495 # 472 Noodle dish making (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 59930K 2022-07-24

At night, I was a little worried about the damage to my back, so I decided to prepare and cook for the world quest.

First of all, I made reifu, shikigami and gofu out of straw paper.

The target is udon, which is a staple noodle dish, and spaghetti.

Pasta machine and flour, water from water trees, salt, and flour are prepared.

First, salt is added to the lukewarm water in the water to make saline solution.While adding salt water to the flour, mix it quickly and carefully to prevent the batter from forming.When it turns yellow, it's done.

Next is kneading.First, put the dough together.It is scooped up from below and pressed down.Turn it upside down and repeat to gather the dough.

When the dough is ready, put it on a cutting board and press the dough as if to add weight.Repeat this about 30 times, fold the dough in three, and push it from the top again.When the fabric hardens and cracks disappear on the surface, it is finished.

I'll put this to sleep.

”It's pretty... It's very hard.”

”... I'm tired... Do Aeon”.

”It can't be helped... You didn't do it at all!”

I thought Nova was good at stretching it, but it didn't work.Moreover, it is a serious problem because it is left untreated with salt water added to flour.It was a mistake to let the hard work go.

”... Lily, eat it”.

”What are you talking about? Nova!”

”... I worked hard on it”.


Lily picked it up. She picked it up.

”I can't do it!”

Lily ran away.

”Ah! Lily sometimes runs away from food!”

”Then I'll give it to Rivina.”

”Perfectly!? Then I don't understand what that means!”

It has become lively.

”Tacto hyung, it's done!”

”What do you think?”

”Is this all right?”

”Well, it's perfect.You're doing great.All three of them.”

I'd like to stroke your head, but I can't do it with flour.

``I can do it if I wash it!''

Oh... I washed my hands and patted them.

Let's make udon soup.Water from Mizuki, dried bonito, dried sardines, kelp, mackerel, soy sauce, sugar and salt are used.

First, make soup stock and soak kelp in water.When the color comes out, boil it down.Remove the kelp before boiling.The soup stock of kelp is now ready.

Add sardine dried sardines, add dried bonito and mackerel, and boil them down while removing the ash.

”It smells good~”

In addition, Udon soup, which is seasoned with soy sauce, salt and sugar, is completed.

”Oh my gosh, it's swollen”.

”Did you take it out and knead it?”


”Well, let's wrap it up.”

Paint the cutting board and the dough with powder to prevent sticking.

Place the dough on the ground and stretch it out with a noodle bar first.After stretching, sprinkle the batter again and roll it around with a noodle bar.

After being thinned, powder the dough and chopping board again.Then, fold the cloth into folding screens.You can choose whether to cut it as it is or set it on the pasta machine.

I chose to hang up.The Aeon's made udon noodles with a pasta machine.In my case, I'm done with powdering.

After that, boil it, wash it with water, and the udon noodles are ready.

After that, add udon noodles to the soup you made!

Udon: Rare 8 Cuisine Quality AEffects: 100% fullness recovery, 2-hour quickness increase (polar), 2-hour magic automatic recovery (polar)

Udon noodles and soup made from three ingredients match perfectly.

We'll all together.

”It's good~”

”The soup is delicious.”

”This udon noodles is smooth and delicious.”

It seems to be very popular.The problem is that it's hard.Even if you make it on a pasta machine, it's hard because the dough is handmade.

Next, make pasta noodles.

The ingredients are strong flour, light flour, water from water trees, salt, cocatrice eggs, and ground flour.

First, mix the cocatrice eggs, salt, and water from the water tree.

Then, put the strong flour and the thin flour in half, add the mixture made earlier, and mix it the same as udon.The point is not to use all the mixture.If there is not enough moisture in the finished dough, add a mixture.

When finished, wrap it up and rest for a while, put it in a plastic bag, and step on it to spread the dough.Fold the dough and step on it again.Repeat this four times, and when finished, put it to sleep.

