476 # 455 Dragon Trials Mountaintop Area (1/2)

Elysion Online とんし 52140K 2022-07-24

The break is over and it will resume.The finish line is just around the finish line.When Lily heard of his followers, she said cheerfully that she didn't understand.

It's okay. It's just as I expected.Well, most of them are lasers or recovering dragons.

The members will challenge themselves with Rivina, Sephone, Farreader, Alanea and Puyosuke.I want to preserve Nova.

We all aim for the top of the mountain.Then there was a cute dragon.

Dragonet Lv1

Summon Monster Expedition Target Active

It's a small white dragon.What's more, it's level one. What should I don't know.


Oh, that's cute. Rivina looks the same when she got into the pot.

”Wow! Cute dragon! Tact! Why don't you feed them?”

”Can you do it?”

”I don't know.Look, you're so cute.”

Rivina's face is burned with a laser.


”How many heads are slanted? You're the one who did it, right? I'm mad!”

That was the moment when Rivina was like that.


When Dragonet shouted, many Dragonet appeared.Isn't this crazy?

Light gathers in Dragonets' mouths.As expected!

”Puyosuke, please!”


Laser is fired randomly.I'm glad I chose Puyosuke.

”Because you make me angry,”

”What!? It's my fault!? Or was it my enemy?”

”Well... but it's very hard to knock down.”

Cuteness gets in the way.

”That's not the time to say that... Magical interference!”

Farreader uses magic interference, but the laser doesn't stop.

”Look... I probably have the protection of the Dragon of Light. It's stronger than it looks.”

”Well... but...”

Maybe the Dragonets ran away when I was worried.Was good

”You ran away!? Let me punish you for burning my face!”

Farreader asks as Rivina screams.

”I was surprised to let him go,”

Some monsters don't want to defeat me, and others don't want to fight me.Farreader doesn't like to fight slime, either?”

”... well,”

Puyosuke is depressed.I'm not talking about you.Then Sephonet reacts.

”Well... something is coming this way.”

When Sephonet said so, many white Oriental dragons appeared from the side of the mountain.

White dragon?

? ? ?If Black Dragon comes, White Dragon comes out.But that number... Does it feel like Dragonets called me?

The mouths of the white dragons shine.


The excessive laser shooting is guarded again by Puyosuke.It's a pretty dragon, but I won't forgive him.

”I'll do it, Alanea, off the ground.I'll turn off the laser, so everyone, please adjust.”

”All right,”

”Leave it to me!”

”I can go at any time!”

Now, how do we stop it?

”Roon skill!”

The laser of a white dragon stopped.Does it work?


”Leave it to me! Summon the shadow!”

When Sephone and I sealed the laser one after another, the white dragon shot the laser again.A white dragon was unsealed.In addition, the damage of the seal of incantation has been restored.

Oh... That's annoying... Change of strategy.

”””Chain Exploitation!”””

”Expanding chain expansion” complex

I will blow up the Hakuryu.I should've done this from the beginning.

When the Rivinas see it, they fight close to each other.

”Release the devil! Focus! Let's go!”

Hwa-reader gathers the magic elements on the blade of the axe, and when he swings them, the white dragon is cut in two.The power of Hwa-Leader is unexpected.

Sephone is also defeating the White Dragons with his blood skills.

The problem is the libina.

Rivina uses blood-sucking nails, but is prevented from attacking by white dragon scales.Attractiveness has no effect, so they are struggling.Without a doubt, Hakuryu is a dragon specializing in defense.As a result, they fight with each other through magic and spiritual induction.

When I analyze it, the bodies of the white dragons shine.At that moment the Rivinas closed their eyes and, in the nick of time, were knocked off with their tails.

”Ki, it worked”.

”It's better not to get too close to him.

”But you're good at magic attacks. What are you going to do? Tact.”

”I think the rivinas drew attention, and the preparation is over.”

When Baekryong and his team tried to use the laser, the steel wire entangled themselves, and Baekryong's mouth was closed.

All right, then I'll kill you.

”I'm not sure.”

”My concubines were not very active...”

It's not what the people who messed up the immovable Baekryongs said.Then an info comes.

”Farreader's axe skills have reached 15.”I got an axe, ””rolling smash.”””

Now, we're going to dismantleave it.

White dragon scales: Rareness 7 Material Quality B

It is a scale that is not susceptible to abnormal conditions.It also has an automatic recovery effect, and is very versatile. It is a popular material for heavy fighters who don't like abnormal conditions.

White Dragon Tusk: Rareness 7 Material Quality B

Mysterious shining tusks.When used as a weapon, a dazzling weapon is completed, which has the effect of dazzling the enemy.There is also a special attack on Undead Monsters.

Hmm... Was it hard to get abnormal?If you thought it was successful, you might have failed.

Baekryong's tusks are a weapon that will be used by the enemy... they're like flashbans every time, so it's going to be extremely troublesome.After that, when they climb to the top of the mountain, they find mining points.

Flourite: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

It is a stone that emits light when heated.It is used to strengthen lenses and glass.

Flashstone: Rareness 8 Material Quality A-

It is a stone that emits intense light together with flame when heated.The color of the stone changes the color that emits light.It is used to dazzle and signal friends.

The florite was made of Ix's weapons.The flashstone is magnesium by description.

The fire shadow will be happy with the flash balls, and Nick and Sabah can will make fireworks.

As I headed straight to the top of the mountain, a dragon appeared at the end.

Dragon Monoceros Lv30

Tayme Monster Expedition Target Active

It is a dragon with a single turning angle.As I expected, it's going to run in at the turning angle.Then Sephone comes forward.

”Leave it to your mistress! I'll tell you how terrible the Devil is!”

If you say that, I'll leave it to you.

In response to the Dragon Monoceros crash, the angle of rotation of the Dragon Monoceros penetrates the Sephone when Sephone is no guard.But Sephonet is safe.

”This kind of attack... I can't communicate with vampires! I'll teach you the true power of a mistress! Magic liberation!”

When a demon blows out of Sephone, Dragon Monoceros penetrating Sephone is invaded by the demon.Dragon Monoceros is rampant, but there seems to be no countermeasure against the demons.

But it's hard to hit the wall many times and roll over.We flew into the sky and watched.