665 # 636 Reinforcement and the awakening of nine tails (1/2)
I asked Sojiro.
”Why are you here.
”I put a transfer tag in the cherry blossom seal that Prince Shotoku handed over to Mr. Taku.”
What? Oh! Come to think of it, I put some paper in the seal box when I received it.No way... Were you reading this situation?
”It seems that the great general only saw your future fighting against this evil dragon at that time.And I don't think I can see the future very often.So I was a little late in running.I'll do my best to work if I'm late, so please forgive me.”
Wow!? It's Kanbei.In addition, various samurai including Kenshin UESUGI and Shingen TAKEDA attacked Azi Dahaka.
In addition, not only busho but also armed soldiers moved here one after another.
”Are you from the Eastern Continent? Why do you stand before us?”
”Our cherry blossom people! We value righteousness and risk our lives for righteousness!”
”They saved us who we didn't know before! Then we must answer to our righteousness!”
”Wicked dragon, be prepared! The blade of righteousness without cloud! Let me cut you off!”
Oh my gosh... I'm a bit moved.You did it.Operate.
'Well, if you say you're coming, come! I'll tell you how little your righteousness is!'
The battle between Azi Dahaka and Sakura's army begins.The first samurai to set up was a red armor with cross-spears and a crescent helmet with eye band.
”Burn! My spear! Nichirin Red Lotus blade!”
”It's a crescent moon. Light up the dark night and dance! Crescent moon dance!”
Spears burning with sunlight and countless crescent-like slashes attack Azi Dahaka, but all are played.It hasn't been damaged.
”…I was prepared to some extent because the general said he was determined to give up his life, but I'm a little shocked that Yukimura and Masamune didn't hurt me at all.”
It's Sanada Yukimura and Date Masamune after all!He is a very popular warlord.
Yukimura Sanada was the person who thought about Sanada Maru, which we used as a reference in the previous war event.He was a busho (Japanese military commander) who fought against the Tokugawa family until the end and was called the best warrior in Japan.
Masamune DATE was a busho (Japanese military commander) known as Dokuganryu and Dateo.He was a busho (Japanese military commander) with outstanding recognition in Miyagi Prefecture and Tohoku region, and is known for fighting against Yukimura SANADA in the Siege of Osaka.Kanbei asks me that I am impressed.
”And what do you do?”
”Why are you asking me?”
”Why? Because my general told me to follow your instructions?”
Prince Shotoku~!! Isn't that a round throw!?If I could see the future, I would see the future that I could win and give you strategic instructions!But I don't have time to complain.
”'Mirai, tell me all the circumstances,'
”...everyone is safe.but it seems a little impossible to keep fighting.'
Then, from a broad perspective, this place is a retreat.
”Mr. Kanbei, can you withdraw everyone here to Freetia?”
”I can't do it, but leave it to me.Clear! Pull out everyone here.”
”Leave it to me,”
The person in the Onmyoji costume was Abe Seimei after all!?Abe Seimei will develop a giant transition magic camp in Onmyojutsu.
”'Let me go!'
Azi Dahaka destroys it.Then, the broken magic camp reconstructed and became a new magic camp.
”It's a bad dragon that you can only imitate. This is human strength.”
When Abe Seimei declared victory, we moved to Freetia.
”I'm saved...”This is the first voice of everyone.Then I shared information with cherry blossom people in a guild.
”Well, then I should have withdrawn from that place.”
”What did you do a while ago.
”Huh? I just improvised a new transition magic square because the transition magic square was broken.That dragon seems to know quite a lot about magic, but no matter how much he knows, it will take some time to analyze the new magic camp.That's all I wanted.”
I think I was told something amazing that looked so simple!Is it easy to build a new magic camp?Later, I asked Princess Henri that it was impossible, and there is a person here who did it.
As expected, he is a genius onmyoji proud of Japan.His achievements were so great that he was enshrined in a shrine.Individuals are rarely enshrined in shrines, because shrines are places where gods are enshrined.From this, you can see how amazing ABE no Seimei was.
After that, I told King Gran about the arrival of cherry blossom reinforcements and introduced the cherry blossom samurai.King Gran thanked his friends he could rely on and allowed them to stay.
Cherry blossom people enjoy the dishes of freetiers.This is all we can do.In the meantime, I received word from Lewin that the grassland area was ready for operation.
Observation teams estimate that they collide during the day in the grassland area.There's a lot of noise when I go back home to compliment Lily.I heard Lily's screams and rantings.What's going on?
”Oh, yes, I'm back.I think you've gone on a wild rampant.”
Nine tails were awake.That's fine, but for some reason he's not dressed.The place to hide is guarded by the tail. This is a case!
”Tact! Tell him to wear clothes!”
”Don't be silly! Why should I get dressed after taking a bath? Give me fried tofu instead.That house-fairy has no flexibility whatsoever!”
Did you take a bath without permission? After you take a bath, get dressed! And apparently Kiki stopped me from eating nippo, which is called Kuo's runaway.Let's give Kiki an ice series as a reward.
Nine tails were dressed on the condition that they should be fried.The victims of the Naked Nine-tailed Incident are Lily, Koi Fire, Liane, Luna, Isuki and Chikage.His face was red and he seemed to have fallen.The damage is huge. I can't tell you why Aeon is safe.
Then we talk to Kuo.
”First of all, thank you. Thank you for saving me and my followers.”
That's unexpected. You have to thank me well.
”I would have liked to give him a reward, but unfortunately he destroyed my place of residence, so I can't do it now, but I'm sure I'll thank him.”
”Then could you give all the people, including the Freetian soldiers, the right to fight on Mount Yellow Ossa?”
