600 # 573 Tact VS Sigurd (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 26840K 2022-07-24

At night, when I was ready, I headed to Brunhilde with Nova.

Gunnal was there, but the atmosphere was clearly different.It's not like a hero, it's like a murderer.Well, I think Sigurd would make sense.I'm sure you've already committed murder according to legend.

”Are you what Brunhilde said?”

Hmm... Let's play around.

”What a strange thing to say.It's like we've never met before.”


That's enough. Then Sigurd draws his sword.I feel the rusticness of the Caliburn class, and that's what Sigurd's epithet Gram is.

”Take the dangerous sword, and I'll fight you without haste.Or will you try to assassinate him? If you do that, you won't get Brunhilde for the rest of your life.”


Gunnal holds the sword.Do you listen to me there? Oh, no.Then Brunhilde appears.

”Thank you both for coming.Then, I will decide which one is more suitable for my husband in a duel.I'll be the judge.Get ready for both.”

I burst into an engagement with Nova, took out a note, and held it up.

”... Brunhilde”.

”What is it, Gunnal?”

”There is no need for a duel.That sword note is the one that my friend took care of.I was caught in this mean man's trap and his sword was taken away.Can you think that such a man is fit for you?”

”... I see. What do you think of Tact?”

Well, I don't think I'm lying, so I guess I heard that from the real Gunnal.

”I had only come to see Mr. Brunhilde, and he attacked me with this sword, so I only punished him.Is it the trap that you threw away your sword and ran away?”

`Don't give me any nonsense!'

”Then tell me what trap I used.”

”Oh, that's... attacking my sleep.”

Where's the trap when you're in bed?That's just a surprise.

Sigurd seems to be a bad liar.Mr. Brunhilde is laughing and... he asked me to play with Sigurd completely.Well, in that way, Mr. Brunhilde is sure that Gunnal is Sigurd.

”Phew, let's not argue any more.I'm Walcule. Let's decide everything by the result of a duel.We'll learn about each other in the course.”

”I understand,”

Sigurd draws a sword thought to be gram.

a duel

Contestants: Tact, Gunnal

Victory or defeat: surrender, total loss of life force

Judges: Brunhilde

”Well, let's get started!”

Start!? When Sigurd disappears, he wields a sword that seems to be Gram.

I avoided it when Gram's aura ran on the ground and cut the rocks and the ground.Furthermore, I could hear the sound of wind blowing, and when I received it on the note, it blew away.You have a bad blade... That's troublesome.

Gunnal then runs the aura again.I beat the aura while keeping my distance, and I also avoid cutting a blade, and challenge Gunnal to close combat.

Notung and Gram's supposed sword collide, aura collide, and lightning occurs.

”... Hmm!”

I am easily blown away.Sigurd understood the critical difference with me.I understood most of them.