade!”
When Chiffon blew the blade of the wind, Lancelotte stifled it, and in an instant appeared before Chiffon, wielding his sword at him.When Miranda receives it, Lancelot kicks Miranda off, and when they are knocked off, Lancelot holds his sword.
”Let me do it,”
”I won't!”
When Arley tried to save him, Sigurd attacked Lancelot.Alondite and Balmunk clash.
”The knight of Paladin Road has no shortage of men.I'll take care of you.”
When Lancelot holds the allondite position, they collide with each other.Then Mr. Sigurd is pressed.
”You're losing with your sword... But! Dragon Scail Mail!”
When Sigurd's hands become like dragon scales, he takes Arondite's sword attack with one hand and Lancelot blows off with Balmunk's attack.
Other knights attack Sigurd for a break, but Brunhilde and Reggin go on guard.In addition, Herrier held up his shield, and when he struck him, he destroyed the knight's armor, and blew it away to make way for it.
The knights of Paladin Road appear from the castle where they sense the battle, and the lancelots are in a state of pinching.Perhaps he thought the situation was unfavorable, but Lancelot withdrew.
”What a success,”
”You can't get rid of your clumsiness even if you said.
”No! I know that much! But I can't break into the battle between Sigurd and Lancelot!”
I can't say anything more because everyone was sitting on the sidelines.Later, Mel enters the castle and has an audience with King Arthur.
”I'll thank you first.I really appreciate Freetia's support.”
”Well, let's see.We were only sent from Freetier.”
Why am I feeling like that? It's a state of mind.
”Still, I honestly appreciate the reinforcements.as you can see.”
Merlin looks out of the castle and explains the situation to Meru and his friends.
”Those who fell into the hands of Akah Manaf, Lord Lancelot, Lord Agravein, Lord Gahelis, Lord Moldred, Lord Palomides, and others who excelled in intelligence and arms at Paladin Road were targeted.Well, it seems like everyone had darkness in their hearts, so that's what they were aiming for.”
”As a king, it's not worth it.In addition, most of the people fell into the hands of the demon king and raised their hands as soon as they could find anyone without weapons.If possible, I want to hit it, but I can't move badly because I'm a man of honor.”
Mel's opinions are also divided.Strong members of the Round Table such as Lord Gawain and Lord Tristan remain.Still, the names of Lancelot and Moldred seem to discourage me.
”I think it's safe to aim at Akah Manaf, the Devil?”
”We took it for granted.But... she's in the enemy's main force, and people around her see Lord Agravein and Lord Moldred.Even so, I set it up at least once...”
”I'm ashamed to say that I and Lord Tristan are to withdraw under the influence of Akah Manaf, the demon.”
”Are you all right!”
It's natural that Mel is worried.In this situation, Lord Gawain and Lord Tristan's enemy means almost nothing.