”People from other countries must be fighting already, but even if you don't bother asking me to do that, I'll give you permission.”
That's true, too. Then Nineo asked.
”Do you have the means to knock him down?”
”I can't say it's absolutely true, but there's a possibility that I can knock itBut to do that, I need time and I'm making time.”
”No wonder we can all fight.If that's the case, we'll help you, too.I'll have to give him a hard time.”
Then an info comes.
”””World Quest: Defeat Azi Dahaka”” is now available for all players to participate in Mount Yellow Ossa.”””
”””The fox Serianbeest can now participate in the World Quest, ””Aji Dahaka Kill.”””
You're acting like a big deal.With this, they were able to concentrate all their military power on the grassland, and furthermore, the fox Serianbeest joined the military power.
”I'm not on my best form, so I can't join you right away.If you want to buy time, it's better to have a small number of people.Use these guys.I'm sure you'll be as strong as I am.All right, you guys?”
”Yes, Mr. Nine,”
The serian beasts of foxes close to Kuo are reliable.If this happens, we'd better reconsider our strategy.I will gather everyone and explain the situation.
”If Kuo permits us, we can participate.Nefy,”
”Yes, I will contact all the staff immediately.”
”Well, so do I,”
Princess Silphi is definitely one of the strongest in the country, but she cannot be the first to hit the royal family against Azi Dahaka.Of course, the other princesses rejected it.
Why are you attacking me without saying nothing.I want you to look at mackerel cans here.I explain while using a mackerel can as a shield.
”In the last battle, we have confirmed that Exmakina's power is effective against Azi Dahaka.Unfortunately, we could not confirm the damage of other attacks, but we can say that we have a clear picture of what we need to do.”
”It's a drag on the waves,”
Then Mr. Sabah changed his position.I can't do you can't.
”We are now developing in the meadow.We are planning a battle using caverns on the ground, first with catapult attacks and long-range attacks by the Irvarest.”
”I don't think the same tactics will work?”
”Mr. Kanbei is right.But Azi Dahaka will probably break through anything.I don't think it's a problem to see cracks in the ground, but the ground is still a safer place than the sky, as far as other magic and attacks can't reach.””Well... if it's for survival and time, it's only natural to choose it. Go on.”
Mr. Cain says that I will explain to him about Azi Dahaka, who I am currently checking.
”From this story, it seems dangerous to use my forbidden spell.”
”What kind of magic is it?”
”The magic name is Harmageddon.by the magic of a natural calamity used by Nineo.If you look at the future, perhaps Azi Dahaka can use Formula Alternation.”
I've never heard of this word.He explained that I would listen to it.
”It is a curse developed by Einstein.by the magic of analyzing objects and demagogues and displaying the law as a formula.By changing this formula, you can manipulate or neutralize magic or things.It is said to be the magic that reigns at the top of the ruling system magic.Did you see Einstein analyzing it at the time of the slave's collar?”
Was that a curse!?Shocking fact! Nefi will add more.
”The terrible thing about this magic is that it is not limited to magic, it is possible to change all the laws at will.But you need a brain that understands the formula instantly and understands where and how it changes.”
Isn't that crazy?
”What happens if you change it to a lame formula?”
”Of course, the absurd formula will work and the world will be messed up.That's why it's forbidden.”
That would be a curse.It's a kind of magic that makes natural disasters look cute.By the way, the Forbidden Gravity Collapse used by Azi Dahaka seems to be Mr. Newton's Forbidden.As soon as he recognized Freetia's monster, he learned about Eriksar Lapis.I want them to cherish this star.
”This magic weakness is immediately alterable if you know it, but there are weaknesses that you can't touch poorly if you don't know it.So I'm not good at new magic.Conversely, any magic you know can be done.and my Armageddon, of course, is in it.”
”What a useless cat,”
Princess Sarah's relentless words made Cain silent, so we had a strategy meeting and deployed our troops in the grassy area of Yellow Ossa.
Name Ex-Command Ex-Makina Lv10
Life force 193
Magic power 193
Muscle strength 193
Defensive 193
Agility 193
Dexter value 193
Flight Lv24→Lv25 Multiple Armament Lv34 Night vision Lv20 Telephoto Lv26 Shooting Lv31→Lv32
Lv15→Lv16 Detailed Analysis Lv13 Computational Processing Lv30→Lv31 Command Lv5→Lv6 Multi-Aim Lv9→Lv11
Behavior prediction Lv27→Lv28 Long-range search enemy Lv32 Magic force sensing Lv6 Reflecting Lv14 Super Armored Lv3
Magic force recovery Lv11→Lv12 continuous shooting Lv29→Lv30 accelerated Lv6→Lv7 barrier Lv4→Lv5 space grasping Lv9→Lv11Replacement Lv11 Parallel Link Lv24→Lv25 Assistance Request Lv3→Lv4 Link Lv3→Lv4 Magic Charging Lv20
Unlimiterate Lv3 EM Burst Lv2→Lv3
Name Chess Alcas Bear Lv12
Life Force 106
Magic 150
Muscle strength 150
Defensive 172
Agility 70
Dexter value 80
Crushing Lv29 Fighting Lv29 Ice axe Lv31 Iron wall Lv34 Forced Lv32
Ice Armored Lv33 Star Armored Lv27 Physical Destruction Lv29 Magic Resistance Lv24 Attack Lv33
Swimming behavior Lv29 Ice nail Lv33 Ice tusks Lv19 Snow hiding Lv15→Lv17 Ice brace Lv22
Holy Brace Lv14→Lv15 Ice Throwing Lv34→Lv35 Continuous Strikes Lv23 Holy Magic Lv10 Cold Resistance Lv18→Lv19
Star Protection Lv15