Then Lily comes back and asks her natural questions.

”Tact, why are you stepping on this with your feet?”

”I was wondering about it, too.

”Isn't it because men like the fabric stepped on by women more?”

No way. Rivina.

”If you step on it with your feet, you will naturally gain more strength than your hands.As a result, you can make noodles with strong stiffness.Noodles that are too strong are not suitable for udon, so they are done with just the right hands.Of course, if you want to make noodles with strong koshi because you like them, you may step on udon noodles.”

”I see~”

Do you know?

Take out the dough, divide it into quarters, and stretch the dough with a noodle bar.Fold the dough in half and set it on the pasta machine.

Then, the dough will grow and the noodle belt will form.This work determines the thickness of the noodles.After that, cut it with a knife and decide the length.

Finally, powder is applied to the noodle belt and the noodles are cut with a cutter of a pasta machine.Use dried pasta to put it to sleep, and it's done.

By the way, pasta is made from flour and spaghetti is about two millimeters thick.The name varies depending on the thickness of the pasta noodles.

Let's try the original spaghetti.The ingredients are spaghetti, clams, scallops, shrimp, udon soup, salt and water from Mizuki.

Crab, scallop and shrimp are pretreated, and the pasta is boiled in a pot with salt.

Before spaghetti is ready, fry the scallops and shrimp in a frying pan.

When the spaghetti is ready to boil, put it in a frying pan and mix it with the udon sauce.

Japanese-style bongolebianco: Rare level 8 Cuisine Quality A

Effects: 100% fullness, 2-hour quickness (research), 2-hour magic recovery (extreme)

Fish and shellfish spaghetti with clams, scallops and shrimp.It is lightly flavored bongolebianco because it uses Japanese-style soup stock and does not use oil.

I mean, I didn't use oil. I couldn't use it.I don't have olive oil.Buff has a lot of fish and shellfish, so it is important to improve the ability of quick and quick.

Well, how does it taste?

”Yes, isn't it bad?”

”Tact, Lily, too!”

”... Lily ran away, so it's the last time”.

”It's Nova's fault!”

Yes, yes. I'm going to make everyone's share, so wait... The result is good.Well, the ingredients are good.I think Aeon and Liane, who like fish, had a strike.

Japanese foxes also like Japanese style, so they are very good at talking.

But the problem with noodle dishes is the dough.We have to hire someone to make it with this alone.I have to talk to Luin about this.

”Oh! You guys are eating delicious pasta!”

Oh, my God, Mel found it... Well, let's have a taste.

”Oh! It's pasta!”

”You used udon soup, didn't you?”Yes, it's delicious.”

”... Udon is perfect too.”

”Another helping!”

Hey! Don't lick the dough!”It's not finished by adding flour and water to the pasta machine...”

”Do you want to request management?”

”... If you want to make it, you can make it. It's just that scary noodles are finished.”

I'll vote for the completion of what I can't call the quickest noodles that I can't even boil.

”That's the answer you'll get,”Well, I can hire labor, so I'll think about making dough.”

Lily comes today when I try to log out.

”Tact, how about a sirloin steak?”

Oh, I forgot.

”Are you going to eat even though you ate.

”Sirloin steak is a separate meal!”

That's why I baked it.It's just the same salt as it was in the beginning.

”Oh, it's good...”

cried Lily.It's the sirloin steak that I've been hoping for.


But the sirloin steak was gone for Lily to stab her fork.

”Oh, that?”

Lily is looking for it.No wonder. Sieg took it away in an instant and quickly hid under the desk.Now, log out.

”Tact! Wait! Lily's! Lily's sirloin steak is gone!”

”If you eat it, you'll lose it.”

”But it's not! You've been watching Tacto!”

”No, I don't know because I saw Lily eating deliciously.”

Lily was suddenly embarrassed when I said that, and in the meantime, Siek sneaked out from under the desk.Sensing this, Lily looks back.